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研究生(外文):Wen-Chung Cheng
論文名稱(外文):The Study on Compensation Management of Expatriates for Taiwanese High-Tech Industries
指導教授(外文):Chen-Ming Chu
外文關鍵詞:organizationstrategyexpatriatesexpatriate compensation
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The purpose of this study is to discuss the relationships among organization factors、strategies and the expatriate compensation by using the expatriate compensation programs as the main framework. This study focuses on the expatriate to Mainland China in high-tech industries.
According to the scientific literature, we develop two major hypotheses. The first one is that there is an extremely strong relationship between the factors of organized system and expatriate compensation programs. The second one is that expatriate compensation programs are significantly related to the strategies of those companies.
In a view of this, we use surveys to build up the empirical data. By statistical analysis to conclude several major results as follow:
1.Nowadays those high-tech companies offer various allowances in the range of 31%~40% of the base salary, 2.4~2.5 times tops, at least within 10% of the base salary. Among all the allowances, the percentage of motivate oversea premiums is the highest, aproximate26.32% of the base salary, the lowest is the living assistant car premiums, approximate 3.69% of the base salary, That’s because the companies have offered the transportation services.
2.There is a partly significant relation between the organization factors and the expatriate compensation programs. The more informal the structure is, the more percentage of housing premiums, hardship premiums have been offered, the bigger the organization is, the more numbers of the companies offer those living differential allowances and oversea premiums. The longer the companies have been established (above 3 years), the more opportunities they offer those living differential allowance and currency protection. The firms that have more branches (above 4), are more willing to pay Tax reimbursement payment and currency protection. When it comes to 2 ~ 3 branches, they’re more willing to pay the relocation premiums, family subsidies and hardship premiums
3.Strategic factor has partial significant relationship to the expatriate compensation . The longer term the company strategies are, the more numbers of companies are willing to pay the tax reimbursement payment and family subsidies. When the growth strategies are more developed, the percentage of companies which pay education allowance and hardship premiums is higher; low leadership strategy companies have higher percentage of paying car premiums. When the companies are tend to be an analyst in business strategy, the numbers of companies paying car premium are more.
二.派外人員薪酬結 ……………………………….9
第二節環境因素與派外薪酬結構之關係… ………13
第二節研究母體與研究設計 ……………………24
第三節樣本特性描述 ……………………………24一、環境因素中組織結構正式化程度分布情形…….24
一.組織因素---組織正式化程度之頻次分析 …….31
二、策略因素---組織策略之頻次分析……………. 31
第二節國內企業對派外人員各項津貼重視程度之頻次分析 … …… 34
第三節國內企業對派外人員各項津貼實際實施比例之頻次分析 ………35
第四節 組織因素、策略因素與派外人員薪酬重視程度之關聯性 ……45
一.組織因素與派外人員薪酬重視程度之相關分析 .45
三、組織因素與派外人員薪酬之重視程度之變異數分析 … …….47
四、策略因素與派外人員薪酬之重視程度之變異數分析 ……….49
第五節組織因素、策略因素與派外人員薪酬實際實施比例之關聯性 …………………………………… 54
一、組織因素與派外人員薪酬實際實施比例之關聯性分析 …….54
二.策略因素與派外人員薪酬實際實施比例之關聯性分析 ……64
第五章研究結論與建議…………………………… 74
第一節研究結論…………………………………… 74
一、 派外人員薪酬結構現況………………………. 75
二.組織因素與派外人員薪酬之關聯性……..……. 76
第二節研究建議……………………………………… 78
一.對管理者之建議…………………………………. 78
二.對後續研究者之建議………..……..…………. 81

參考文獻……………………………………………… 82
附錄一研究問卷……………………………………… 88
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