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研究生(外文):Cheng-Yao Hung
論文名稱(外文):Adaptive Control for Rotary Induction Motors and Linear Induction Motors
指導教授(外文):Kuang-Yow Lian
外文關鍵詞:induction motorslinear induction motoradaptive controlfriction forceend effect
  • 被引用被引用:1
  • 點閱點閱:261
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做估測器設計,而是引進了VDV(Virtual Desired Variables)的設計概念,簡
This thesis presents a systematic and high performance semi-current
fed model-based control for both rotary induction motors and linear
induction motors. The new concept, semi current fed model, relaxes
the original assumption that an ideal current loop is achieved which
is quite strict in practical implementations. When controlling rotary
induction motors, a LuGre dynamic friction model is considered along
with the semi-current-fed model. The objective of adaptive speed
control, achieved by an indirect estimation on the rotor flux, is
carried out by using Virtual Desired Variable design methodology.
This approach simplifies the controller synthesis. For the friction
part, assumed to be immeasurable, a double observer is used to
estimate the parameters and states of the nonlinear friction model.
In addition, the rotor resistance, load torque are assumed to be
unknown. Since the structure of the linear induction motor is
quite similar to a rotary one, which we need to consider that the
method of motion and end-effect is the only differences, the second
part of this thesis deals with the control in an analogous method.
Therefore, once deriving the mathematical model considering
end-effects, control is achieved while torque load and mechanical
parameters are considered to be unknown.
Finally, numerical simulations and practical experiment on
both rotary induction motors and linear induction motors are
found to be consistent with theoretical derivations.
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Contribution 3
1.3 Research Motivation 4
1.4 Organization of Thesis 4
2. Mathematical Model of Induction Motors and Linear Induction Motors 6
2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 Coordinate Transformation 7
2.3 Induction Motors Model 7
2.4 Linear Induction Motors Model 10
2.4.1 Linear Induction Motors Model 10
2.4.2 Linear Induction Motors Model Reflecting End Effect 11
2.5 Optimal Generated Torque and Optimal Generated Thrust 14
3. Adaptive Speed Control with Friction Compensation for Induction Motors 18
3.1 Introduction 18
3.2 Problem Formulation 19
3.2.1 Dynamic Model of Induction Motors with Considering Friction 19
3.2.2 Semi-current-fed Model 21
3.3 Design Method of Virtual Desired Variables 23
3.3.1 Mechanical Loop Control 23
3.3.2 VDV-Synthesis 24
3.3.3 Realization of VDV-Synthesis 25
3.4 Adaptive Mechanism and Stability Analysis 27
3.5 PE Condition and Flux Tracking 31
3.6 Simulation 33
3.6.1 Simulation of Speed Regulation 34
3.6.2 Simulation of Speed Regulation with Load 34
3.6.3 Simulation of Speed Tracking (1) 35
3.6.4 Simulation of Speed Tracking (2) 35
3.6.5 Simulation of Smooth Step-Type Speed Tracking 36
3.7 Conclusions 36
4. Adaptive Speed Control for Linear Induction Motors 43
4.1 Introduction 43
4.2 Problem Formulation 45
4.3 Design Method of Virtual Desired Variables 47
4.3.1 Mechanical Loop Control 47
4.3.2 VDV-Synthesis 48
4.3.3 Realization of VDV-Synthesis 49
4.4 Adaptive Mechanism and Stability Analysis 50
4.5 PE Condition and Flux Tracking 52
4.6 Simulation 53
4.6.1 Simulation of Speed Regulation 53
4.6.2 Simulation of Speed Regulation with Load 54
4.6.3 Simulation of Speed Tracking 54
4.6.4 Simulation of Benchmark Speed Tracking 55
4.7 Conclusions 55
5. Experimental Results 62
5.1 Introduction 62
5.2 Hardware 63
5.3 Software 63
5.4 Induction Motor Experimental Results 64
5.4.1 Experiment of Speed Regulation 64
5.4.2 Experiment of Speed Regulation with Load 64
5.4.3 Experiment of Speed Tracking (1) 65
5.4.4 Experiment of Speed Tracking (2) 65
5.4.5 Experiment of Smooth Step-Type Speed Tracking 66
5.5 Linear Induction Motor Experimental Results 66
5.5.1 Experiment of Speed Regulation (1) 66
5.5.2 Experiment of Speed Tracking (1) 67
5.5.3 Experiment of Triangular Command(1) 67
5.5.4 Experiment of Speed Regulation (2) 67
5.5.5 Experiment of Speed Tracking (2) 68
5.5.6 Experiment of Triangular Command (2) 68
5.5.7 Experiment of Speed Regulation (3) 68
5.5.8 Experiment of Speed Tracking (3) 68
5.5.9 Experiment of Triangular Command (3) 69
6. Conclusions 82
Bibliography 84
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