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研究生(外文):yu-chung, Cheng
論文名稱(外文):THe relationship between leader behavior and subordinate''s morale: A preliminary study on Taiwan high school military instructor
指導教授(外文):Po-chien, Li
外文關鍵詞:consiserationinitiation of structurejob satisfactionorganization commitmentturnover
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研究生:鄭育群 指導教授:李伯謙博士
The Relationship Between Leader Behavior
and Subordinate’s Morale:
A Preliminary Study on Taiwan High School Military Instructor
Student: Yu-chung Cheng. Advisor: Po-chien Li, Ph. D
Institute of Management
Yuan - Ze University
The purpose of the research is to explore the relationship between the leader behaviors of military instructor directors and their subordinates’ work morale. To test research hypotheses, mail survey was used to collect date from 122 high school military instructors examined in the current study include consideration and initiation of structure, and the construct of work morale was measured by three job-related attitudinal variable: job satisfaction, affective commitment, and intend to leave. The results of the study indicated that consideration behavior was positively related to subordinate’s job satisfaction, but was not associated with affective commitment and intent to leave. In contrast, initiation of structure behavior appeared to have a negative relationship with job satisfaction and affective commitment, and have a positive association with intent to leave. Research implications and suggestions for future studies are also provided in the thesis.
目   錄
一、 緒 論...............................1
1.1 研究背景.........................1
1.2 研究動機.........................2
1.3 研究目的與重要性.................2
二、  文獻探討...........................4
2.1 我國軍訓制度介紹.................4
2.2 領導的意義及特性.................8
2.3 領導理論演進及型式...............9
2.4 士氣與影響士氣的因素.............31
三、  研究架構及假設.....................38
3.1 研究架構簡介.....................38
3.2 領導行為對個人士氣因子的影響.....40
3.3 研究假設.........................43
四、  研究方法...........................44
 4.1 研究對象與資料蒐集...............44
 4.2 研究變項衡量.....................45
五、  研究結果及分析.....................47
5.1 樣本資料分析 .....................47
5.2 研究樣本描述性統計................49
5.3 研究假設檢定......................49
六、 結論及建議...........................53
6.1 研究發現.........................53
6.2 研究限制.........................54
6.3 研究建議.........................55
附錄: 研究問卷............................66
圖 目 錄
圖2-1  教育部軍訓處組織體系..............7
圖2-2  領導行為連續構面..................13
圖2-3  俄亥俄州立大學兩構面領導模型座標..14
圖2-4  領導方格..........................17
圖2-5  途徑目標理論中領導者的角色........22
圖2-6  情境與偏好的領導型式..............23
圖2-7  情境領導理論架構..................25
圖2-8  轉換領導因子......................30
圖2-9  士氣與生產效率之關係..............33
圖3-1  研究架構..........................39
表 目 錄
表2-1   領導者六大特質分類............10
表2-2   領導行為主要論點..............18
表2-3   任務、關係導向領導者差異比較..19
表2-4   情境有利程度與領導型式之搭配..20
表2-5   領導型式及其分類說明..........27
表2-6   規範性決策模式之權變因素......27
表3-1   研究假設......................43
表4-1   問卷發出回收統計..............45
表5-1-1 受訪者性別分析................47
表5-1-2 受訪者年齡分析................47
表5-1-3 受訪者教育程度分析............48
表5-1-4 受訪者婚姻狀況分析............48
表5-1-5 受訪者服務年資分析............48
表5-2   研究構面描述性統計............49
表5-3   研究構面相關分析..............51
表5-4   研究構面分析結果..............52
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