@article{HAAS99, title="''''{G}uest {E}ditorial {W}ireless {A}d {H}oc {N}etworks''''", author="Z. J. Haas", journal="IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol 17, no 8", month="Aug.", year=薗9;", pages="pp. 1329-1330" } @article{JOMA96, title="''{T}ruly {S}eamless {W}ireless and {M}obile {H}ost {N}etworking: {P}rotocols for {A}daptive {W}ireless and {M}obile {N}etworking''''", author="D. B. Johnson and D. A. Maltz", journal="IEEE Personal Communications", month="Feb.", year=薗6;", pages="pp. 34-42" } @article{LIGE97, title="''{A}daptive {C}lustering for {M}obile {W}ireless {N}etworks''''", author="C. R. Lin and M. Gerla", journal="IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol 15, no 7", month="Sep.", year=薗7;", pages="pp. 1265-1275" } @article{LIGE95, title="''{A} {D}istributed {C}ontrol {S}cheme in {M}ulti-{H}op {P}acket {R}adio {N}etworks for {V}oice/{D}ata {T}raffic {S}upport''''", author="C. R. Lin and M. Gerla", journal="IEEE ICC", year=薗5;", pages="pp. 1238-1242" } @article{GETS95, title="''{M}ulticluster, {M}obile, {M}ultimedia {R}adio {N}etwork''''", author="M. Gerla and J. T.-C. Tsai", journal="ACM J. wireless Networks, vol 1, no 3", year=薗5;", pages="pp. 255-265" } @article{BAWI82, title="''{A} {D}istributed {A}lgorithm for {S}cheduling the {A}ctivation of {L}inks in a {S}elf-{O}rganizing, {M}obile, {R}adio {N}etwork''''", author="D. J. Baker and J. Wieselthier and A. Ephremides", journal="IEEE ICC", year=", pages="pp. 2F.6.1-2F.6.4" } @article{BAKE83, title="''{D}istributed {C}ontrol of {B}roadcast {R}adio {N}etworks with {C}hanging {T}opologies''''", author="D. J. Baker", journal="IEEE INFOCOM", year=", pages="pp. 49-55" } @article{BAEP81, title="''{T}he {A}rchitectural {O}rganization of a {M}obile {R}adio {N}etwork via a {D}istributed {A}lgorithm''''", author="D. J. Baker and A. Ephremides", journal="IEEE Trans. on Communications, vol COM-29, no 11", month="Nov.", year=", pages="pp. 1964-1971" } @article{HOTS98, title="''{A}daptive {C}lustering in a {H}ierarchical {A}d {H}oc {N}etwork''''", author="T-C. Hou and T-J. Tsai", journal="International Computer Symposium", year=薗8;", pages="pp. 171-176" } @article{DABH97, title="''{R}outing in {A}d-{H}oc {N}etworks {U}sing {M}inimum {C}onnected {D}ominating {S}ets''''", author="B. Das and V. Bharghavan", journal="IEEE ICC", year=薗7;", pages="pp. 376-380" } @article{DASI97, title="''{R}outing in {A}d {H}oc {N}etworks {U}sing a {S}pine''''", author="B. Das and R. Sivakumar and V. Bharghavan", journal="IEEE Computer Communications and Networks", year=薗7;", pages="pp. 34-39" } @article{RAST98, title="''{H}ierarchically-{O}rganized, {M}ultihop {M}obile {W}ireless {N}etworks for {Q}uality-of-{S}ervice {S}upport''''", author="R. Ramanathan and M. Steenstrup", journal="Mobile Networks and Applications, vol 3, no 1", year=薗8;", pages="pp. 101-119" } @article{JILI98, title="''{C}luster {B}ased {R}outing {P}rotocol ({C}{B}{R}{P}) {F}unctional {S}pecification''''", author="M. Jiang and J. Li and Y. C. Tay", journal="IETF Internet-Draft", month="Aug.", year=薗8;", } @article{MCZN99, title="''{A} {M}obility-{B}ased {F}ramework for {A}daptive {C}lustering in {W}ireless {A}d {H}oc {N}etworks''''", author="A. B. McDonald and T. F. Znati", journal="IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol 17, no 8", month="Aug.", year=薗9;", pages="pp. 1466-1487" } @article{VAKR97, title="''{A} {C}luster-{B}ased {A}pproach for {R}outing in {D}ynamic {N}etworks''''", author="N. H. Vaidya and P. Krishna and M. Chatterjee and D. K. Pradhan", journal="ACM Comput. Commun. Rev., vol 17, no 2", month="Apr.", year=薗7;", } @article{HALI99, title="''{A}d {H}oc {M}obility {M}anagement with {U}niform {Q}uorum {S}ystems''''", author="A. J. Haas and B. Liang", journal="IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, vol 7, no 2", month="Apr.", year=薗9;", pages="pp. 228-240" } @article{CHJA99, title="''{A}{N}{M}{P}: {A}d {H}oc {N}etwork {M}anagement {P}rotocol''''", author="W. Chen and N. Jain and S. Singh", journal="IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol 17, no 8", month="Aug.", year=薗9;", pages="pp. 1506-1531" } @article{IWCH99, title="''{S}calable {R}outing {S}trategies for {A}d {H}oc {W}ireless {N}etworks''''", author="A. Iwata and C.-C. Chiang and G. Pei and M. Gerla and T.-W. Chen", journal="IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol 17, no 8", month="Aug.", year=薗9;", pages="pp. 1369-1379" } @article{KIHA98, title="''{K}-{H}op {C}luster-{B}ased {D}ynamic {S}ource {R}outing in {W}ireless {A}d-{H}oc {P}acket {R}adio {N}etwork''''", author="D. kim and S. Ha and Y. Choi", journal="IEEE VTC", year=薗8;", pages="pp. 224-228" } @article{PEHA99, title="''{D}etermining the {O}ptimal {C}onfiguration for the {Z}one {R}outing {P}rotocol''''", author="M. R. Pearlman and Z. J. Haas", journal="IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol 17, no 8", month="Aug.", year=薗9;", pages="pp. 1395-1414" } @book{TANE96, author="A. S. Tanenbaum", title="{C}omputer {N}etworks", publisher="Prentice Hall", year=薗6;" } @article{LEAZ99, title="''{G}{P}{S}: {P}rimary {T}ool for {T}ime {T}ransfer''''", author="W. lewandowski and J. Azoubib and W. J. Klepczynski", journal="Proceedings of the IEEE, vol 87, no 1", month="Jan.", year=薗9;", pages="pp. 163-172" } @article{ZHCO98, title="''{A} {F}ive-{P}hase {R}eservation {P}rotocol ({F}{P}{R}{P}) for {M}obile {A}d {H}oc {N}etworks''''", author="C. Zhu and M. S. Corson", journal="IEEE INFOCOM", year=薗8;", pages="pp. 322-331" } @techreport{HIPER96, title="{R}adio {E}quipment and {S}ystems ({R}{E}{S}): {H}Igh {P}Erformance {R}adio {L}ocal {A}rea {N}etwork ({H}{I}{P}{E}{R}{L}{A}{N}), {F}unctional {S}pecification", author="draft pr ets 300 652 edition", institution="European telecommunications Standards Institute", month="Dec.", year=薗5;" } @article{HOTS01, title="''{A}n {A}ccess-{B}ased {C}lustering {P}rotool for {M}ultihop {W}ireless {A}d {H}oc {N}etworks''''", author="T-C. Hou and T-J. Tsai", journal="IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol 19, no 7", month="July", year=", pages="pp. 1201-1210" } @article{DOLI01, title="''{A}voidance of {H}idden {T}erminal {P}roblems in {C}luster-{B}ased {W}ireless {N}etworks {U}sing {E}fficient {T}wo-{L}evel {C}ode {A}ssignment {S}chemes''''", author="C.-R. Dow and C.-M. Lin and D.-W. Fan", journal="IEICE Trans. Commun., vol E84-B, no 2", month="Feb.", year=", pages="pp. 180-190" } @article{SOSI88, title="''{S}preading {C}ode {P}rotocols for {D}istributed {S}pread-{S}pectrum {P}acket {R}adio {N}etworks''''", author="E. S. Sousa and J. A. Silvester", journal="IEEE Trans. Commun., vol 36, no 3", month="Mar.", year=", pages="pp. 272-281" } @article{HULL93, title="''{D}istributed {C}ode {A}ssignments for {C}DMA {P}acket {R}adio {N}etworks''''", author="L. Hu", journal="IEEE/ACM Trans. Networking, vol 1, no 6", month="Dec.", year=薗3;", pages="pp. 668-677" } @article{GRTO00, title="''{R}educing {C}all {D}ropping in {D}istributed {D}ynamic {C}hannel {A}ssignment {A}lgorithms by {I}ncorporating {P}ower {C}ontrol in {W}ireless {A}d {H}oc {N}etworks''''", author="D. Grace and T. C. Tozer and A. G. Burr", journal="IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol 18, no 11", month="Nov.", year=", pages="pp. 2417-2428" } @article{YEYU94, title="''{C}ompact {P}attern {B}ased {D}ynamic {C}hannel {A}ssignment for {C}ellular {M}obile {S}ystems''''", author="K. L. Yeung and Ts-S. P. Yum", journal="IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol 43, no 4", month="Nov.", year=薗4;", pages="pp. 892-896" } @article{ZHYU89, title="''{C}omparisons of {C}hannel-{A}ssignment {S}trategies in {C}ellular {M}obile {T}elephone {S}ystems''''", author="M. Zhang and T.