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研究生(外文):Wen-Hsien Huang
論文名稱(外文):The Performance Impact of the Intensity of Customer Interaction, Customer Knowledge Management, and Customer Characteristics — Based on the Software Industry in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Lung-Far Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:customer knowledge managementintensity of customer interactioncustomer characteristicnew product performance
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愈來愈多公司將顧客納入他們的新產品開發流程,希望 藉此降低不確定性、分擔財務風險、以及在發展過程當中提供關鍵的決定,因為他們相信在新產品發展合作關係中,由顧客提供的知識、市場資訊和額外的資源,都代表著競爭優勢的潛在來源。然而,是否這些潛在利益都能順利轉變為較佳的績效?這是一個疑問。為了回答這個問題,本研究以顧客關係管理及顧客知識管理做為理論背景架構,將研究焦點放在:(1) 企業在新產品發展階段與顧客互動強度對新產品績效所造成的影響,與 (2) 企業之顧客知識管理能力對新產品績效所造成的影響,及 (3) 參與新產品開發之顧客,其特性對新產品績效所造成的影響。

基於這樣的目的,本研究以持續進行新產品開發活動且知識密集的台灣資訊軟體產業為研究對象,同時採取個案訪談與問卷調查的方式進行資料收集,共寄出280份電子問卷,回收有效問卷107份,經由線性結構方程分析法來分析實証資料對研究假設模型的支持程度,使用的統計分析方法為 LISREL。研究主要的發現為:

3.參與顧客特性對新產品績效具有正向影響,顯示企業在選擇參與新產品開發的顧客時,必須非常小心謹慎。領先使用者 (lead user)、具有聲望吸引性的顧客及具有技術吸引性的顧客都能幫助企業增加新產品績效。尤其,以領先使用者對企業的新產品開發效果最為顯著。
Increasingly, many companies are involving customers in their entire new product development process. This is done to reduce uncertainty, share financial risks, and provide input into key decisions in the development process. Managers believe the knowledge, market information, and additional resources provided by customers in new product development all represent potential sources of competitive advantage. But whether this potential gets translated into superior performance results is an open question.
To answer this question, this paper focuses on assessing the new product performance impact of (1) the intensity of customer interaction in different stages of the new product development process and (2) the customer knowledge management capability of enterprizes, and (3) the characteristics of the involved customers, which is based on the theories of Customer Relationship Management and Customer Knowledge Management. The research conducted preliminary field interviews and a comprehensive theoretical literature review in order to build the conceptual model of research. We developed questionnare and conducted a subsequent survey in the software industry in Taiwan. We e-mailed 280 questionnaires and received 107 valid questionnaires. For measure validation, we used statistical methods such as coefficient alpha, item-to-total correlations, and exploratory factor analysis. Besides, LISREL 8.5 is utilized as the analytical tool for testing statistical assumptions and estimation of the measurement and structural equation models.
After a series of analysis, our study yields more specific insights in three ways:
1.The intensity of customer interaction in the new product development process has a positive impact on new product performance. Customer interaction during all 5 stages of the new product development process can increase new product performance. Especially, customer interaction in the prototype testing stage displays the largest significant effect of all stages.
2.The capability of customer knowledge management has a positive impact on new product performance. As information on customer needs and user experiences should be viewed as resources companies depend upon for successfully developing new products, companies have to rise the organizational capability of customer knowledge management; infrastructure and processes. A customer knowledge process enhances new product performance because it enables a firm to explore innovation opportunities created by emerging market demand and reduce potential risks of misfitting buyer needs.
3.The characteristics of the involved customers have a positive impact on new product performance. It underlines the importance of choosing customers with specific attributes for cooperation. After analysis, we could verify the hypothesis for the lead user concept derived from Von Hippel (1986). Reputation attractive customers and technically attractive customers yield similar positive results. Especially, the lead users seem to be most valuable cooperation partners as they display the largest positive discriminant coefficient.
個案一 趨勢科技公司個案訪談86
個案二 友立資訊公司個案訪談91
個案三 鼎新電腦公司個案訪談96
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