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研究生(外文):Cheng-Yueh Chou
論文名稱(外文):Therapeutic evaluation of Sheng Mai San
指導教授(外文):Mao-Tsun Lin
外文關鍵詞:Sheng Mai Sanheatstrokenitric oxide synthasec-fosischemia
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生脈散是傳統的中藥方劑,是由人參、麥門冬和五味子,三味中草藥所組成的。生脈散對於熱引起的疾病、發炎、低血壓和休克皆有一定程度的療效。它的藥理作用有抗高溫、抗缺氧、抗發炎和增加免疫力。當病人或實驗動物遭受到熱中風後,引起休克,伴隨有高體溫、低血壓、腦缺血、增加血漿中cytokines的濃度、免疫力降低、增加腦中一氧化氮酵素及原位致癌基因c-fos蛋白質的表現量和神經傷害等症狀。因此本實驗試圖利用生脈散去治療大白鼠誘發熱中風後所產生之高體溫、低血壓、腦缺血、神經傷害、腦中一氧化氮酵素及原位致癌基因c-fos蛋白質的表現量增加等症狀。因此,本實驗將大白鼠,經urethan麻醉,給予股靜脈注射生脈散抽出液(1.2g/kg),於10分鐘後,將大白鼠直接暴露於430C的環境中,誘發熱中風的生成,此時,其平均動脈血壓從高峰瞬間下降25mmHg時,稱為熱中風的生成點,此時腦血流亦下降。其結果顯示,生脈散能有效降低腦缺血與低血壓的生成,在免疫化學反應上能降低 nNOS、iNOS、eNOS的表現量,且能延長熱中風後的存活時間(survival time)和熱中風的潛伏期(latency of heatstroke onset), 且具有統計學上的意義。

Sheng Mai San, a mixture extract of Panax ginseng(人參), Ophiopogon japonieus Ker-Gawl(麥門冬) and Schisandra chinensis Baill and Sphenanthera Reha(五味子), has been prescribed for treating heat illness, inflammation, hypotension and shock. It has been shown to possess the following pharmacological actions: anti-hyperthermia, anti-hypoxia, anti-inflammation, and increased immunity. Patients or animals suffering from heatstroke also display hyperthermia, hypotension, cerebral ischemia, increase plasma cytokines, decrease immunity, increased expression of cerebral nitric oxide synthase(NOS) and c-fos proteins, and neuronal damage. The present experiments attempted to ascertain the possible therapeutic effects of Sheng Mai San in the heatstroke-induced hyperthermia, hypotension, cerebral ischemia, neuronal damage, and increased expression of NOS and c-fos protein in rats under general anesthesia. Exposing the animals to a high ambient temperature of 43 0C induced heatstroke. The time in which the mean arterial pressure (MAP) and local cerebral blood flow (CBF) decreased from their peak levels was taken as the onset of heatstroke, control rats were exposed to a temperature of 24 0C. The values of MAP and CBF after heatstroke onset were all significantly lower than those in control rats. However, the neuronal damage score and immunoreactivity of nNOS, iNOS, eNOS and c-fos proteins in the frontal cortex and hypothalamus, and body temperature were greater. Systemic pretreatment with an exogenous Sheng Mai San(1.2 g/ kg, i.v.) reduced the heatstroke-induced arterial hypotension, cerebral ischemia, immunoreactive expression of eNOS, nNOS and iNOS neuronal damage, and resulted in prolongation of the time to death ( the interval between the onset of heat stress and cardiac arrest.) Systemic pretreatment with anyone of the Sheng Mai San components produced a lesser or an insignificant therapeutic effect. The data support the hypothesis that Seng Mai San reduce the NOS activity and provide the neuroprotective effects observed in rat heatstroke.

目錄 I
中 文 摘 要 III
英 文 摘 要 IV
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 熱中風 ( Heatstroke ) 2
1-2 生脈散(Sheng Mai San) 9
1-3 一氧化氮 13
(Nitric Oxide ; 簡稱 NO)
1-4 原位致癌基因c-fos 19
1-5 實驗目的 23
第二章 材料與方法 24
2-1 藥品制備 25
2-2 實驗動物 28
2-3 實驗方法 29
2-4 實驗流程 38
2-5 統計方法 41
第三章 實驗結果 42
3-1 生脈散之單味組成對熱中風 43
3-2 生脈散對熱中風的存活時間 45
3-3 神經損傷的評估的結果 46
3-4 實驗結果附圖 48
第四章 實驗討論 70
4-1 傳統醫學上,中藥方劑生脈散 71
4-2 生脈散、一氧化氮合成酵素與 73
4-3 生脈散、c-fos蛋白質 76
第五章 實驗結論 77
第六章 參考文獻 79

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