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研究生(外文):Deng-Tzan Shie
論文名稱(外文):Utilizing Synchrotron-base Radiation to Study Functionalized Self-Assembled Monolayers
指導教授(外文):J. D. Liao
外文關鍵詞:S-metal bond.X-ray Photoelectron SpectroscopySynchrotron X-rays damageSelf-Assembled Monolayers
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本研究使用整齊排列的1-Octadecanethiol (HS-(CH2)17-CH3,ODT)及11-mercaptoundecanoic acid (HS-(CH2)10-COOH,MUA)自我排列單分子膜使其吸附在Au(111)或Ag(111)晶面上做為試片。以高光通量、準直性佳的同步輻射光為光源,產生高強度軟X光波段對ODT/Au及ODT/Ag試片做X光破壞的探討及高解析能力的X光光電子能譜儀分析。本研究探討不同的掃描次數(照射時間)與光通量(光強度)對硫-金屬(S 2p)與碳鏈(C 1s)結構表面破壞的影響。在臨界破壞作用的估計上,當光通量為Ni mesh = 0.6 nA,掃描次數高於5以上,硫-金屬鍵結受到X光的破壞顯著。另一方面,在光通量為Ni mesh = 0.6 nA,掃描次數高於10以上,或者是在光通量為Ni mesh = 1.2 nA,掃描次數高於5以上,ODT單分子膜的碳鏈間受到X光的破壞亦顯著,而可能產生分子排列不整齊或是交聯的情形。綜合S 2p及C 1s的細掃描圖譜結果後發現,ODT單分子膜在Ag比在Au較能抵抗X光的破壞。再由S 2p細掃描圖譜中發現,MUA/Au和MUA/Ag的單分子膜受到X光破壞亦得到上述的結果。因此,以比較硫-金屬鍵結強度的方法來做為受到同步輻射X光破壞程度的指標,本研究顯示:同步輻射X光對-CH3及O=C-OH尾端官能基之硫醇分子的破壞作用相近,且S-Ag鍵結抵抗X光破壞能力比S-Au為強。

This study utilizes well-packed self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) of 1-Octadecanethiol (HS-(CH2)17-CH3, ODT) and 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid (HS-(CH2)10-COOH, MUA) adsorbed on Au(111) or Ag(111) surface as the substrates. Synchrotron radiation source provides X-rays with high photon flux (PF) and excellent collimation, the intensity of synchrotron soft X-rays increases high-resolution capacity for X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy to analyze the irradiated ODT/Au and ODT/Ag films. We discuss the relations of different scan numbers (SNs, or irradiation time) or PF (or photon intensity) with respect to X-ray induced damages on S-metal bonds (S 2p spectrum) and alkyl chains (C 1s spectrum). The critical irradiation effect, which provokes S 2p doublet change, was estimated as PF of 0.6 nA and SNs over 5. On the other hand, the alkyl chains were supposedly disordered or crosslinked when PF of 0.6 nA and SNs over 10, or PF of 1.2 nA and SNs over 5 was reached. From S 2p and C 1s spectra, we found that ODT on Ag was much resistant to X-ray induced damage than ODT on Au. Similar result was obtained on the irradiated MUA/Au and MUA/Ag samples. Therefore, the intensity of S-metal bonds is favorably employed as an index for the degree of synchrotron X-ray induced damages. Our result has demonstrated that synchrotron X-rays have similar damage effects to SAMs with —CH3 or O=C-OH tail group, and S-Ag bond is much resistant to X-ray induced damage than S-Au bond.
Abstract…………………………………………….. ………………………………II
第一章 緒論……………………………...……….…………………………………1
1-1 研究動機與目的……...……………………..…………………………………1
1-2 文獻回顧………………………………………………………………………2
第二章 理論基礎….……..…………...………………………..……………………6
2-1 自我排列單分子層(Self-assembled Monolayers,SAMs)原理……………6
2-2 物理源的破壞…………………………………………………………………10
2-2.1 光-氧化……………………………………………………………………10
2-2.2 高溫退火…………………………………………………………………10
2-2.3 離子輻射對聚合體的影響…………………. ……………………………11
2-3 同步輻射光源…………………………………………………………………18
2-3.1 同步輻射光………………………………………………………………18
2-3.2 能譜解析………………………………………………………………18
2-3.3 能譜數據處理…………………………………………………………20
2-3.7.1 背景基線扣除(Background Removal)…………………………21
2-3.7.2 譜峰曲線配湊…………………………………………………21
第三章 材料與方法…………………………………………………………………23
3-1 自我排列單分子層備製………………………………………………………23
3-1.1 玻璃器皿清潔……………………………………………………………23
3-1.2 基材製備…………………………………………………………………23
3-1.3 自我排列單分子層備製…………………………………………………23
3-2 高通量同步輻射光光子破壞效應實驗………………………………………24
3-3 XPS分析儀器…………………………………………………………………25
同步輻射研究中心U5 beamline XPS分析儀器……………………………25
3-4 數據處理………………………………………………………………………25
第四章 結果與討論…………………………………………………………………27
4-1 ODT/Au的S 2p分析結果………………………………………………………27
4-2 ODT/Au的C 1s分析結果………………………………………………………31
4-3 ODT/Ag的S 2p分析結果………………………………………………………34
4-4 ODT/Ag的C 1s分析結果………………………………………………………38
4-5 MUA/Au的S 2p分析結果………………………………………………………41
4-6 MUA/Au的C 1s分析結果………………………………………………………45
4-7 MUA/Ag的S 2p分析結果………………………………………………………45
4-8 MUA/Ag的C 1s分析結果………………………………………………………50
4-9 ODT/Au與ODT/Ag的S 2p斷鍵的生成率比較………………………………51
4-10 ODT/Au與ODT/Ag的C 1s能量半高寬比較………………………………53
第五章 結論…………………………………………………………………………54
第六章 未來展望……………………………………………………………………55
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