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研究生(外文):Chih-Liang Traw
論文名稱(外文):Application of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems on GSM Network
指導教授:馬 杰
指導教授(外文):Jeich Mar
外文關鍵詞:Authentication protocolElliptic curve cryptographyMobile communicationGSMkey exchangePublic key cryptosystemPrivate key cryptosystemCipher text
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本篇論文提出一種應用於GSM(Global system mobile communication)無線電行動通訊網路的識別協議(Authentication protocol)。GSM的原識別協議使用A3,A5,A8的函數執行識別功能,加、解密運算及產生通訊金鑰,提供GSM網路的安全機制,但A3,A5,A8三個函數的演算法並未對外界公開,也就難以驗證這些函數是否真的安全可靠。本篇論文的識別協議以公開金鑰密碼系統之橢圓曲線密碼系統(Elliptic curve cryptography,ECC)的理論為基礎,建立產生任意橢圓曲線參數的方法,設置系統參數,並且運用橢圓曲線執行金鑰交換的功能,並以安全性及傳輸參數量分析比較與GSM識別協議及Lo and Chen識別協議及本篇論文提出之識別協議間之優劣點。分析結果顯示本論文提出之識別協議具有保密性高及傳輸參數少之優點,較易以軟硬體實現識別協議於無線行動通訊系統中。
In this thesis, a authentication protocol applied for the Global System for Mobile communication(GSM) networks is proposed. The current authentication protocol of GSM uses A3, A5 and A8 algorithms,which are proprietary and can not be verified.The elliptic cuve cryptography(ECC) is used for user authentication and key exchange.The security performance and the total number of the transmission parameters between the proposed authentication protocol and other protocol are analyzed .The analytical results indicate that the proposed authentication protocol has the dvantages of the best security and the minimum number of transmission parameters. The protocol proposed in the thesis is more easy to be realized in the mobile radio system.
中文摘要.............................. i
英文摘要............................. ii
誌謝................................ iii
目錄................................. iv
圖目錄............................... v
表目錄............................. . vi
符號說明............................ vii
第一章 導論...................... 1
1.1 前言............................. 1
1.2 研究動機與目的................... 1
1.3 研究項目方法..................... 2
1.4 各章內容提要..................... 2
第二章 密碼系統...................... 4
2.1 私密金鑰密碼系統................. 4
2.2 公開金鑰密碼系統................. 6
2.3 混合式密碼系統.................... 9
第三章 橢圓曲線密碼系統......... 10
3.1 橢圓曲線之定義................... 12
3.2 橢圓曲線參數之建立............... 14
3.3 橢圓曲線ECC的表示法.............. 15
3.4 Diffie-Hellman 金鑰交換.......... 15
3.5 如何運用ECC來執行金鑰交換........ 18
4.1GSM系統簡介....................... 20
4.2GSM識別協議....................... 22
4.3Lo and Chen提出之識別協議......... 24
4.4論文提出之識別協議................ 26
第五章 與GSM識別協議的分析與比較. 29
5.1 安全性方面之比較............ 29
5.2 GSM系統辨證流量分析......... 31
5.3 辨證所需傳輸量分析.......... 37
5.4 計算結果比較................ 39
第六章 結論......................... 41
參考文獻 ......................... 42
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