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研究生(外文):Sheng-Chieh Hsu
論文名稱(外文):Characterization of the Differences between Hepatitis D Virus Genotypes I and II
指導教授(外文):Wan-Jr Syu
外文關鍵詞:HDVGenotypeDifferentiationInteractionViral Packaging
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D型肝炎病毒(HDV),因其核酸及所產生之D型肝炎抗原(HDAg)之變異,可區分為不同基因型,但是不同基因型HDAg之胺基酸變異所扮演的重要性並不清楚。先前對HDV之研究多集中於第一基因型,顯示許多HDAg有趣的性質。小型D型肝炎抗原(HDAg-S)可刺激HDV的複製,但是大型D型肝炎抗原(HDAg-L)卻會抑制HDV的複製,而HDAg-L只比HDAg-S在蛋白質的C-端多了19個胺基酸,卻可以和B型肝炎病毒的表面蛋白(HBsAg)作用而促進HDV病毒顆粒的包裹。HDAg在基因型上的差異遍布整個蛋白質,主要位於兩個區域。一個是位於蛋白質N-端第3至40個胺基酸負責HDAg間交互作用的區域,稱為coiled-coil domain,其差異有百分之45至50。另一個差異更大的區域是位於HDAg-L之C-端第196至214個胺基酸,為HDAg-L的裝配訊號,其差異大於百分之74。
在此研究中,我們用不同的方法來檢測HDAg在第一及第二基因型間之不同。首先,利用分別合成具有第一及第二基因型HDAg-L蛋白質C-端19個胺基酸之peptide作為抗原,製備具有基因型專一性的抗體。這兩個抗體已被証實可對於肝切片用免疫組織學的方式區分HDV的基因型,可應用於臨床及流行病學的研究。第二,利用cDNA轉染的系統將不同的HDAg表現於人類肝癌細胞株(HuH-7)中,再利用不同的專一性抗體作免疫沈澱分析,發現不同基因型之HDAgs間可交互作用,沒有基因型間的限制。第三,在同時表現HBsAg時,測量HDAg-L在病毒顆粒包裝的效率,發現不同的基因型及分離株間皆有差異,但整體而言,第二基因型HDAg-L在病毒顆粒包裝的效率上較第一基因型為差,並且影響病毒顆粒包裝的主要因素是位於HDAg-L的C端19個胺基酸。第四,在D型病毒可進行複製的模式下,比較第一及第二基因型肝炎病毒,發現兩者RNA的複製效率是相當的,但是經過複製過程後才會產生的HDAg-L,其量卻不同,並進一步造成病毒顆粒包裝效率的差異。利用RT-PCR方式分析不同基因型HDV之antigenomic RNA,發現第一基因型HDV之RNA editing效率較第二基因型HDV為好,是造成HDAg-L量不同的原因。
Different hepatitis D virus (HDV) genotypes vary in both nucleotide and the encoded hepatitis delta antigen (HDAg) sequences. The significance of these variations is unclear. Previous HDV studies focusing on the most common genotype I have revealed interesting properties of HDAg. The small form HDAg (HDAg-S) activates HDV replication while the large form (HDAg-L) with a C-terminal 19-amino acid extension plays a key role in the assembly of HDV particle by interacting with the helper hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBsAg). These genotypic differences of HDAg-L scatter along the entire sequences, but two major regions could be identified. One located at the N-terminal residues 3-40 has a 45-50% amino acid difference and overlaps with the coiled-coil domain critical for the HDAg oligomerization. The second located at the C-terminus (residues 196-214) has an amino acid sequence divergence up to 74%.
In this study, we have used several different approaches to examine the differences of HDAg between genotypes I and II. (1) Peptides covering the carboxyl-terminal 19 amino acids of HDAg-L were used as immunogens to generate genotype-specific antibodies. These antibodies were proven to be useful in immunohistochemical differentiation of HDV genotypes in liver biopsies. (2) In a cDNA transfection system, two antigens were co-expressed in HuH-7 cells and followed by specific antibody precipitation. HDAgs of different origins were found to interact with each other without genotypic discrimination. (3) The assembling efficiency of virus particle by HDAg-L (in the presence of HBsAg) varied among isolates and genotypes. The genotype II HDAg-L tended to assemble viral particles less efficiently. (4) A comparative analysis of HDV replication between genotypes I and II revealed that the HDV RNA replications of these two genotypes are similar, but vary in HDAg-L production. An RT-PCR based assay demonstrated that genotype I antigenomic HDV RNA was more efficienctly edited than genotype II.
In summary, the specific antibodies produced in the first part are valuable in epidemiological, clinical and molecular study of HDV. The functional differences between genotypes I and II HDV may explain, at least in part, why genotype II HDV infection is less frequently associated with poor clinical outcomes.
2.RNA polymerase II的角色
3.RNA editing
4.HDAg與RNA polymerase II結合區域
2.構築chimeric HDAg
十一、西戶墨點法(Western blotting)
十三、Epitope mapping所需試液
十、西方點墨法(Western blotting)
十二、間接免疫螢光法(Indirect immunofluorescence staining)
十八、北方墨點法(Northern blotting)
二十一、RNA editing分析
第三章、第一、二基因型HDV之病毒包裝與RNA editing效率
五、第一、二基因型HDV於RNA editing的差異
圖三、利用M13 phage表現peptides分析抗體的抗原決定位
圖十一、Chimeric HDAg-L共同組合VLPs不影響基因型間的差異
圖十五、第一、二基因型HDV於細包複製時的RNA editing效率
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