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研究生(外文):Yu-Tzu Yang
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Relationships between Hygiene Factors and Turnover Intention - Personal Characteristics as Contingency Variables
指導教授(外文):Chen-Ming Zhu
外文關鍵詞:personal characteristicsturnover intentionhygiene factors
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This study deals with practical analysis of turnover intention. The turnover intention is taken as dependent variable and hygiene factors taken as independent variable. Besides, personal characteristics are taken as contingency variables .We take the manager as research objective and receive 135 copies of questionnaire. After gathering statistics and analyzing them, there are five described:
(1)The condition of hygiene factors in domestic enterprises is generally approved by managers. The job security is viewed as the most important one, the relationship with co-workers is viewed as the next, and the relationship with subordinates as the third.
(2)The hygiene factors is negative with turnover intention. When a manager has higher agreement with hygiene factors, he has the lower turnover intention. The relation between turnover intention and policy and administration of the company is the highest. An overall hygiene factor is the second. Job security is the third. Besides, the relationship with subordinates is the lowest.
(3)Age、tenure and risk-taking have significant influence on turnover intention, but gender、level of education、family responsibility、agreeableness and open to experience don’t have significant influence.
(4)An overall hygiene factors only has interaction with family responsibility. As a result, one who has heavy family responsibility has lower turnover intention and if he has lower agreement on hygiene factors, his turnover intention will be higher. Although one has light family responsibility has the same result with the one who has heavy responsibility, the degree of turnover intention is different. One who has heavy responsibility raises his agreement on overall hygiene factor and the degree of change in turnover intention is larger than the light family responsibility. This result shows that if the agreement on an overall hygiene factors increase in the same range, then the one who has heavy family responsibility will have lower turnover intention. And this lower range will be far more beyond who has light family responsibility.
(5)Regarding interaction with each hygiene factor and each personal characteristics, there are three findings:First, the one with high agreeableness has lower turnover intention than the low agreeableness as he has good relationship with colleagues. Besides, the one with low agreeableness has higher turnover intention than the high agreeableness as he has good relationship with colleagues. Owing to his bad temper, if he can get well with others we can guess that he hides his negative emotion on purpose, or the relationship between colleagues isn’t sincere. Secondly, the one with high open to experience has lower turnover intention as he is great in personal life and he has higher turnover intention as he is bad in personal life. Although one who has low open to experience has the same result with the one who has high open to experience, the degree of turnover intention is different. One who has low open to experience raises his agreement in personal life and the degree of change in turnover intention is larger than the high open to experience. Thirdly, the relationship with subordinates influences the turnover intention if the person who has low open to experience. But, the relationship with subordinates don’t significantly influence the turnover intention if the person who has high open to experience.

附錄 研究問卷………………………………………………74.

表 目 錄

表2-1 五大類人格特質之意義與特徵……………………13.
表3-1 回收樣本依性別劃分之管理者人數與百分比……18.
表3-2 回收樣本依年齡劃分之管理者人數與百分比……18.
表3-3 回收樣本依教育程度劃分之管理者人數與百分比..19.
表3-4 回收樣本依服務年資劃分之管理者人數與百分比…19.
表3-5 回收樣本依家庭責任劃分之管理者人數與百分比…20.
表4-1 各題離職傾向得分之頻次分析……………………31.
表4-2 保健因子及其各構面與離職傾向之相關分析表…32.
表4-3 保健因子及其各構面與離職傾向之t檢定分析表..33.
表4-4 人格特質與離職傾向之相關分析………………34.
表4-5 個人因素與離職傾向之F檢定分析表……………35.
表4-6 保健因子與年齡對離職傾向之變異數分析表……36.
表4-7 保健因子與年資對離職傾向之變異數分析表……36.
表4-8 保健因子與順從對離職傾向之變異數分析表……37.
表4-9 保健因子與嘗試精神對離職傾向之變異數分析表…37.
表4-10 保健因子與風險偏好對離職傾向之變異數分析表..38.
表4-11 保健因子與性別對離職傾向之變異數分析表…38.
表4-12 保健因子與教育水準對離職傾向之變異數分析表..39.
表4-13 保健因子與家庭責任對離職傾向之變異數分析表…39.
表4-14 公司政策與行政與各項個人因素對離職傾向之變異數分析表…42.
表4-15 督導方式與各項個人因素對離職傾向之變異數分析表…44.
表4-16 與上司的關係與各項個人因素對離職傾向之變異數分析表…46.
表4-17 工作條件與各項個人因素對離職傾向之變異數分析表…48.
表4-18 薪資與各項個人因素對離職傾向之變異數分析表……50.
表4-19 與同事的關係與各項個人因素對離職傾向之變異數分析表……52.
表4-20 個人生活與各項個人因素對離職傾向之變異數分析表………55.
表4-21 與屬下關係與各項個人因素對離職傾向之變異數分析表…57.
表4-22 地位與各項個人因素對離職傾向之變異數分析表……59.
表4-23 工作保障與各項個人因素對離職傾向之變異數分析表…61.

圖 目 錄

圖2-1 Price工作滿足離職模式……………………………5.
圖2-2 Mobley,Griffeth,Hand&Meglino員工離職過程模型…………6.
圖2-3 Szilagyi的離職過程模型…………………………7.
圖2-4 Arnold&Feldman個人認知離職決定模式………8.
圖3-1 本研究的研究架構………………………………15.
圖4-2 不同順從性格的管理者其與同事的關係和離職傾向相關性之比較分析…51.
圖4-3 不同嘗試精神的管理者其個人生活與離職傾向相關性之比較分析圖…54.
圖4-4 不同嘗試精神的管理者其與屬下關係與離職傾向相關性之比較分析圖…56.
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