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研究生(外文):Shiow-jing Tang
論文名稱(外文):Influence of the flow rate of the carrier gas on the surface morphologyof C60 polycrystalline films
指導教授(外文):K. C. Chiu
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討其表面形貌的演化。由SEM 所觀察到的薄膜表面形貌可定義成三
大類別,分別為第一類厚度均勻且結晶性良好之A-type,B-type 與C
-type 的碳六十薄膜,第二類覆蓋性不佳的F-type,F--type,F/C-type
與G -type 的薄膜,以及第三類厚度不均但覆蓋性尚佳之H-type 與
A--type 的薄膜。藉由晶體生長過程中,代表過飽和程度的ln(psou / psub)
與代表晶格表面擴散與重整能力的1000 / Tsub 這兩種主要的物理量,

A detailed study of the evolution of surface morphology for C60
polycrystalline films in terms of the substrate temperature, the source
temperature, and the flow rate of the carrier gas was carried out in a
physical vapor deposition system. From scanning electron microscopy,
the surface morphology of the films can be defined as three categories.
The first category includes A, B, and C-type films with homogeneous
grain sizes and with good coverage over the substrate. The second
category includes F, F-, F/C, and G-type films with randomly distributed
grains and only partially covering the substrate. The third category
includes H-type and A--type with a non-uniform distribution of grain
sizes and small film thickness. In terms of the degree of supersaturation
and substrate temperature, the influence of the flow rate of the carrier gas
on the surface morphology of C60 polycrystalline films is discussed.

中文摘要……………………………………… I
英文摘要……………………………………… II
誌謝…………………………………………… III
目錄…………………………………………... IV
圖目錄…………………………………………. . V
2.1 實驗參數的選擇……………………3
2.2 實驗裝置及步驟……………………3
究…………………………………… 6
3.1 實驗結果……………………………6
3.2 討論………………………………13
第四章總結………………………………... 23

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