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研究生(外文):Shun-Pin Chou
論文名稱(外文):Design of voltage-mode biquadratic filters employing active current-mode elements
指導教授(外文):Chun-Ming Chang
外文關鍵詞:active filterscurrent conveyor
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本論文將利用電流傳輸器作為主動元件來設計電壓式二階濾波電路,並希望能減少主動與被動元件的數目。因此,我們以第二代電流傳輸器(CCII)、雙輸出之第二代電流傳輸器作為主動元件,設計單輸入三輸出電壓式多功濾波電路;以及使用差動電壓電流傳輸器(DVCC) 為主動元件,設計單輸入三輸出電壓式多功濾波電路與三輸入單輸出電壓式萬用濾波電路。
首先,我們提出兩個以第二代電流傳輸器(CCII)為主動元件設計之單輸入三輸出電壓式多功濾波電路,可實現低通、帶通和高通訊號。第一個電路使用了兩個雙輸出之第二代電流傳輸器、三個電阻及兩個接地電容。此電路具有主、被動元件數目較少之優點及兩個接地電容,利於電路之積體化製造,諧振頻率與品質因素對於主、被動元件之靈敏度非常小,而且,不需要阻抗匹配條件。第二個電路使用了兩個單端正型第二代電流傳輸器(CCII+s) 、四個電阻及兩個電容。此電路不需要阻抗匹配條件,具有低的被動元件靈敏度,而且只使用了正型的CCII簡化了電路的結構。
最後,我們提出使用單一差動電壓電流傳輸器(DVCC) ,配合配合兩個電容及三個電阻,設計出電壓式三輸入、單輸出萬用二階濾波電路。此電路之優點,僅使用單一主動元件即可從同一個電路結構中實現低通、帶通、高通、帶拒和全通五種濾波信號,其諧振角頻率wo及品質因素Q可正交調整(orthogonal control)。

In this paper, we design voltage-mode biquadratic filters using current conveyors, and have an attempt on minimizing the numbers of active and passive components in the design. For this reason, some new biquads with a single input and three outputs or three inputs and a single output are presented employing second-generation current conveyors (CCIIs), dual output CCIIs or differential voltage current conveyors (DVCCs).
Firstly, we present two voltage-mode low-pass, band-pass, and high-pass biquadratic filters with a single input and three outputs employing CCIIs. The first circuit is composed of two dual output CCIIs, two grounded capacitors, and three resistors. The presented circuit has the following advantageous features: realization of voltage-mode low-pass, band-pass, and high-pass filter responses from the same configuration; no requirement of critical component matching conditions; employment of grounded capacitors ideal for integration; low sensitivity characteristics; and simpler configuration due to the use of only two dual output CCIIs. The second circuit is composed of two plus type CCIIs, two capacitors, and four resistors. The proposed circuit has the following advantageous features: no component matching conditions; low passive sensitivities; and simpler configuration due to the use of only two plus type CCIIs.
Secondly, we propose a voltage-mode low-pass, band-pass, and high-pass biquadratic filter with a single input and three outputs employing only one DVCC, two capacitors, and three resistors. It requires no critical component matching/cancellation constraints and enjoys low passive sensitivities.
Finally, a voltage-mode low-pass, band-pass, high-pass, all-pass, and notch biquadratic filter with three inputs and a single output employing a single DVCC, two capacitors, and three resistors is proposed. It offers the following advantageous features: realization of low-pass, band-pass, high-pass, all-pass, and notch signals from the same configuration and orthogonal control of wo and Q.

2.1 Nullor model ..........................................5
2.2 電流傳輸器(CC).........................................7
2.3 雙輸出端之電流式主動元件..............................12
2.4 差動電壓電流傳輸器(Differential Voltage Current
Conveyor) ............................................18

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