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研究生(外文):Po-Cheng Lin
論文名稱(外文):An Approach to Diagnose Mathematical Problems with Knowledge Map
指導教授(外文):Jia-Sheng Heh
外文關鍵詞:operator distributionknowledge space theoryknowledge stateprerequisite relationknowledge spaceknowledge map
  • 被引用被引用:18
  • 點閱點閱:394
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知識空間理論(knowledge space theory)即是用來做為評估學生學習成效的一種方法。它必須先在測驗之前分析解題的所有操作,再針對各個操作的難易及學習上的先後次序建立前提關係(prerequisite relations),並對各個操作設計其相關的題目。知識狀態(knowledge state)是由操作(operators)形成的集合,它用來表示各個答題的可能情形,其形成是由前提關係來決定的。知識空間理論便是利用由知識狀態所組成的知識空間(knowledge space),配合上學生答題的情形來對學生做學習上的測驗及評估。
在本論文中,是利用數學題目在知識地圖(Knowledge Map)的數學操作分佈(operator distribution),可以較容易地分析題目的操作,在本論文將對各個題目的操作分佈做分析及討論,並且利用各個題目的操作分佈做為建立前提關係的依據,最後再以知識空間理論進行學習診斷。
Test and assessment, which show the learning efficiency and learning disability, are important steps of learning. The testing scores determine the learning efficiency of students in a traditional test; however, teachers can not give any suggestion to students. In this paper, a learning diagnosis method is proposed to evaluate the learning efficiency of students.
Knowledge space theory is an approach to assess the learning efficiency of students. In this theory, all operators in problems must be analyzed before testing, and the prerequisite relations are built according to the complexity of operators. The knowledge states, which are the sets of operators, represent the states of the testing results. The knowledge states are formed with the prerequisite relations. In knowledge space theory, test and assessment are created using knowledge states and the testing results to diagnose the learning efficiency of students.
In this paper, the proposed method, which uses mathematical operator distributions of mathematical problems on knowledge map, is able to analyze the operators of problems easily. Here, there are some analyses and discussions for operator distribution of problems. According to the operator distributions of the problems, the prerequisite relations can be found. Finally, the knowledge space theory is used to diagnose the knowledge state of students.
A learning diagnosis system is implemented to prove the above idea. In the experiment system, the prerequisite relations will be established from problems after teachers input problems to item blank. Then, the system will select the problems to quiz students and diagnose their learning efficiency of students at the same time. After the test, a diagnostic report will be generated to give some suggestions for subsequent learning.
第一章. 序論1
1.1 研究背景1
1.2 研究動機1
1.3 論文架構2
第二章. 研究背景與問題定義3
2.1 知識元素:概念、概念關聯性及命題3
2.2 結構化的知識 5
2.3 知識架構5
2.4 教育上的應用:測驗7
2.5 問題狀態8
2.6 知識空間理論10
2.7 由題庫出題進行學習診斷的問題12
第三章. 知識地與數學操作的分析13
3.1 知識地圖13
3.2 問題的前提關係15
3.3 以知識空間理論做學習診斷20
第四章. 學習診斷設計22
4.1 建立問題與問題間的前提關係22
4.2 學習診斷24
第五章. 實作系統34
5.1 系統架構34
5.2 出題之示範35
5.3 學習診斷之展示38
6. 結論40
6.1 總結40
6.2 未來工作40
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