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研究生(外文):Hsin-Chi Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Carrier Sense Range and Frame Size on IEEE 802.11 Based Multi-hop Networks
指導教授(外文):Ting-Chao Hou
外文關鍵詞:Multi-hop Networkshidden nodeexposed nodeCarrier Sense RangeFrame SizeIEEE 802.11DCF
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衰減和干擾是無線環境既有的問題,除此之外,隱藏點 (hidden node) 問題是在無線多點跳躍式網路所發生的特有干擾現象。IEEE 802.11是無線區域網路的標準,它定義了分散式協調功能 (DCF) 的機制, 可以應用在多點跳躍式網路上。本篇論文主要分析IEEE 802.11 DCF 用在媒介存取控制 (MAC) 機制上的效能分析。我們以不同的載波偵測範圍和不同的訊框資料長度來討論在無線多點跳躍式網路的隱藏點和曝露點 (exposed node) 的問題。

In recent years there has been an increasing trend toward wireless communications. Wireless communication networks are gaining special interest as they provide flexibility and convenience. Much research has focused on one kind of multi-hop ad hoc wireless networks where there is no stationary infrastructure, such as a base station, and nodes communicate with each other through other mobile nodes. It may work together with the existing mobile cellular system to extend the communication coverage.
In a wireless environment, there are the inherent fading and
interference problems. The hidden node problem is a unique
interference phenomenon in wireless multi-hop networks. IEEE
802.11 is a wireless LAN standard which defines a DCF mechanism
that may be used in a multi-hop networks. This thesis work
analyzes the throughput of a wireless multi-hop network when the
IEEE 802.11 DCF mechanism is used as the MAC access scheme. We
discuss the hidden node problem and the exposed node problem when different carrier sense ranges and packet sizes are adopted in a multi-hop WLAN.

Table of Contents iv
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
Abstract x
1 Introduction 1
2 IEEE 802.11 DCF 6
2.1 CarrierSenseMechanism.........................6
2.1.1 PhysicalCarrierSense ......................7
2.1.2 VirtualCarrierSense.......................7
2.2 RandomBacko Time ..........................9
2.3 DCF Access Procedure ..........................11
3 Mathematical Analysis 13
3.1 OverviewoftheSingle-hopAnalysis...................13
3.1.1 Packet Transmission Probability .................13
3.1.2 Throughput Analysis .......................16
3.2 MultihopNetworkAnalysis .......................17
3.3 Calculation of Equilibrium τ .......................21
3.4 TheAnalyticalResult ..........................21
4 Simulation study 24
4.1 NS-2Introduction.............................24
4.2 SimulationModel.............................26
4.3 TheSimulationResult ..........................27
5 Multihop Topology in One Dimension 32
5.1 Three Baseline Connection Patterns with Four Nodes .........32
5.2 Three Transmission Pairs in One-Dimensional Topology ........47
6 Conclusions 55
Bibliography 57

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