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研究生(外文):Fang-Lan Lo
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Business Strategy for C.P.A. Firms ─A Study of Taiwan C.P.A. Firms─
指導教授(外文):JIAN, JIU YOUNG
外文關鍵詞:threatbusiness sprategyopportunityenvironmental factorCPA firms
  • 被引用被引用:34
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本研究依據A.J.Rowe、R.O.Mason及K.Dickel(1988),在Strategic Management & Business Policy一書中彙總各學者對環境因素及經營策略方案之看法,透過問卷的方式,以會計師事務所經營者群體為訪問對象,實證結果顯示:
An effective strategy can maximize the company’s long-term profit, increase company’s competencies and survivability, and achieve its social responsibility. The strategy is a set of consistent plans, which point out the direction of operations and resource allocations, to response to the continuous changes and competitions.
Along with the coming of high—tech generation , the rapid growth of the information technology and the blooming of the Internet utilization speed up the changes of economic styles. In addition, Taiwan’s joining in WTO and the change of the trading relationship between Taiwan and China, the economic environments in Taiwan also change accordingly. Those changes raise the competition in Taiwan’s industries. Thus, most of the corporations are seeking ways to increase its competitive advantages thru acquisitions, strategic alliances, adding product lines, diversification, and business relocation to lower operation cost area. Having always been a partnership of corporations, the certified public accountant (CPA) is impossible to stand away from this fluctuation.

Those challenges and encounters force the industry of CPA firm to alter its conservative operations and to extract novel ideas of new operation strategies to create its market opportunities. Under this circumstance, several business attitudes and strategic utilizations are raised in the accounting industry. Here we will discuss them thoroughly:
1.Are the current environmental changes the opportunities or the threats to the industry of CPA firm? Are there differences from the perspectives of large, medium, and small CPA firms?
2.What strategies do the CPA firms adopt to be against each environmental change? Any different strategic choices relate to the size of the CPA firms?
3.What is the relationship between the operation strategies and the business performance after considering all the factors of the environmental changes?
This research is based on the study of environmental factors and strategic propositions by A. J. Rowe, R. O. Mason , and K. Dickel, in the book “Strategic Management & Business Policy”, published in 1988. Via the questionnaires of the managers of the CPA firms, the results from the questionnaires reveal the facts:
1. Based on the 23 variants of 5 environmental factors, most of the CPA firms consider that current environmental changes create threats to the CPA industry. Whereas, the executive power of the government to the 20th rule in the company law, information digitization, joining in large international CPA firm system, and ethical partnership are considered as an opportunity to the CPA firm. Besides, the impact levels to the environmental factors are significantly different from each size of the organization. The difference is due to the factors of joining large international CPA firm system and the geographic location of the main offices.
2.Most of the CPA firms tends to adopt diversification and innovation while considering all environmental factors. However, strategies adopted by the large, medium, and small firms are different while considering political factors. In contrast, small firms rather adopting diversification than large firms do to be against the political factors. Moreover, while dividing the environmental factors into opportunities and threats two groups, there is significant difference on the strategies of centralization, vertical integration, and innovation. In the other hand, there is no significant difference in strategy among large, medium, and small firms in these two groups of factors.
3.After considering all the environmental factors, these 10 strategies does not create significant difference on the business performance. However, if we only consider the diversification and innovation strategies, we will see a significant difference on the business performance.
目  錄

第一章 研究緒論1
第一節 研究動機1
第二節 研究目的2
第三節  研究流程3
第四節  論文架構4
第二章 文獻探討5
第一節 經營環境5
第二節 經營策略定義、類型11
第三節 經營策略方案20
第三章 實證研究之設計25
第一節 研究對象及研究範圍25
第二節 研究設計26
第三節 資料分析方法30
第四章 實證結果與分析32
第一節 樣本結構分析32
第二節  信度與效度分析35
第三節 環境影響因素之分析37
第四節 因應環境所採取之策略46
第五節 經營績效之分析68
第五章 結論與建議70
第一節 研究結論70
第二節 研究限制71
第三節 後續研究與建議72

