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研究生(外文):Xiaoci Xu
論文名稱(外文):A study on product display design for website shopping ─ a case of mobile phone
指導教授(外文):Manlai You
外文關鍵詞:web shoppingproduct presentationergonomic designinformation design
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研究生: 許孝慈 指導教授: 游萬來
近年來, 網路購物的消費模式逐漸被消費者接受, 已有廣大的消費族群在購買高單價產品前, 會先上網收集資料再決定購買的品牌. 網路商店想要吸引消費者上網購物, 除了交易安全, 網站信譽, 與服務品質等問題以外, 更應該重視產品資訊的呈現效果, 讓消費者能夠獲得需要且完整的資訊. 本研究選擇消費者熟知, 使用族群廣泛的行動電話為案例, 從可用性的角度探討該類產品在網路上販售時應提供的資訊及其展示方式. 研究以三個方向進行: 1) 網頁設計原則的整理與收集, 2) 購物網站與實體店舖在產品展示上的比較, 以及3) 消費者產品購買特點的調查. 最後將這些資料彙集整理, 提出行動電話購物網站的展示設計概念: 行動電話的展示內容應該包含 “購買資訊”, “產品介紹”, “功能模擬”, “外觀展示”, 以及 “硬體操作” 等5項資訊. 就展示特型而言, 前2項資訊屬於基礎應用類型, 適合用簡單的文字圖片有組織有層級地呈現, 而後3項類型的資訊屬於進階應用類型, 適合用圖片, 動畫, 或是互動立體模型等媒體模擬展示. 此展示設計兼顧設計專業與消費者的立場, 並且具有多層次, 有彈性等特點, 可以依照消費者個人意願去選擇所需的產品資訊和呈現的媒體.
關鍵詞: 網路購物, 產品展示, 人因設計, 資訊設計
A Study on Product Display Design for Website Shopping
─ A Case of Mobile Phones
Student: Xiaoci Xu Advisor: Manlai You
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology
Graduate School of Industrial Design
With the development of the Internet, consumers are starting to shop on the Web. Many shoppers gather shopping information on the Web before they make decisions on buying products of high unit prices. How web-stores attract consumers depends not only on trade-safety, site credibility, and product quality, but also on its ways of organization and presentation of the information of the product per se. This study, from the point of view of usability, aims to investigate the proper ways of product presentation in web-stores, making a case of the mobile communication devices, which are becoming so popular to the consumers nowadays. There are three directions of proceeding: 1) collection and classification of web design principles, 2) the comparison of product presentation in E-store and R-store, and 3) the questionnaire of the essential information customers require in shopping mobile phones. Based on these results, a mobile phones presentation design conception is proposed: the contents of presentation should include 5 types of information: purchasing information, product introduction, function simulation, appearance display and hardware operation. The first two types of information, due to their fundamentality in product presentation, are more suitable to be presented in a well-organized and hierarchical structure with text and simple graphics. On the other hand, the last 3 types of information belong to a more advanced application in product presentation design, and hence are suitable to be additionally presented with more complicated multimedia, such as various kinds of images, animation, or even interactive 3D modeling, in order to simulate the real situation. Taking into consideration of the design expertise and customer needs, the proposed mobile phone presentation conception features its hierarchy in structure and flexibility in use by allowing the web shoppers select the information they need and the media they prefer to present it.
Keywords: web shopping, product presentation, ergonomic design, information design
英文摘要 ii
目錄 iii
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
1. 緒論
1.1 研究背景1
1.2 研究目的2
1.3 研究範圍3
1.4 研究架構與方法4
2. 文獻探討 6
2.1 網頁中的可用性 6
2.2 網頁設計原7
2.2.1 IBM Ease of Use網頁設計原則8
2.2.2 Microsoft網頁設計原則11
2.2.3 Useit.com電子商務設計原則13
2.3 展示15
2.3.1 傳統展示15
2.3.2 展示與購物模式16
2.3.3 展示與媒體17
2.3.4 網際網路的展示媒體18
3. 購物網站初探21
3.1 E-store與R-store21
3.1.1 定義21
3.1.2 文獻回顧與討論22
3.1.3 以KJ法探討消費者意見23
3.2 R-store展示方式26
3.2.1 一般通訊行26
3.2.2 量販廣場27
3.2.3 行動電話展售中心28
3.2.4 電信業者29
3.2.5 其他展示與廣告30
3.3 E-store展示方式33
3.3.1 基本產品展示方法34
3.3.2 特殊的產品展示法─案例介紹35
3.3.3 購物網站媒體應用現況40
3.3.4 行動電話展示方法與內容─個案分析42
3.4 E-store與R-store展示特性差異49
4. 消費者產品購買特點的調查51
4.1 研究背景與目的51
4.2 研究方法52
4.2.1 問卷來源與內容52
4.2.2 問卷設計53
4.2.3 研究對象與步驟54
4.3 討論與分析55
4.3.1 有效樣本描述55
4.3.2 重要度分析57
4.3.3 獲取容易度分析64
4.3.4 重要度與獲取容易度比較69
4.3.5 其他研究發現75
4.4 小結76
5. E-store行動電話展示設計78
5.1 展示原理來源78
5.1.1 網頁設計原則彙整79
5.1.2 消費者需求的展示資訊82
5.1.3 現階段E-store展示設計分析82
5.2 展示頁面的位置與範圍83
5.3 行動電話展示設計85
5.3.1 展示內容86
5.3.2 展示方法88
5.4 範例介紹92
5.4.1 基礎應用類型92
5.4.2 基礎應用範例網站96
5.4.3 進階應用類型97
5.4.4 進階應用範例網站99
5.4 小結105
6. 結論與建議106
6.1 研究發現106
6.2 研究不足與限制107
6.3 後續研究發展方向108
A: E-store消費者產品購買特點調查116
B: E-store消費者產品購賣特點調查原始資料表122
C: R-store消費者產品購買特點調查131
D: R-store消費者產品購賣特點調查原始資料表136
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