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研究生(外文):yueh-hua(Michelle) Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Relationship Between Revisions on Financial Forecast of OTC Companies and Net Buy or Sell of the Investment Trust Investors in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):John Hu
外文關鍵詞:Trust InvestorsInstitutional investorsFinancial ForecastNet Buy or Sell
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本研究以投信法人為研究對象,探討其投資策略與我國強制性財務預測正負向更新之關係,並藉以觀察解釋投信法人是否為知情投資人。本研究首先探討強制性財務預測正負向更新與投信法人買賣超之關係,其次探討投信法人對稅前盈餘更新幅度及每股稅前盈餘達成率不同時,其投資策略是否不同? 本研究之結論彙總如下:



For the recent years, the security investment especially in stock market has become a nationwide’s essentially financial activity for people in Taiwan. In general, the market participants may be classified into two groups, Individual investors and Institutional investors. The institutional investors hire some specialized analysts to analyze and explain the related information they collected. With their professional knowledge and experiences, they usually provide more valuable conclusions than Individual investors do. As a result, the final decisions of institutional investors often become leading indices to Individual investors even they represent 90% of stock market participants in Taiwan.

In this study, it will propose the investment trust institutional investors as the objects to discuss the relationship between their investment strategies and OTC companies’ compulsory revisions, no matter positive or negative, of financial forecast required by authorities in Taiwan. By the way, it will also observe whether the institutional investors get the undisclosed information of a OTC company faster than others. In more details, there will discuss in first about the relationship between the above mentioned compulsory revisions of financial forecast and the net buy or sell status of the institutional investors in stock market. Then, there will find whether the Investment Trust investors change their strategies under different degrees of revision on earnings before income tax and achievement percentage of earnings per share before income tax.. There are some conclusions of this study listed below:

1.If the compulsory financial forecast was updated positively, it would not affect the investment trust investors to hold an obvious net buy status no matter in or after the updated date.
2.If the compulsory financial forecast was updated negatively, it would affect the investment trust investors to hold an obvious net sell status before the updated date. By the way, it would affect the investment trust investors to hold an obvious net buy status after the updated date if the compulsory financial forecast was updated negatively. These confirm the inference of the investment trust investors engaging in the inside information in advance
3.If the compulsory financial forecast was updated positively in earnings before income tax, the investment trust investors would remain unchanged in or after the updated date no matter how big the degree is..
4.Before the compulsory financial forecast was updated negatively, the investment trust investors would not respond to hold a net sell status no matter how big the degree of earnings before income tax adjusted downward.
5.After the compulsory financial forecast was updated negatively, the investment trust investors would not respond to hold a net sell status no matter how big the degree of earnings before income tax adjusted downward.
6.If the compulsory financial forecast was updated positively in earnings per share before income tax, the investment trust investors would remain unchanged in or after the updated date no matter how much the achievement percentage is.
7.Before the compulsory financial forecast was updated negatively , the investment trust investors would respond to hold a net sell status especially in those with lower achievement percentage of earnings per share before income tax.
8.After the compulsory financial forecast was updated negatively in earnings per share before income tax, the investment trust investors would not respond to hold a net sell status no matter how low the achievement percentage of earnings per share before income tax is.

目 錄
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究背景與動機1
第二節 研究目的2
第三節 研究流程3
第二章 國內相關法規及文獻探討4
第一節 價格與資訊內涵之研究6
第二節 價格、交易量與資訊內涵之研究9
第三章 研究方法11
第一節 假說設計11
第二節 研究範圍與選樣標準13
第三節 變數定義及衡量14
第四節 統計分析方法15
第四章 實證結果與分析21
第一節 常態性檢定22
第二節 投信法人買賣超行為之實証結果26
第三節 投信法人投資決策與財務預測稅前盈餘更新幅度之實証研究31
第四節 投信法人決策與財務預測每股盈餘達成率實證結果36
第五章 結論與建議42
第一節 研究結論42
第二節 研究限制44
第三節 後續研究之建議44
附錄三 樣本資料表56

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