表  次

表2-2-1 經營策略類型分類表15
表2-3-1 經營策略方案分類表20
表4-1-1 事務所成立年數統計表33
表4-1-2 事務所全部員工數統計表33
表4-1-3 主要經營業務統計表34
表4-1-4 主要收入市場區域統計表34
表4-1-5 90年及91年業績收入成長率統計表35
表4-2-1 CRONBACH Α值表36
表4-3-1 會計師事務所環境因素面臨機會或威脅之敘述性統計表39
表4-3-2 影響力及重要性之MANOVA分析42
表4-3-4 機會威脅樣本統計表44
表4-3-5 LOGISTIC檢定結果統計表45
表4-4-1 經濟環境之因應策略統計表46
表4-4-2 政治環境之因應策略統計表47
表4-4-3 科技環境之因應策略統計表48
表4-4-4 競爭環境之因應策略統計表49
表4-4-5 行業環境之因應策略統計表50
表4-4-6 綜觀環境之因應策略統計表51
表4-4-7 區分規模下因應策略之敘述性統計55
表4-4-8 依規模分群之MANOVA檢定結果57
表4-4-9 政治環境事後檢定58
表4-4-10 區分機會與威脅獨立樣本T檢定之檢定結果60
表4-4-11 機會影響-區分規模之平均數統計表62
表 4-4-12 機會影響─區分規模獨立樣本 T檢定之結果64
表4-4-13 威脅影響─區分規模之平均數統計表65
表4-4-14 威脅影響-區分規模之MANOVA分析結果67
表4-5-1 因應策略與經營績效之關係檢定完整模式69
表4-5-2 因應策略與經營績效之關係檢定刪減變數後之模式69

圖  次
圖1-3-1 研究流程…………………………………………………………4
圖2-1-1 會計師業現狀SWOT分析…………………………………10
圖3-2-1 研究架構………………………………………………………29
一、英文部份1.胡忠立編譯,A. J. Rowe、R. O. Mason & Dickel, Strategic Management & Business Policy (經營策略管理-企業個案實例演習), 1988:pp23-592.Jeffery Bracker, The Historical Development of The Strategic Management Concept, Academy of Management Review, Vol.5,No.2,1980:pp220-221 3.James C Craig &Robert. M Grant,Strategic Management,台灣小知堂文化公司出版策略管理:pp14-154.Craig Galbraith and Dan Schendel, An Empirical Analysis of Strategy Types, Strategic Management Journal, Vol.4, 1983:pp155-1735.Andrew D. Szilagyi, Jr, and David M. Schveiger, Matching Managers to Strategies: A Review and Suggested Framework, Academy of Management Review, Vol.9, No.4, 1984:p6286.Michael E.Porter, ,Competitive Advantage:Creating and Sustaining superior Performance, Free Press,1985:p127.Aaker, D.A., Strategic Market Management, 19848.Ansoff,H .Igor , Corporate Strategy,19659.Hofer, Charles W., and Dan Schendel, Strategy Formulation:Analytical Concepts. , West Publish Co., 197810.Miles, Raymond E., Charles C., Snow Alan D., Meyer, and Jr. Henry J. Coleman, Organizational Strategy, Structure and Process, Academy of Management Review, 1978二、中文部份1.謝安田,企業經營策略,民國73年2.黃宏義譯,大前研一,策略家的智慧,長河出版社,民國78年3.張紹勳、張紹評、林秀娟,多變量統計分析4.陳順宇,多變量分析,華泰書局,民國89年二版5.張禹治譯,Steven Alan Silbiger,The Ten-Day MBA“MBA十日養成計劃”,民國87年6.吳思華,策略九說-策略思考的本質,麥田出版股份有限公司,民國85年7.林炳滄編著,新會計大戰,民國87年3月初版8.莊正民,柯承恩,國內會計師事務所國際化策略及未來發展方向,會計研究月刊第98期9.范明玲,會計師執業環境與業務發展之探討,會計研究月刊第136期10.陳叡智,李冠皓,資訊技術發展對會計師業務之影響,會計研究月刊第171期11.蘇裕惠,2011年會計師專業願景何處尋,會計研究月刊第171期12.蘇裕惠,會計師專業永續之基石-人才經營與品質管制,會計研究月刊第188期13.陳依蘋,從五大發展看會計師專業趨勢,會計研究月刊第189期
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