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研究生(外文):Yung-Jung Shiu
論文名稱(外文):The Relationships Among Organizational Characteristics, Employee Benefits and Employment Attitudes The Service Industries Employees in North Area as Empirical Samples
外文關鍵詞:employee benefitemployee behaviors.organizational characteristicsemployee personal attributions
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The high technical manpower shows a critical effect of promoting the upgrade of industry and improving enterprise’s competitiveness. Therefore, keeping and recruiting the professional and high quality experts is an essential topic in the company, and the employee benefit system plays an important role.
This thesis, mainly based on the organizational characteristics, the mutual relationship between employee welfares and employee behaviors, and the empirical survey to industrial employees, tries to understand the correlation between employees and employee benefit system.
In addition to reviewing and discussing with reference to the literatures on employee benefit, this research also collects the relevant data about employee benefit from 51 large-scale enterprises in the north of Taiwan by making use of questionnaires, and there are 51 valid ones from human resource planning directors and 181 from employees, respectively.
After the empirical study and statistical analysis, there are five important conclusions being made as follows:
1.The employee benefit system contains five major elements, such as, “vacation”, “insurance”, “retirement”, “service”, and “employee participation”, and those would be analyzed in this research respectively.
2. In the organizational characteristics, the significant relation existed among product classification, firm location, firm scale, firm profitability and vacation welfare, insurance welfare, retirement welfare and termination benefit (redundancy payments) etc. In particular, the relation of earnings per share of firm profitability to redundancy payments of the working years shows the positive correlations.
3. In employee welfares, the effect of benefit measures of vacation, insurance, job placement assistance, termination benefit (redundancy payments) to the attitude of employees on organizational commitment, welfare satisfactions, welfare effectiveness has not achieved significant level. However, the way of taking leave or vacation permitted by company shows the significant effect on working effectiveness of employees.
4. In service benefit and employee participation, when service benefit is increasing and employee participation is higher, the four variables: the employee behaviors of organizational commitment, welfare satisfaction, working and welfare effectiveness, shows the significant correlation.
5. When the employee sex, education degree, and internal controlling personality are taken into the statistical model, the organizational commitment, welfare satisfaction, working and welfare effectiveness, have the significant correlation; However, age, marriage and employee behaviors, show no significant correlation in the model.

Keywords :
employee benefit, organizational characteristics, employee personal attributions, employee behaviors.
目 錄

第一節員工福利的定義與內涵 10
一、員工福利的定義 10
二、員工福利的內涵 13
第二節組織特性與員工福利 21
第三節員工福利與員工態度 27
第四節員工個人屬性與員工福利 31

第三章研究架構與研究方法 34
第一節研究架構 34
第二節研究假設 35
第三節研究設計 36
第四節樣本特性描述 38
第五節研究變數與衡量工具 45
第六節資料分析與統計方法 50



附錄……………………………………………………. 109
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