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研究生(外文):Ping-Yung Tu
論文名稱(外文):Design、Fabrication and Performance Study Piezoelectric Micropump for Fuel Atomizer
指導教授(外文):Yeau-Ren Jeng
外文關鍵詞:Fuel AtomizerPiezoelectricMEMSMicropump
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本研究設計以雙膜式壓電片作為致動器,利用壓電片在流道中作動擠壓液體,使液體產生局部高壓透過陣列式微噴嘴將液體噴出,並因壓電片高頻率的擺動使液體能產生霧化。同時利用紫外光雷射加工、微放電加工與矽基微細加工等微機電加工技術製作出陣列式微噴嘴,並組裝出原型機作為實驗用。而本研究所設計製作之壓電式微泵浦僅需數十伏的電壓、小於1W的能量與4∼20 kHz的操作頻率,便能將燃油霧化。根據設計參數的實驗,可得到霧化量隨著電壓、噴孔的孔徑與錐角角度的加大而增加,並利用不同頻率範圍具有不同流量的性質,對微泵浦的流量作控制。
Environment and energy conservation are compelling issues of today. Transportation is a principal cause of environmental pollution and energy consumption. Due to the use of carburetor in motorcycle engines for fuel supply, injection timings cannot precisely controlled to match engine operation of conditions. This study is aimed to design and fabricate a low cost; high precision micropump for fuel atomizer. The design of micropump can also be used for other applications such as lubrication systems.
In this study, an actuator using bimorph type of piezoelectric sheet was developed. The piezoelectric sheet compressed fluid in fluid chamber and generated localized pressure to spray through array of micro nozzles. High frequency oscillations create fluid atomization. UV laser machining, micro electro discharge machining, and silicon micromachining was used to fabricate array of micro nozzles. The developed piezoelectric micropump can be operated with frequency at 4~20 kHz with less than 1 watt energy and 10~20 voltage. Performance investigation shows that the amount flow rate increases with increasing voltage, bore diameter and angle of cone hole of nozzle. The results also show that changing the frequency of piezoelectric sheet can generate different flow characteristic. This phenomenon can be used for flow rate control.
摘要…….…………………………………………………….………… I
目錄…………………………………………………………….……… III
第1章 緒論…………………………………………………….……….1
1.3.1 噴墨頭技術……………………………….………….7
1.3.2 微泵浦技術…………………………………………13
第2章 壓電致動器…………………………………………………....19
2.1 壓電效應…………………………………………………..19
2.1.1 壓電方程式…………………………………………21
2.2 壓電材料的選擇與選用…………………………………..22
    2.3 壓電致動器之介紹………………………………………..25
2.3.1 PZT壓電致動器之優缺點………………………….26
第3章 微泵浦的設計與製作………………………………………....29
    3.1 微泵浦概念設計…………………………………………..29
    3.2 微泵浦的製作……………………………………………..31
3.2.1 陣列式微噴嘴片的製作與設計……………………32
      一. 紫外光雷射鑽孔………………………………..33
     二. 微放電加工……………………………………..37
三. 矽基體型微加工………………………………..39
3.2.2 雙膜式壓電致動器…………………………………45
3.2.3 流道結構……………………………………………46
第4章 實驗與量測設備………………………………………………48
4.1 壓電致動器的量測………………………………………..48
4.2 微泵浦特性量測…………………………………………..49
4.3 微泵浦實驗參數設計……………………………………..55
第5章 參數與性能探討………………………………………………59
5.1 壓電致動器位移量測結果………………………………..59
5.2 操作電壓與流量關係……………………………………..61
5.3 流道間距與流量關係……………………………………..62
5.3.1 液體阻尼效應對液體噴射之影響………...………62
5.3.2 緩衝腔腔體深度對液體噴射之影響...……………64
5.3.3 壓電板與噴孔間距對液體噴射之影響...…………65
5.4 噴孔型式與流量關係……………………………………..66
5.5 微泵浦霧化觀測…………………………………………..68
第6章 結論與未來發展………………………………………………79
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