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研究生(外文):Si-Min Lo
論文名稱(外文):Applications of CFD and Mold Flow in the Design and Analysis of Thin Type IC Packages
指導教授(外文):Chia-Lung Chang
外文關鍵詞:CFDthermal resistancemold flow analysismelt-front shapeshort-shot testwarpagepaddle shift
  • 被引用被引用:8
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In this thesis, the finite element method (FEM) is applied to predict the thermal performance of the IC packages. The FEM solid model is built using the empirically correlated surface convection coefficients to predict the thermal field, then the CFD thermal model of the packages to represent the package in wind tunnel experiment is generated to simulate the thermal and flow fields of the package. Comparison both the predicted thermal resistance values by solid and CFD modeling with the experimental measurements, CFD modeling is closer to the measurement data. Also the effects of design parameters of the package on the thermal performance is discussed.
The contents of mold flow analysis of IC packages include three parts. Firstly, the mold flow simulation during encapsulation is performed, then the prediction is verified by the short-shot test to assure the accuracy of the predicted melt-front advancement shapes. Secondly, the downset and the size ratio between die pad are chosen as design parameters to study the effects of design parameters on melt-front shapes. In the third part, the effect of melt-front difference between the upper and lower cavity (race track) by various die sizes on the package surface warpage and paddle shift are discussed, here the results of TSOP40 are demonstrated. The results show that CAE simulation can effectively predict the melt-front shapes, paddle shift, and air trap defect. Also the closer die size to die pad size, the more smooth the race track profiles, which minimize the package surface warpage and paddle shift.
中文摘要-------------------------------------------- i
目錄------------------------------------------------ iv
符號說明------------------------------------------ --x
1.1 半導體產業概況-----------------------------------1
1.2 電子構裝技術製程---------------------------------3
1.3 電子構裝分類與展望-------------------------------5
1.4 文獻回顧- ---------------------------------------8
2.1 ANSYS模擬方法-----------------------------------10
2.1.1 FEM熱場分析-假設條件--------------------------10
2.1.2 CFD流場分析-假設條件--------------------------11
2.2 熱場實驗--風洞介紹-------------------------------11
2.3 實驗環境條件-------------------------------------12
2.3.1 自然對流 (natural convection)-----------------12
2.3.2 強制對流 (forced convection)------------------13
2.4 風洞實驗步驟-------------------------------------14
2.4.1 自然對流(natural convection)之熱阻量測--------14
2.4.2 強迫對流(forced convection)之熱阻量測---------14
2.5 建立模擬分析風洞模型-流場分析--------------------15
2.6 構裝體(package)模型簡化--------------------------15
2.6.1 晶片座(pad)簡化設計---------------------------15
2.6.2 導線架(lead frame)簡化設計--------------------16
2.6.3 金線簡化設計----------------------------------17
2.6.4 銀膠(die attach)簡化設計------------------17
2.7 模流分析-------------------------------------18
2.8 幾何模型的建構技巧-------------------------------18
2.9 模流分析項目-------------------------------------19
2.10 短射實驗步驟------------------------------------20
2.11 翹曲量測實驗------------------------------------22
2.11.1 陰影疊紋法量測原理--------------------------22
2.12 晶片座偏移量量測-工具顯微鏡---------------------22
3.1 熱傳分析基礎理論---------------------------------25
 3.1.1 熱傳導理論-----------------------------------25
3.1.2 熱對流方程式與熱對流係數-----------------28
3.2 熱阻量測-----------------------------------31
3.3 CFD模型分析理論----------------------------33
3.4 模流分析原理-------------------------------34
4.1 介紹分析元素-------------------------------------36
4.2 熱場與流場分析結果-------------------------------37
4.2.1網格大小分佈 ---------------------------------38
 4.2.2 熱場與流場分析結果---TSOP50 二層板-----------40
4.2.3 熱場與流場分析結果---PQFP100-----------------43
 4.2.4 熱場與流場分析結果---LQFP208-------------46
5.1 前言---------------------------------------------52
5.2 模流分析模擬和實驗比對驗證-----------------------54
5.2.1 TSOP系列-TSOP40------------------------------54
 5.2.2 LQFP系列-LQFP 176L---------------------------55
5.2.3 LQFP系列-LQFP208-----------------------------58
5.3 參數設計--------------------------------------60
5.3.1 TSOP系列-TSOP40------------------------------60
 5.3.2 QFP系列-LQFP 208L----------------------------62
5.4 探討晶片大小與晶片座偏移的關係-------------------63
5.4.1 TSOP系列-以TSOPII 40為例---------------------63
 5.4.2 晶片座偏移實驗量測數據 176L------------------64
5.4.3 翹曲實驗量測結果-----------------------------71
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5. (20)譚富光, 86年6月,「球型陣列塑膠構裝之Cavity Up 與 Cavity Down 封裝形式的熱傳特性探討」,電腦與通訊,第60期,第25-41頁。
6. (16)徐昌煜, 1999, “CAE在塑膠成型上的應用”, 塑膠資訊, pp8-19.
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