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研究生(外文):Shu-Yuan Tseng
論文名稱(外文):A Module Placement Algorithm Based on Sequence Pair by Introducing the Concept of Clustering
指導教授(外文):Tsi-Ming Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:clusterfloorplanningphysical designinterconnection
  • 被引用被引用:1
  • 點閱點閱:149
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Recently due to the advance of the technology in VLSI design and the manufacturing technique, the circuits become more and more complicated. In order to reduce the complexity in the design process effectively, the concepts of modulization and hierarchy are generally used. In the physical design stage, floorplanning determines not only the relative positions modules but also the area of the total chip and the length of wires between modules. Therefore, a good algorithm for floorplanning problem will impact on the cost and the performance of chips.

In the previous design techniques the signal delay on wires was not so obvious and the researches of floorplanning problem only focused on the reduction of chip area. However, the signal delay on wires becomes significant in SOC design and it’s necessary to pay attention to the wire-length between modules.

Differing from previous researches, our paper will consider the problem of wire-length first in the floorplanning problem. We will analysis the relation between the relative positions of modules and the length of wires. And then we will using the sequence-pair with clustering to get an initial solution and violating the non-overlapping constraint between modules. Finally we wish to obtain an admissible/non-admissible floorplanning solution which is good both on the area and wire-length.
第一章 前言
第二章 相關背景介紹
2.1 平面規劃之問題描述
2.1.1 平面規劃之表示法
2.2 模擬退火演算法
第三章 研究方法
3.1 問題描述
3.2 平面規劃演算法簡介
3.3 對模組進行叢集分群
3.3.1 以非線性規劃方式求得模組初始擺放解
3.3.2 叢集演算法
3.4 建立各個叢集之子平面規劃(SUBFLOORPLAN)
3.5 產生完整之平面規劃初始解
3.6 全域性面積最小化處理
3.7 分配I/O PINS
第四章 模擬退火演算法
4.1 鄰近解
4.2 計價函數
4.3 演算法以及退火過程
第五章 實驗結果
5.1 實驗平台
5.2 實驗測試電路
第六章 結論與未來展望
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