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研究生(外文):Chen-Kai Liao
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of Testing Method of the Posterior Spinal Fixator
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Kung Cheng
外文關鍵詞:spinebiomechanicsspinal fixatorstatic testfatigue test
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關於背痛(back pain)的問題,嚴重到脊椎不穩定後,往往需要進行脊椎融合手術(spinal fusion)。脊椎融合手術常用到脊椎內固定器(spinal fixator)來幫助椎骨融合。一般內固定器提供以下功能:支撐脊椎、維持脊椎幾何相對位置、避免過大的脊椎變形及減輕或消除疼痛。
本研究以美國材料試驗協會(American Society for Testing and Materials, 簡稱ASTM)所規範的測試流程F1717-96為依據,且修改其不適之處,並加上拉出測試(pullout test)。測試項目包括了以下幾項:軸向壓力測試(axial compression test)、壓力彎曲測試(compression bending test)、張力彎曲測試(tension bending test)、扭轉測試(torsion test)、拉出測試及疲勞測試(fatigue test)。在擬定好測試流程後,按照此流程進行測試。
本研究以美國Metronic Sofamor Danek製CDH (Cortrel Dubbouset Horizon instrumentation)廠牌之脊椎內固定器為測試樣本。以超高分子量聚乙烯(ultra high molecular weight polyethylene, UHMWPE)來模擬脊椎椎體。在靜態測試中,除了扭轉和拉出測試以外,所有破壞皆發生在螺帽(plug)上;拉出測試破壞處在骨螺釘鑽入點的材料上;疲勞測試中,除了50 %壓力彎曲降伏強度時載重週期數達1,000,000次無破壞外,其他二組,75 %和100 %壓力彎曲降伏強度皆使固定器破壞,破壞處為桿件(rod)或螺帽。由本流程中,可知道CDH內固定器在強度上最脆弱之處為螺帽,此處亦為應力集中處。

Regarding to the back pain problem, it usually undergoes spinal fusion surgery when the spine results in the occurrence of instability. Spinal fusion is used to help to increase spinal stability by spinal fixators. Spinal fixators can provide following functions including to support spine, maintain correction, prevent progression of deformity, alleviate or eliminate pain.
Nowadays in Taiwan, there are no complete and unique test standards to evaluate different kinds of spinal fixators so that these spinal fixators were tested under different test standards. As the result, clinicians are difficult to compare present spinal fixators with each other under the same test standards. Therefore, it is necessary to make a complete and unique standard to quantify the biomechanical properties of the spinal fixators in Taiwan whatever the spinal fixators were made by compatriots or imported from other countries. The results of tests can be made comparisons with different kinds of spinal fixators and justified the qualities and reliability. The purpose of this study is to establish the test standards of spinal fixators.
The method of this study is based on the standard of “American Society for Testing and Materials, ASTM, F1717-96”. We modified some parts unsuitable and replenished with pullout test. The followings are the test items: axial compression, compression bending, tension bending, torsion, pullout and fatigue test. After establishing the testing standards, we started to test the spinal fixator according to them.
The spinal fixator this study used was CDH (Cortrel Dubbouset Horizon) made by Metronic Sofamor Danek, USA. The ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) was conducted to imitate spinal vertebra. In the static biomechanical tests, all specimens had fractures in plugs except torsional test and pullout test. There were fractures in the middle part of synthetic bones in pullout test. In fatigue test, there was no damage under the load level of 50 % compressive bending yield load. It then reached 1,000,000 cycles without any destruction. Under the 75 % and 100 % compressive bending yield loads, the rod or plug fractured. In the experiments, the weakest point of CDH was plug that was also the point of stress concentration.
This study has established a complete test standard procedure for spinal fixators. According to the testing standard, this study performed biomechanical testings in CDH and then provided some experimental results for future comparison with other kinds of spinal fixators.

第一章 前言1
1-1 研究背景與現況1
1-2 脊椎解剖構造3
1-2-1 彎曲5
1-2-2 典型的椎骨5
1-2-3 頸椎區域7
1-2-4 胸椎區域8
1-2-5 腰椎區域9
1-2-6 薦椎和尾椎10
1-3 文獻回顧11
1-3-1 脊椎內固定器簡介11
1-3-2 實驗測試材枓14
1-3-2-1 生物體測試14
1-3-2-2 非生物體測試16
1-4 研究動機、目的與假設21
第二章 材料與研究方法22
2-1 材料與場地設備22
2-1-1 材料22
2-1-2 場地設備26
2-2 試件取樣27
2-3 研究方法30
2-3-1 靜態軸向壓力測試30
2-3-2 靜態壓力彎曲測試31
2-3-3 靜態張力彎曲測試33
2-3-4 靜態扭轉測試34
2-3-5 靜態拉出測試36
2-3-6 動態疲勞測試過程37
2-4 資料分析方法40
第三章 結果41
3-1 靜態測試41
3-2 動態疲勞測試58
第四章 討論62
4-1 靜態測試62
4-1-1 壓力彎曲和張力彎曲測試的比較62
4-1-2 靜態測試破壞情形和相對螺帽鎖緊力矩或骨螺釘鑽入扭矩大小之比較63
4-1-3 靜態測試中與相關文獻之比較65
4-1-4 修正後扭轉測試69
4-1-5 拉出測試與其他相關文獻比較74
4-2 動態疲勞測試78
4-2-1 破壞模式探討78
4-2-2 動態疲勞測試破壞情形和相對螺帽鎖緊力矩或骨螺釘鑽入扭矩大小之比較79
4-2-3 疲勞測試中與相關文獻之比較81
4-2-4 本研究所建立的操作規範疲勞測試和ASTM疲勞測試之比較82
4-3 臨床上選用脊椎內固定器方式85
第五章 結論與建議86
附錄一 研究方法專有術語名詞解釋92
附錄二 各種脊椎內固定器研究方法95
附錄三 詳細測試確認單108

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