-S. P. Yum", journal="IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol 38, no 4", month="Nov.", year=", pages="pp. 215-221" } @article{FAZH00, title="''{G}reedy-{B}ased {D}ynamic {C}hannel {A}ssignment {S}trategy for {C}ellular {M}obile {N}etworks''''", author="X. Fang and C. Zhu and P. Fan", journal="IEEE Commun. Lett., vol 4, no 7", month="July", year=", pages="pp. 215-217" } @article{FUAK91, title="''{C}hannel {S}egregation, a {D}istributed {A}daptive {C}hannel {A}llocation {S}cheme for {M}obile {C}ommunication {S}ystems''''", author="Y. Furuya and T. Akaiwa", journal="IEICE Transactions Commun., vol E47, no 6", month="June", year=薗1;", pages="pp. 1531-1537" } @article{AKAN93, title="''{C}hannel {S}egregation - a {S}elf-{O}rganized {D}ynamic {C}hannel {A}llocation {M}ethod: {A}pplication to {T}{D}{M}{A}/{F}{D}{M}{A} {M}icrocellular {S}ystem''''", author="Y. Akaiwa and H. Andoth", journal="IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 11, no 6", month="Aug.", year=薗3;", pages="pp. 949-954" } @article{CISI89, title="''{D}istributed {A}ssignment {A}lgorithm for {M}ultihop {P}acket {R}adio {N}etworks''''", author="I. Cidon and M. Sidi", journal="IEEE Trans. Comput.,vol 38, no 10", month="Oct.", year=", pages="pp. 1353-1361" } @article{KEPO91, title="''{D}istributed {S}cheduling for {C}DMA {N}etworks with {M}inimal {I}nformation''''", author="A. Kershenbaum and M. J. Post", journal="IEEE Trans. Commun., vol 39, no 1", month="Jan.", year=薗1;", pages="pp. 17-20" } @article{CHDA01, title="''An {O}n-{D}emand {W}eighted {C}lustering {A}lgorithm ({W}{C}{A}) for {A}d {H}oc {N}etworks''''", author="M. Chatterjee and S. K. Das and D. Turgut", journal="IEEE GLOBECOM", year=", pages="pp. 1697-1701" } @article{MOYA98, title="''{W}ireless {L}AN: {S}tudy of {H}idden-{T}erminal {E}ffect and {M}ultimedia {S}upport''''", author="W. M. Moh and D. Yao and K. Makki", journal="Int. Conf. Comput. Commun. Networks", year=薗8;", pages="pp. 422-431" } @article{CH94, title="''{M}edium {A}ccess {C}ontrol of {W}ireless {L}ANs for {M}obile {C}omputing''''", author="K.-C. Chen", journal="IEEE Network", month="Sep./Oct.", year=薗4;", pages="pp. 50-63" } @article{KHKA98, title="''{E}ffect of {H}idden {T}erminals on the {P}erformance of {I}EEE 802.11 {M}AC {P}rotocol''''", author="S. Khurana and A. Kahol and A. P. Jayasumana", journal="IEEE Local Comput. Networks", year="薗8;, pages="pp. 12-20" } @article{NGLU99, title="''{S}pread {S}pectrum {M}edium {A}ccess {P}rotocol with {C}ollision {A}voidance in {M}obile {A}d-{H}oc {W}ireless {N}etwork''''", author="M. Joa-Ng and L.-T. Lu", journal="IEEE INFOCOM", year=薗9;", pages="pp. 776-783" } @article{POLI89, title="''''{A} {D}istributed {T}ime-{S}lot {A}ssignment {P}rotocol for {M}obile {M}ulti-{H}op {B}roadcast {P}acket {R}adio {N}etworks''''", author="L. C. Pond and V. O. K. Li", journal="IEEE MILCOM", year=" } @article{EPTR90, title="''''{S}cheduling {B}roadcasts in {M}ultihop {R}adio {N}etworks''''", author="A. Ephremides and T. Truong", journal="IEEE Trans. on Communications, COM-38(4)", month="April", year=薗0;" } @article{CISI89, title="''''{D}istributed {A}ssignment {A}lgorithms for {M}ultihop {P}acket {R}adio {N}etworks''''", author="I. Cidon and M. Sidi", journal="IEEE Trans. on Computers", year=", pages="pp. 38:1353-1361" }