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研究生(外文):Shyan-Bin Jou
論文名稱(外文):Volume manipulations and voxelization algorithms in applications of diagnoses and surgical simulations of musculoskeletal system
指導教授(外文):Ming-Dar Tsai
外文關鍵詞:volume visualizationsurface voxelizationsurgery simulation
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In this thesis, we reveal the importance of surgical simulation, survey the related simulation techniques and realize that volume model is more accurate than others as it can resolve the inner information of anatomic structure. Then, we survey varied volume models with extended data structures and methodologies for manipulating solids, surfaces and find out the insufficiencies of them.
We propose a new volume data structure and algorithms for surface representation in a volume, also promote the algorithms that can efficiently manipulate volumetric solids. With these algorithms and data structure, we develop some simulation functions to manipulate volumetric solids and especially simulate musculoskeletal surgery, including collision detection and Boolean operations between solids, tear an anatomic structure (a solid), recognize, reposition the structure and fuse two separate structure, etc.
This study testifies the functions with several surgical examples. First, a corrective osteotomy for correcting a maxilla extrusion is demonstrated. This example shows a complex musculoskeletal surgery with complicated topologic and geometric changes can be well simulated by our functions. In the second example, the functions combine with an algorithm of evaluating and analyzing 3D geometric constraints for determining commercial knee prosthesis. The evaluation and analysis results are used as parameters for simulating the knee arthroplasty. In the last example, functions combining HIVD (Herniated Inter-Vertebral Disc) detection method is demonstrated. This method accommodates the radial B-spline to approximate the spline curve composed by disc boundary on slice. We calculate the center of inter-vertebral disc, determine the concave and convex features on the disc based on the change rate of radii and determine the HIVD degree based on the feature characteristics. This method provides effective information for the followed-up HIVD surgical simulation.
The first experimental result shows that proposed data structure, algorithms and simulation functions completely fulfill the requirements of simulating the musculoskeletal surgery. The second and last experimental results show the simulation method based on volumetric manipulation can be extended to a diagnosis, verification and treatment tool by combining the related algorithms.
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Organization of thesis
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Computer-aided surgery simulation
2.2 Volume modeling algorithms
2.3 Voxelization algorithms
2.4 Drawbacks of existed approaches on volume modeling and surface voxelization
Chapter 3 Surface Voxelization
3.1 Basics of surface in volume model
3.2 Data structure for representing volumetric surface
3.3 Surface voxelization algorithms
3.3.1 Calculation of sample points and distance-level replacement
3.3.2 Treatment of voxels sharing the face of incremented point
3.3.3 Seed-curve update
3.3.4 Boundary generation and discontinuity-counter
Chapter 4 Manipulation of Volumetric Solids
4.1 Seed and fill algorithm
4.2 A modified algorithm with 2 ½ D linked lists
4.2.1 Problems of original algorithm: redundant seeds and searches
4.2.2 Possible solutions for preventing redundant seeds and searches
4.2.3 2 1/2 D linked lists reducing repeated searches on seeds and recounting fills
4.2.4 Experiments for proposed modification
4.3 Manipulation of volumetric solids
4.3.1 Topology-changed operations
4.3.2 Non topology-changed operations
4.3.3 Boolean operations
Chapter 5 Applications of Musculoskeletal Surgeries
5.1 Osteotomy correcting maxilla extrusion
5.2 Knee arthroplasty
5.2.1 Three-dimensional geometric constraint evaluation and analysis for determining commercial knee prosthesis
5.2.2 Knee arthroplasty
5.3 Diagnosis of herniated inter-vertebral disc based on image analysis of transverse sections
5.3.1 Theory study
5.3.2 Approximated B-spline for disc boundary
5.3.3 2D herniation feature recognition for classification of HIVD
5.3.4 3D herniation geometry inference from 2D features on transverse sections
5.3.5 Implementation example
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Discussions
6.1 Conclusions
6.2 Discussion
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