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研究生(外文):Chia-song chiu
論文名稱(外文):The Study of the High Frequency Acoustic Wave Oscillator and Applications
指導教授(外文):Erik S. Jeng
外文關鍵詞:PiezoelectricPierce-type oscillatorSAW devices
  • 被引用被引用:17
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Piezoelectric resonators have been widely used as sensors for mass, temperature, stress and many other fields. Quartz resonators using surface acoustic wave (SAW) modes have been the most extensively used in mass sensing devices. SAW devices coated with polymer as chemical sensors become popular in the detection of a variety of organic gases.
This thesis presents a Pierce-type oscillator using two-port SAW devices. The center frequency and the insertion loss of SAW device are 157.7MHz and —19.78dB respectively. The output power of oscillator using SAW device is 16dBm@157.326MHz while its phase noise is -62.6dBc/Hz@100KHz.
SAW ocillators with organic films using C2H2 and C2H2/N2 to detect the serveral organic vapors. Results were obtained and discussed with SAW devices for the organic gas detection. The oscillator devices have been shown to be potential for an robust and handy gas detections.
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第五章 結論與未來工作
Chapter 1 Introduction to Sensor
1-1 Basic Sensors
1-1-1 Classification of Sensors
1-2 Acoustic Sensor
1-2-1 Acoustic Wave
1-2-2 Piezoelectric Materials
1-2-3 SAW Sensors
1-2-4 Acoustic Sensing
1-3 Organization of this Thesis
Chapter 2 SAW Oscillator
2-1 Oscillator Basics
2-2 Basic Oscillator Topologies
2-2-1 Pierce Oscillator
2-3 Oscillator using SAW Device
2-4 Conclusions
Chapter 3 Circuit Design and Fabrication
3-1 SAW Device
3-1-1 Design of the SAW Filter Mask
3-1-2 Fabrication of SAW Device
3-1-3 Measurements Methods
3-2 Design of Two-Ports SAW Oscillator
3-2-1 The Model of the Piezoelectric Crystal
3-2-2 Circuit Topology and Simulation
3-2-3 Fabrications and Measurements
3-3 Conclusions
Chapter 4 Analysis of Gas Sensing
4-1 Introduction to Gas Sensor
4-2 Comparison of Acoustic Sensing Devices
4-3 Experiment and Results
4-3-1 C2H2 and C2H2/N2 Film versus Frequency
4-3-2 Experiment Setup
4-3-3 Results and Discussions
4-4 Conclusions
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