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研究生(外文):W. C. Chang
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Endomorphins on the Activities of Hypothalamic Tuberoinfundibular Dopaminergic Neurons
指導教授(外文):J. T. Pan, Ph.D.
外文關鍵詞:endomorphinstuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neuronsTIDAprolactin
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腦下腺前葉泌乳素(prolactin)的分泌調控主要受到結節漏斗多巴胺神經元(tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neurons, TIDA neurons)釋放的多巴胺所抑制,其神經元本體存在於下視丘弓狀核的背中區(dorsomedial arcuate nucleus, dm ARN),而其軸突投射至中突區(median eminence, ME)。目前已知多種因子參與TIDA神經元的調控,其中包括了鴉片類物質以及多巴胺本身;無論是鴉片類胜或是其受體(mu及kappa型)均被確定存在於弓狀核,而透過它們對TIDA神經元活性產生的抑制作用也已被證實。
內嗎啡一型及二型(endomorphin-1 and -2, EM1/EM2)是一類新發現具有四個胺基酸的內生性鴉片類物質,兩者均對鴉片類受體mu型具有極高的親和力及專一性,且具有有效的止痛能力。利用免疫組織化學染色進一步證實內嗎啡存在於下視丘弓狀核。因此使我們感興趣內嗎啡的存在是否影響TIDA神經元的活性。本論文主要利用電生理及神經化學的方法探討我關心的問題。
利用側腦室注射的方法對清醒的雌性大白鼠投予藥物,內嗎啡一型及二型在每隻大鼠1 mg的劑量下能抑制TIDA神經元活性於15至60分鐘不等,但血漿中泌乳素的濃度僅在十五分鐘時有顯著上昇的現象;內嗎啡二型在三種劑量下(0.1-5 mg)均能有效抑制TIDA神經元活性,但內嗎啡二型僅在劑量1, 5 mg下使得血漿中泌乳素含量上昇;內嗎啡一型的劑量實驗中其抑制作用並不顯著。伴隨內嗎啡一型同時給予鴉片類受體的拮抗劑naloxone(2.5 mg),能有效阻斷內嗎啡一型抑制TIDA神經元活性的效果,而此時因內嗎啡一型造成的血漿泌乳素含量上昇的現象也同時被阻斷。本實驗乃利用高效液相層析儀╱電化學偵測系統測量中突區的多巴胺代謝產物DOPAC作為TIDA神經元活性之指標,以放射免疫測定法檢測血漿中泌乳素含量。

The secretion of prolactin is inhibited by dopamine released from the tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic (TIDA) neurons. The cell bodies of these neurons are located in dorsomedial part of the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus (dmARN) and their axons terminate in the median eminence (ME). Various factors participate in the control of TIDA neurons, including the opioids and dopamine itself. Both opioid peptides and their receptors (mu and kappa subtype) are found in the ARN, and they are known to exhibit an inhibitory effect on TIDA neuronal activity.
Endomorphin-1 and -2 (EM1/EM2) are newly discovered tetrapeptides that possess high affinity and selectivity for mu opiate receptor and exhibit potent analgesic effect. Immunohistochemical staining further demonstrates that EMs are located in the ARN. Thus, it was of interest to learn if EM1 and EM2 are involved in the opioidergic control of TIDA neurons. Both electrophysiological and neurochemical approaches were adopted in the study.
Using extracellular single-unit recording of dmARN neurons in brain slices prepared from ovariectomized, estrogen-treated (OVX+E2) Sprague-Dawley rats, dmARN neurons that were inhibited by dopamine were selected first and then tested with EMs and naloxone, an opioid receptor antagonist. Of the 17 dopamine-responsive dmARN neurons, EM1 inhibited 100% of them, and its inhibitory effect could be prevented by co-administered naloxone (n=9). EM2 was tested in three dmARN neurons and it also exhibited 100% inhibition.
Using intracerebroventricular injection in conscious OVX+E2 rats, EM1 and EM2 in 1 mg/rat dose inhibited TIDA neuronal activity(determined by DOPAC level in the ME) at 15-60 min, but the serum prolactin level was significantly increased only at 15 min. While EM2 in 0.1-5 mg/rat doses was effective in inhibiting the TIDA neurons, but the serum PRL only increased in 1and 5 mg/rat doses. EM1 did not exhibit a significant dose-dependent effect either. Co-administration of naloxone in 2.5 mg/rat dose significantly blocked the inhibitory effect of EM1 on TIDA neurons, and prevented the increase in serum PRL level.
In summary, both in vitro electrophysiological and in vivo neurochemical data support the notion that EMs may play a significant inhibitory role in regulating the TIDA neuronal activity, and at the same time, it briefly stimulated the prolactin release.

英文摘要 ii
中文摘要 iv
中英名詞對照 vi
緒論 1
內嗎啡 1
泌乳素 5
結節漏斗多巴胺神經元 11
研究動機 17
實驗材料與方法 18
離體腦薄片電生理實驗 18
活體實驗 20
實驗設計與結果 25
離體腦薄片電生理實驗 25
活體實驗 26
討論 31
圖表 34
參考文獻 58

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