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論文名稱(外文):Study and Fabrication of the Soft X-ray Optical Device
指導教授(外文):H. T. ChouJ. T. Sheu
外文關鍵詞:reflection gratingzone platescanning probe lithographyE-beam direct writing
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The thesis studied the fabrication and properties of the reflection diffraction grating and zone plate of the soft x-ray optical device. It is difficult to fabricate grating structure because X-ray is not easily reflected and refracted by optic lens and the linewidth of grating is very small. A novel technique, scanning probe lithography (SPL), followed with wet etching can be used to fabricate nano-structure of the reflection diffraction grating. The atomic force microscope (AFM) with tip-biasing capability was adopted to induce anodic oxidation on (110) silicon wafer. The field-induced oxide was used as hard mask to generate grating pattern. By controlling the timing of the wet etching process and utilizing orientation-dependent etching (ODE) straight sidewalls and U groove of x-ray grating structures can be achieved. The zone plate structure can be looked upon as the circular diffraction grating that was used as focusing optics in the application of x-ray microscopy. E-beam direct writing was adopted to write pattern of zone plate and the pattern was transfered into zone plate structure with lift-off process. Before experiment, optimal conditions and mechanism of the reflection diffraction grating and zone plate were investigated with the simulation. In the reflection diffraction grating, the diffraction efficiency is affected by many factors, which include the wavelength, pitch, groove depth, incident angle and sputtering metal materials. In the zone plate, the diffraction efficiency is decided by energy of incident light, thickness, materials and ratio of central stop. According to the results of simulation, 96 nm linewidth of the grating structure for 13.42 nm soft x-ray with 8° of the grazing incident angle was fabricated, and the variable linewidth of outmost zone of the zone plate structure with 700 eV energy and 0.5 of obstructive ratio of the central stop were developed.

第四章實驗理論與方法…… ………………………………30

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