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研究生(外文):Jia-Chyi Chen
論文名稱(外文):Study of the Disposable Urea Sensor and the Pre-amplifier
指導教授(外文):Shen-Kan Hsiung
外文關鍵詞:ureaseextended-gate field effect transistortin oxideurea sensorlow-voltage amplifier
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本論文係利用分離架構之延伸式SnO2/ITO glass離子感測場效電晶體製作可拋棄式尿素測器,探討各個參數對整體反應之影響,如固定不同之酵素活性、改變水膠之濃度、改變量測環境之起始pH值、改變緩衝溶液之濃度…等。經由一系列之實驗,即可得知此架構之尿素感測器於5mM PBS pH 6.0之工作環境下有最佳反應曲線,可偵測尿素濃度0.31mg/dl∼80mg/dl之範圍,線性部分之感測度為169.1mV/pUrea。
另一方面,吾人利用UMC 0.5um之CMOS標準製程設計製作一1.5V低電壓運算放大器,並對此運算放大器進行其電特性之模擬與量測,另外同時將感測器一同製作於單一晶片上,並與分離式架構比較其對pH感測與尿素感測之特性影響。
In blood the urea concentration can response the unusual absorption of the protein. At the same time, it is also related to the renal function. Therefore, the urea in the blood or urine is the index of the health and the important parameter of the clinical diagnosis.
In this study, the extended-gate Field effect transistor of the SnO2/ITO glass was applied to fabricate the disposable urea sensor and to confer with the influence, including the activity of the enzyme, the concentration of the gel, the pH value, the concentration of the phosphate buffer solution…etc. After a series of the experiments, the optimize measurement environment and the best response curves can be realized. The urea sensor of the extended-gate structure can detect the urea concentration from 0.31mg/dl to 80mg/dl, and sensitivity of the linear range is about 169.1mV/pUrea.
However, the CMOS standard process of the UMC 0.5um was employed to fabricate the 1.5V low-voltage amplifier. And the characteristic of the amplifier also be measured in this study. Besides, the sensor and the pre-amplifier were also be fabricated by this technique. In this study, two kinds of the structures will be compared, including the separative structure and on a single chip.
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
誌謝 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅳ
圖目錄 Ⅶ
表目錄 Ⅸ
第一章 緒論 ……………………………………………………………… 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 3
1-3 論文架構 5
第二章 理論分析與探討 ………………………………………………… 7
2-1 生物感測器之種類與應用 7
2-2 尿素之生理作用機制 15
2-3 尿素感測器基本原理 19
2-3.1酵素薄膜固定化技術之探討 19
2-3.2延伸式離子感測場效電晶體之工作原理 21
第三章 可拋棄式尿素感測器之實現 ……………………………………24
3-1 前言 24
3-2 尿素感測器之製備 27
3-2.1延伸式離子感測場效電晶體之製備 28
3-2.2尿素感測器之酵素薄膜固定化步驟 29
3-2.3量測架構 30
3-3 實驗結果 31
3-3.1 延伸式離子感測場效電晶體之pH感測特性 31
3-3.2 反應時間與回復時間 33
3-3.3 不同酵素量對反應之影響 34
3-3.4 不同PVA-SbQ濃度對反應之影響 36
3-3.5 不同固定方式對反應電壓之影響 38
3-3.6 量測環境pH值對反應之影響 40
3-3.7 緩衝溶液濃度對反應之影響 42
3-3.8 再現性之探討 43
3-3.9 元件壽命之探討 45
3-4 結果討論 48
第四章 低電壓運算放大器之實現 ………………………………………51
4-1 前言 51
4-2 電路架構與工作原理說明 52
4-3電路模擬與晶片量測 55
第五章 尿素感測器與前置放大器於單一晶片上實現 …………………63
5-1 前言 63
5-2 尿素感測器之製備 65
5-3結果與討論 68
5-3.1 感測器與前置放大器採分離式架構 68
5-3.2 感測器與前置放大器製作於單一晶片 71
5-3.3 結果討論 74
第六章 綜合結論與討論 …………………………………………………76
第七章 結論與未來展望 …………………………………………………80
7-1 結論 80
7-2 未來展望 83
參考文獻 84
作者簡歷 91
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