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研究生(外文):Shu-Jiuan Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Biomechanical Evaluation of Different Types of Bone Graft Surgery in Thoracolumbar Vertebrae
指導教授(外文):Weng-Pen Chen
外文關鍵詞:spinal instrumentation.bone graftthoracolumbar spinefinite element analysis
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In spinal fusion surgery, bone grafts are commonly used to enhance bone fusion and to provide stability. In practice, autologous bone graft, such as, iliac bone crest is most often adopted. In thoracolumbar vertebral surgery, the ribs are often dissected and may be an alternative choice for bone graft besides iliac bone. However, the biomechanical efficacy of rib bone graft used in thoracolumbar anterior bone fusion was not reported in literature. The purpose of this study was to use a finite element model to evaluate the effects of using iliac bone; one rib or two ribs bone graft, with and without instrumentation in thoracolumbar vertebral bone graft surgery. Fifty-four transverse plane CT scan images were obtained at 3 mm intervals and used to create a T10 to L2 five-segment, three-dimensional finite element model. Only the T12-L1 motion segment was used for this study. The intervertebral disc in the segment was removed and anterior bone graft surgery was simulated. The bone fusion was assumed for all models, therefore, the iliac bone and rib bone were assigned with the same material property. All interfaces were assumed to be bond with no micromotion. Based on the stress results, we found that when only one rib bone was used, the stress in the graft was higher than that of the iliac bone graft and the two ribs bone graft conditions and spinal instrumentation must be applied. This implies that early collapse may occur when only one rib bone graft was applied. But if spinal instrumentation was applied, the stress on the one rib bone graft was similar with the two ribs bone graft and iliac crest bone graft. The stress distributions for the iliac bone graft and the two ribs bone graft were similar whether using spinal instrumentation or not. Therefore, two ribs bone graft may be an acceptable alternative besides iliac bone graft if fully bone fusion is established. If bone fusion is not established, then iliac bone graft may still be a safer choice than rib bone graft.
第1章 緒論10
1-1 引言10
1-2 研究背景10
1-3 文獻回顧12
1-3-1 脊椎有限元素分析之相關文獻回顧12
1-3-2 與脊椎相關研究之文獻13
1-4 研究目的16
1-5 論文架構16
第2章 基本理論與研究設備18
2-1 脊椎的生理結構18
2-1-1 脊椎的解剖學構造18
2-1-2 椎間盤的解剖學構造20
2-2 脊椎的損傷22
2-3 有限元素法23
第3章 研究方法與步驟25
3-1 影像處理26
3-2 實體模型的建立27
3-2-1 完整胸腰椎模型的建立27
3-2-2 補骨模型的建立29
3-2-3 加入內固定器之脊椎模型31
3-2-4 轉檔格式34
3-3 有限元素模型的建立34
3-3-1 完整胸腰椎有限元素模型34
3-3-2 補骨的有限元素模型37
3-3-3 加入內固定器之有限元素模型39
3-4 邊界條件的設定40
3-5 收斂測試43
3-5-1 完整胸腰椎模型的收斂43
3-5-2 局部椎體模型之收斂44
3-6 黏彈性之有限元素模型47
第4章 結果49
4-1 補骨上的應力分佈情形49
4-1-1 無內固定裝置49
4-1-2 加入後位內固定裝置50
4-1-3 加入前位內固定裝置51
4-2 比較不同固定器上螺絲的應力分佈情形51
4-3 黏彈性材料之結果54
第5章 討論56
5-1 幾何模型56
5-2 補骨與固定器上的結果56
5-3 黏彈性分析結果60
第6章 結論62
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