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研究生(外文):Su-Pin Liu
論文名稱(外文):Sources of Structural Change in Energy Demand and the Effect of Energy Conservation Policy in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Shih-Mo Lin
外文關鍵詞:energy policyVECMevent studydecompositionoutlier detectionstructural change
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實證上,本研究先利用事件研究法搭配Chow test、CUSUM test、CUSUM of square test以及偵測極端值的方法,以探討自由化政策、能源價格變動政策、環保政策及相關產業事件對於能源需求結構的影響。除此之外,本研究也運用因素分解法探討造成能源需求變化的主要因素為何,將能源變化的因素分解為純粹能源密集度效果、部門結構變動效果及產出效果,並以純粹能源密集度效果搭配部門結構變動效果觀察我國長期節能的成效;最後,使用VEC模型探討能源與其價格、經濟活動之間的相關性。
事件研究法及Chow test的實證結果顯示,自由化事件對於車用汽油的消費量有結構性的影響,但是對於柴油、煤及燃料油的消費量並沒有影響。另外,VEC模型的實證結果則顯示,車用汽油的價格彈性很小,約只有0.36,而柴油、煤、燃料油及液化石油氣的價格彈性則不顯著。以往的結果顯示,由短期來看,自由化事件會導致車用汽油的消費量增加,並不符合節能的目標;但是,就長期而言,自由化政策可以使得更多競爭者加入市場、能源價格的波動將更自由化,而當政府施行提高能源價格的政策時,消費者將會減少能源消費以因應市場價格的提高,如此一來,亦可達到節能及環保的目的。所以,未來政府應繼續自由化的腳步,促使能源市場走向更競爭的局面。
事件研究法及Chow test的結果證實Espey(1997)的理論,顯示課徵空氣污染防治費及無鉛汽油分級徵收空污費的政策會造成車用汽油消費量產生結構性的變化。因此,如果政府繼續維持以前對車用汽油所徵收的空污費率,對於未來車用汽油消費的節約應有所助益。不過,由VEC模型的結果顯示,柴油、煤、燃料油及液化石油氣的價格彈性並不顯著,因此,針對這些能源,如果採用徵收空污費的辦法,收到的節能成效可能不大。也因此,可以採取的對策是將徵收到的車用汽油空污費支持廠商進行減少工業用能源如柴油、煤、燃料油使用量的投資工作,以減少環境污染。
This thesis aims to examine the effectiveness of energy conservation policies in Taiwan. We explore this issue by looking at the three dimensions of energy demand: structural changes in energy demand, the key elements of change in energy use for the past twenty years, and the interactions between energy demand and other related variables.
The theoretical derivation of this study is partly based on Pigou’s proposition of imposing taxes on firms that pollute the environment. The model of Espey (1997) is also used to examine the effect of air pollution prevention fee on gasoline conservation and tailpipe emissions in Taiwan. Our analytical results show that imposing the fees should reduce both gasoline consumption and air pollution.
For empirical estimation, we use event study methods together with some other approaches for finding points of structural change, such as Chow test, CUSUM test, CUSUM of square test, and the method for outlier detection, to examine whether energy- and environment-related policies have resulted in a significant change in the use of major energy products. In addition, we use the decomposition method to decompose the variations of energy use for the past twenty years, and attribute them into three different components: energy intensity, sectoral change, and production activity. We also use VECM to explore the interactions between energy demand and other related variables
Our results reveal that liberalizing the gasoline market will have significant effect on gasoline consumption. However, the results from VEC model show that the price elasticities for most energy products are low in absolute terms, which implies that only significant changes in prices will have major effects on energy consumption.
The results from the decomposition analysis reveal that conservation policies have been quite effective for some energy products, such as diesel oil, fuel oil, and LPG. However, the policies have been not very effective for vehicle gasoline due to the fast growth in the transportation sector. This means that if we want to more effectively conserve the energy, government should put more effort on designing policies for refraining gasoline use in the transportation sector.
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景與動機1
第二節 研究目的3
第三節 研究架構4
第四節 研究流程7
第二章 文獻回顧9
第三章 理論探討14
第四章 研究方法21
第一節 結構性轉變21
一、Chow test21
二、CUSUM test及CUSUM of square test23
第二節 因素分解法31
第三節 向量誤差修正模型34
第五章 實證結果及分析37
第一節 能源結構性轉變的實證結果37
一、Chow test的實證結果38
二、CUSUM test及 CUSUM of square test的實證結果43
第二節 因素分解的實證結果63
第三節 向量誤差修正模型的實證結果77
第四節 實證結果的綜合分析82
第一節 結論86
第二節 研究限制與未來方向89
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