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研究生(外文):Tzung-Shian Lee
論文名稱(外文):Integrating Temporal and Spatial Domain Error Concealment Algorithms for Video Transmission
指導教授(外文):Shaou-Gang Miaou
外文關鍵詞:error concealmentmodified boundary matching algorithmcombining temporal and spatial domain algorithmboundary matching algorithm
  • 被引用被引用:1
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由模擬結果可知在不增加太多運算複雜度的前提下,本論文所提之方法在尖峰訊雜比值(PSNR)方面比邊緣匹配法(Boundary Matching Algorithm, BMA)以及經修改的邊界匹配法(Modified Boundary Matching Algorithm, MBMA)平均增加0.05至1.91dB之間。總括來說,整合時間域與空間域錯誤遮隱法對於區塊內有不同物件或是物件與背景交界時能發揮最大的效果。

Digital video transmission turns to wireless communication application with rapid technology development. The compressed video data are easily corrupted by channel interference. Error concealment is a technique used at the decoder side for improving decoded video quality without any increase of transmission data or channel bandwidth. Error concealment techniques can be classified into temporal and spatial domains by their error recovery principles, and each of them has its own trait and application condition. Thus, how to integrate the methods of both domains and make use of their advantages to improve image quality become a major research topic in recent error concealment study.
In this thesis, an error concealment scheme combining temporal and spatial domains algorithms is proposed. According to the matching degree of motion vectors, a macroblock in error is divided into several areas. Any areas suitable for the temporal-domain boundary matching method are recovered first. The remaining areas are recovered by improved spatial-domain nearest pixels interpolation method.
The simulation results show that the proposed method is 0.05-1.91 dB better than BMA (Boundary Matching Algorithm) and MBMA (Modified Boundary Matching Algorithm) on the average in terms of peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) without increasing too much computational complexity. Overall, the temporal and spatial domain combining error concealment algorithms work well in the macroblocks with different objects or some boundary between objects and background.

第一章 緒論1
1.1 研究背景1
1.1.1 資料保護概論2
1.1.2 錯誤遮隱2
1.2 研究動機與目的3
1.3 研究方法與步驟3
1.4 論文架構3
第二章 視訊壓縮標準5
2.1 視訊壓縮原理簡介5
2.1.1 時間冗餘性6
2.1.3 編碼冗餘性7
2.2 H.26X系列視訊壓縮標準8
2.2.1 H.2618
2.2.2 H.26311
2.2.3 H.263+16
2.2.4 MPEG系列19
第三章 視訊傳輸錯誤、保護與錯誤遮隱技術23
3.1 視訊傳輸錯誤23
3.1.1 錯誤對視訊編碼資料流的影響23
3.2 視訊傳輸保護27
3.3 錯誤遮隱技術28
3.3.1 時間域錯誤遮隱法28
3.3.2 空間域錯誤遮隱法35
3.3.3 頻域錯誤遮隱法39
3.3.4 整合域錯誤遮隱法40
第四章 整合時間域與空間域錯誤遮隱法42
4.1 時間域分割區塊匹配遮隱法42
4.1.2 移動向量的匹配44
4.1.3 區塊分割與移動向量回復46
4.2 空間域改良式最接近像素內插法48
4.3 整合時間域與空間域錯誤遮隱法50
4.4 畫面區塊回復順序52
第五章 實驗模擬結果與討論54
5.1 實驗模擬環境說明54
5.1.1 輸入影像格式54
5.1.2 視訊壓縮模擬參數54
5.1.3 有雜訊干擾傳輸環境的說明55
5.1.4 模擬錯誤情況的說明56
5.2 實驗模擬結果58
5.3 實驗結果討論64
第六章 結論與未來展望66

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