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研究生(外文):Lin Hang Tang
論文名稱(外文):AC Impedance Technique to Study the Behavior of Organic and Zinc Rich Coatings
指導教授(外文):Yin Ken Ming
外文關鍵詞:EISImpedanceZinc Rich Paint(ZRP)Polarization ResistanceEpoxy ResinEquivalent CircuitCorrosion
  • 被引用被引用:10
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為了解高分子塗層在溶液中劣化的行為,選用黑鐵片塗佈防蝕塗層做為實驗試片。實驗塗層分為兩大類。第一類選擇環氧樹脂做為塗層,以黑鐵片進行空白實驗。塗層製作方式以旋轉塗佈製作。測試環境分別為0.5M NaCl、0.1M HCl、0.1M HNO3及0.1M H2SO4;第二類則以鋅粉為塗料,加上環氧樹脂為結合料以製成Zinc Rich Paint(ZRP)。塗料分為商用及自製兩種,並以鍍鋅鋼板進行空白實驗。自製塗料以噴塗法及刮塗法製作。測試環境分別為0.5M NaCl、0.1M HCl。
測試項目分為1.交流阻抗(ac Impedance)、2.開路電位隨時間的變化、3.表面外觀分析(SEM),其中ZRP試片並做4.腐蝕電流的觀察。藉由頻率範圍從1M Hz~50m Hz的交流阻抗頻譜分析去建構一套電阻-電容等效電路模型用以描述溶液/塗層/金屬界面的腐蝕行為。並且以開路電位的變化與SEM的外觀變化加以比較。再者,改變塗層的鋅粉百分比與厚度,觀察這些參數對塗層腐蝕性質的影響。
To understand the behavior that the polymer coatings deteriorated in solution, selected iron plate that was spread by anti-corrosion coatings to be sample. And coatings had two types. First type used epoxy resin to be coating and used iron plate to do blank test. The making method of coating was spin coating. The solutions were 0.5M NaCl、0.1M HCl、0.1M HNO3 and 0.1M H2SO4; Second type, Zinc Rich Paint(ZRP) was made by using zinc powder to be paint and epoxy resin be binder. Paints were divided into commercial and ours, and used galvanized steel to do blank test. The making methods of our coatings were spraying and spreading. The solutions were 0.5M NaCl and 0.1M HCl.
The measurements included 1.ac Impedance、2.OCP vs time、3.surface visual analysis(by SEM) and ZRP add 4.the test of icorr vs time. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) in the 1M Hz~50m Hz frequency rangy was applied to construct a resistance-capacitance equivalent circuit model to simulate the corrosion behavior in solution/coating/metal interface system. And compare with the variation of OCP and visual surface by SEM. Also, observe the influence of coating’s corrosive properties by changing some coating’s parameters like percentage of zinc and thickness.
As a result, epoxy resin had good anti-corrosion property in NaCl environment. But ZRP revealed lower impedance as initial, this consisted with the characteristic that zinc was sacrificial anode. In latter period, zinc was dissolved and oxidized to be zinc oxide. And iron was exposed to solution, so we can observe the risen impedance than former period.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
第一章緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 腐蝕簡介 2
1-3 環氧樹脂的性質與用途 3
1-4 ZRP(Zinc Rich Paint,富鋅塗料)的簡介 5
1-5 簡介測試裝置 6
第二章文獻回顧 8
2-1 EIS技術的應用 8
2-2 環氧樹脂在金屬防蝕上的應用 10
2-3 ZRP在金屬防蝕上的應用 11
第三章理論分析 13
3-1 EIS的原理 13
3-2 電子元件的基本意義 16
3-3 EIS的基本解析圖 19
3-4 Polarization Resistance Method的原理 23
第四章實驗程序 27
4-1 儀器設備 27
4-2 藥品與試片 29
4-3 試片製作流程 30
4-4 溶液配製 32
4-5 儀器設定 33
第五章實驗結果與討論 35
5-1 Epoxy Coating-EIS試驗 35
5-1-1 空白實驗 35
5-1-2 Epoxy在中性環境下之EIS圖 37
5-1-3 Epoxy在酸性環境下之EIS圖 38
5-2 Zinc Rich Paints(ZRP)-EIS試驗 71
5-2-1 空白實驗 71
5-2-2 ZRP在中性環境下之EIS圖73
5-2-3 ZRP在酸性環境下之EIS圖75
5-3 開路電位與腐蝕電流的變化 109
5-3-1 Epoxy Coating-OCP 109
5-3-2 ZRP-OCP & icorr 109
5-4 SEM與EDX測試 118
第六章結論 126
第七章未來工作目標 128
參考文獻 129
附錄一 133
附錄二 135
自傳 136
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