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論文名稱(外文):Secure Electronic Score Files Transmission via Campus Networks Based on SET
指導教授(外文):Shih -Hsiung Twu
外文關鍵詞:setsecure electronic score files transmission
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我們相信本論文的研究結果,對於在如下所述的未來研究領域上將有所助益:(1)擴展校園網路的其他重要資料傳送(2) 使用端點對端點的互相認證以提昇整體效能(3)以電腦系統簡化協定及改善運作速度。。

In this thesis, we propose a scheme that applies SET to electronic score files transmission via campus networks. By way of such secure protocols, the electronic lesson table files and electronic score files can be transmitted among the departments, curriculum section, registrar’s section and teachers securely and conveniently.
Why do we design the secure electronic score files transmission via campus networks based on SET? To be brief, because it can proceed authentication of three ends and high security.
In the scheme, at first, the departments, curriculum section, registrar’s section and teachers must register with a CA before they send messages to achieve identity authentication. Then, before the term beginning, the department sends electronic lesson table files to the curriculum section, and the curriculum section sends the references of electronic lesson table files to the department right now via a secure network. After the curriculum section finishes the corresponding processes, it sends the electronic school timetables, classroom tables, roll books, giving lessons proofs to the departments. When the departments receive the files, it sends to the corresponding teachers.
At the end of term, the teacher sends his electronic score files to the registrar’s section, the registrar’s section sends the reference of electronic score files to the teacher right now via a secure network. Then the registrar’s section requests authorization to the curriculum section to assure that the electronic score files is valid.
In the proposed protocols, we apply the following means to ensure confidentiality, integrity of data and authentication of identity.
1.Confidentiality is ensured by the use of
message encryption.
2.Integrity and authentication are ensured by the
use of digital signatures.
3.Authentication is further strengthened by the
use of certificates.
The main results of our study are as follows. (1) It ensures the confidentiality of the electronic score files with electronic giving lessons proof files. (2) The CA possesses just effect and high security. (3) It provides the legitimacy of user’s authentication. (4) It ensures the integrity of all transmitted data. (5) It ensures that the design of mechanisms is secure. (6) The usage of precise protocols and message formats to provide interoperability among software and hardware.
It is believed that the results of our study in this thesis will be much helpful and feasible for the future research as follows.
(1)Expand our results to other important data
transmission via campus networks.
(2)Use the end to end authentication discretely
to promote the overall performance.
(3)Study the possibility to build our results
in a computer system to the effectiveness.

List of figures……………………………….….. III
List of Tables……………………………………....Ⅴ
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 Introduction……………………………………...1
1.2 Main Results…………………………...……..…3
1.3 Organization of The Thesis…………………...6
Chapter 2. Background and Review of SET
2.1 Analyses of Business Requirements…………..7
2.2 Basic Concepts of Cryptography………….….10
2.3 Review of SET……………………………….....28
2.4 The reasons of applying SET to Electronic Score
Files Transmission via Campus Networks…..52
Chapter 3. A Scheme of Appling SET to Electronic Score Files Transmission via
Campus Networks
3.1 Registration Protocols…………………………56
3.2 Secure Electronic Score Files Transmission
Chapter 4. Conclusions and Future Research…..81

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