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研究生(外文):Ming-Chou Tu
論文名稱(外文):Error Detection of H.263 Video Data Transmitted in Bluetooth Environment
指導教授(外文):Shaou-Gang Miaou
外文關鍵詞:Error ConcealmentError DetectionH.263 Video CompressionBluetooth
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本論文將以藍芽封包格式來傳輸視訊資料,在遭受高斯雜訊及Rayleigh Fading干擾時,探討在不同視訊品質下的錯誤偵測問題。視訊資料在傳輸前先經H.263的視訊壓縮,再經過藍芽封裝及調變,之後傳送至無線環境中。在接收端則會經藍芽及H.263的視訊解碼端解回視訊畫面,再經由本論文所提出的錯誤偵測法尋找出錯誤的區域。好的錯誤偵測結果對其後的錯誤遮隱以及視訊品質的提升有莫大的效益。
模擬顯示,使用有或無保護的藍芽封包以及不同的信號對雜訊比值(Signal to Noise Ratio, SNR),視訊畫面會受到不同程度的干擾。最後採用錯誤偵測(Error Detection)的技術,把錯誤的 方塊找出來。結果顯示即使是背景複雜的Salesman畫面,在SNR = 16dB時,平均錯誤偵測率(Detection Rate, DR)仍可達85%以上。還有,所有錯誤偵測的平均的錯誤率(False Detection Rate, FDR)都可壓抑在15%以下。

Nowdays Bluetooth (BT) is one of the major standards for short-range wireless communications. Video transmission techniques with BT modules can be used in PDA, notebooks, and other wireless equipments with displaying devices. The H.263 video compression standard is mainly for the transmission of video data in low-bandwidth channels. It fits the BT transmission rate. In addition, the provided frame sizes are suitable for the equipments described above.
In this thesis we discuss the error detection problem for different quality of video transmitted in BT packet formats under the AWGN noise and Rayleigh fading. The video data are compressed first using the H.263 compression technique before they are transmitted. Then they are packetized in BT formats and are modulated before transmitted in a wireless environment. In the decoding process at the receiving end, the video will be decoded through BT and H.263, and the error region will be detected using the proposed error detection method in this thesis. Good error detection results greatly facilitate the subsequent error concealment step and the improvement of video quality.
Simulation results show that using error protected/unprotected BT packets and different signal to noise ratios will result in different levels of video degradation. Finally, we use the error detection technique to locate the blocks in error. The results show that the average error detection rate can still maintain more than 85% for the background-complicated Salesman sequence when SNR = 16dB. Furthermore, all the average false detection rates are kept below 15%.

第一章 緒論1
1-1 研究背景1
1-2 研究動機及目的2
1-3 綱要2
第二章 藍芽傳送標準3
2-1 藍芽基本封包型式4
2-2 藍芽的傳輸5
2-3 藍芽封包的封裝6
第三章 H.263視訊壓縮標準簡介14
3-1 畫面格式14
3-2 視訊位元流(Bitstream)架構15
3-3 半點像素(Half-pixel)及移動向量估測18
3-4 編碼器19
3-5 解碼器19
3-6 四種選擇性編碼模式20
第四章 錯誤偵測23
4-1 H.263 錯誤的蔓延24
4-1-1 空間域的錯誤蔓延24
4-1-2 時間域的錯誤蔓延25
4-2 I畫面之錯誤偵測26
4-2-1 I畫面錯誤的產生26
4-2-2 提出的整合統計錯誤偵測法27
4-3 P畫面之錯誤偵測36
4-4 I與P畫面之錯誤遮隱37
第五章 H.263視訊在藍芽平台上傳輸的模擬39
5-1 藍芽基頻環境39
5-1-1 藍芽編碼端40
5-1-2 通道影響41
5-1-3 藍芽解碼端41
5-2 藍芽基頻環境模擬與討論42
5-2-1 參數設定43
5-2-2 模擬結果與討論43
5-2-2-1 藍芽編碼端模擬43
5-2-2-2 通道模擬46
5-2-2-3 藍芽解碼端模擬46
第六章 錯誤偵測實驗結果與探討49
6-1 實驗環境49
6-1-1 藍芽環境設定49
6-1-2 H.263視訊參數設定49
6-1-3 I畫面錯誤偵測率評估之定義50
6-2 I畫面錯誤偵測模擬50
6-3 I畫面錯誤遮隱模擬54
6-4  I P畫面錯誤偵測及錯誤遮隱模擬56
6-5 實驗結果探討59
第七章 結論及未來研究方向61
附 錄66

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