中文部分王俊仁,台灣上櫃公司股利政策動機之研究,東海大學管理研究所碩士論文,民87。林世銘、林宗輝、蔡彥卿,兩稅合一與盈餘管理,發表於「2001會計理論與實務」研討會,民90。余尚武,台灣證券市場股票上市公司盈餘宣告所含資訊內容之研究,台灣大學商學研究所碩士論文,民75。李淑華,公司規模對異常報酬及盈餘反應係數之影響,台灣大學會計學研究所碩士論文,民82。汪瑞芝、陳明進,兩稅合一制前後上市公司股利發放之實證研究,發表於「中原大學-會計研究實務研討」,民91。吳修辰,華碩股價吃了精英的悶虧,商業周刊,第758期,民91:102-104。凌忠嫄,兩稅合一制解析(下),律師雜誌,第230期,民87:54-68。凌忠嫄,兩稅合一制解析(上),律師雜誌,第229期,民87:21-30。徐俊成,兩稅合一完全寶典,聯捷會計,第29期,民88:7-14。馬孝璿,兩稅合一對上市上櫃公司股利政策影響之探討,財稅研究,第三十一卷第六期,民88:134-158。郭樂平,兩稅合一對上市公司配股政策影響之研究,財稅研究,第三十二卷第三期,民89:28-34。陳志愷,盈餘反應係數探索性之研究,政治大學會計學研究所碩士論文,民84。陳義麟,認知的審計品質與盈餘反應係數之實證研究,中正大學會計學研究所碩士論文,民87。許仁綜,盈餘品質、股利改變與分析師預測之關聯性研究─以台灣股票市場為例,靜宜大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民89。張錦娥,所得稅對資本結構及股利政策影響之研究,東吳大學會計學研究所碩士論文,民82。喬慧雯,上市公司季盈餘宣告資訊內涵之研究,政治大學會計學研究所碩士論文,民84。劉賢修,應計項目操縱對盈餘反應係數之實證研究,台灣大學會計學研究所碩士論文,民83。盧育仕,兩稅合一對我國上市公司股利政策影響之實證研究,逢甲大學會計與財稅研究所碩士論文,民89。謝祁凌,從代理理論觀點探索公司股利政策與經營績效關聯性之研究,東吳大學會計學研究所碩士論文,民90。謝明樹,我國租稅制度對公司股利政策之影響,淡江大學會計研究所碩士論文,民88。蘇英慧,月盈餘宣告對股價影響之實證研究,中興大學會計學研究所碩士論文,民85。英文部分Ball, R. and P. Brown. An empirical evaluation of accounting income numbers. Journal of Accounting Research 6.1968:159-178.Bandyopadhyay, S.P. Market reaction to earnings announcements of successful efforts and full cost firms in the oil and gas industry. The Accounting Review 69. 1994:657-674.Beaver, W.H., R. Clarke, and W.F. Wright. The association between unsystematic security percentage change in price and the magnitude of earnings forecast errors. Journal of Accounting Research 17. 1979:316-340.___________, R.A. Lambert, and D. Morse. The information content of security price. Journal of Accounting and Economics 2. 1980:3-28.Beaver, W.H., R.A. Lambert, and S.G. Ryan. The information content of security price:A second look. Journal of Accounting and Economics 9. 1987:139-158.Cahan, S.F. The effect of antitrust investigations on discretionary accruals:A refined test of the political-cost hypothesis. The Accounting Review 67. 1992:77-95.Clarkson, P., A. Dontoh, G.D. Richardson, and S. Sefcik. The voluntary inclusion of earnings forecasts in IPO prospectuses . Contemporary Accounting Research. 1992:601-626.Collins, D.W., and W.K. Salatka. Noisy accounting earnings signals and earnings response coefficients: The case of foreign currency accounting. Contemporary Accounting Research .Fall 1993:119-159.Dechow, P.M.,R.G. Sloan, and A.P. Sweeney. Detecting earnings management. The Accounting Review 70. 1995:193-225.DeFond, M.L. and J. Jiambalvo. Debt covenant violations and manipulation of accruals. Journal of Accounting and Economics 17. 1994:145-176.Dhaliwal, D.S., M. Erickson, and R. Trezevant. A test of the theory of tax clienteles for dividend policies. National Tax Journal 52. 1999:179-194.Easton, P.D. and T.S. Harris. Earnings as an explanatory variable for return. Journal of Accounting Research 29.1991:19-36.Farrar, D. and L. Selwyn. Taxes, corporate financial policy and return to investors. National Tax Journal 20. 1967:444-454.Friedlan, M.J. Accounting choice by issuers of initial public offerings. Contemporary Accounting Research 11.1994:1-13.Guenther, D.A. Earnings management in response to corporate tax rate changes:Evidence from the 1986 Tax Reform Act. The Accounting Review 69. 1994:230-243.Healy, P.M. The effect of bonus schemes on accounting decision. Journal of Accounting and Economics. 1985:85-107.Holthausen, R.D. Larcker, and R. Sloan. Business unit innovation and the structure of executive compensation. Journal of Accounting and Economics . 1995:279-313.Hughes, P.J. Signaling by direct disclosure under asymmetric information. Journal of Accounting and Economics. 1986:119-142.Jones, J. Earnings management during import relief investigations. Journal of Accounting Research 27. 1991:193-228.Klassen, K., M. Lang, and M. Wolfson. Geographic income shifting by multinational corporations in response to tax rate changes. Journal of Accounting Research 31 (Supplement). 1993:141-173.Lang, L.H.P., R.M. Stulz, and R.A. Walkling. A test of the free cash flow hypothesis: The case of bidder returns. Journal of Financial Economics 29. 1991:315-335.Lev, Baruch. On the usefulness of earnings :Lessons and directions from two decades of empirical research. Journal of Accounting Research. 1989:153-192.Miller, Merton and Franco Modigliani. Dividend policy, growth and the valuation of shares. Journal of Business 34.1961:411-433.McNichols, M. and G.P. Wilson. Evidence of earnings management from the provision for bad debts. Journal of Accounting Research 26.1988:1-31.Scholes, M. S.; G. P. Wilson; and M. A. Wolfson. Firms'' responses to anticipated reductions in tax rates: The Tax Reform Act of 1986. Journal of Accounting Research (Supplement). 1992:161-185.Scott, W. R. Financial Accounting Theory. Canada:Prentice Hall. 2000.Strong, N. and M. Walker. The explanatory power of earnings for stock returns. The Accounting Review 68. 1993:385-399.Sweeney, A.P. Debt-covenant violations and managers’ accounting responses. Journal of Accounting and Economics. 1994:281-308.