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研究生(外文):An-Sheng Yang
論文名稱(外文):Wireless Asynchronous Transfer Mode Networks:Key Technologies and Future Directions
指導教授(外文):Yu-Sun Liu
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摘 要



The concept of “wireless ATM”, first proposed in 1992, is regarded as the wireless extension of B-ISDN network. WATM is now being actively considered as the solution for next-generation wireless communication networks capable of supporting integrated, quality-of-service (QoS) based multimedia services. Today wireless ATM is still in the initial stage, the formal standard has not been laid down, the researchers are setting up experimental WATM networks, based on which various protocols are experimented. Wireless networks of ATM types will play an important role in wide-band wireless communication networks in the future. This paper describes the technological rationale for wireless ATM, a system level architecture, and discusses key design issues for both mobile ATM switching infrastructure and radio access subsystems. WATM radio access layer issues covered in this paper include : physical layer (PHY);medium access control (MAC) protocols;data link control (DLC) protocols and QoS control. Mobile ATM aspects such as ATM signaling extensions for handoff control and location management are discussed. A summary of current wireless ATM technology development and standardization status is given, including an outline of WATMnet prototype. This paper concludes with a brief discussion of future directions for wireless ATM technology such as Internet protocol (IP) integration and mobile multimedia applications.

目 錄
2.1 ATM技術之特性 ………………………………4
2.2 ATM基本原理 …………………………………5
2.3 ATM網路介面參考模式…………………………6
2.4 ATM網路協定參考模式…………………………8
2.5 ATM細胞標頭格式 ……………………………9
2.6 AAL層格式……………………………………10
2.7 虛擬路徑(VP)與虛擬通道(VC)………………12
2.8 VP交換與VC交換 …………………………13
第三章無線寬頻網路的技術背景 ………………………15
4.1 固定無線部分的結構…………………………17
4.2 移動終端用戶的結構…………………………18
4.3 移動交換中心與固定終端用戶的結構 ……19
4.4 移動交換中心與移動終端用戶的結構 ……19
4.5個人通信系統(PCS)的結構 …………………20
4.6無線Ad Hoc網路的結構 ……………………20
第五章WATM協定模型 …………………………………22
第六章無線接入層 ………………………………………26
6.2媒體接取控制層(MAC) ………………………30
6.2.1分散隊列請求更新多重接取(DQRUMA) …31
6.5.1柔性QoS (Soft QoS) ………………………44
第七章移動ATM (mobile ATM)網路 ……………………47
7.1交遞控制(Handoff Control) ……………………48
7.1.1虛擬連接樹VCT方案 ………………………50
7.1.2永久虛擬連接PVC方案 ……………………51
7.1.3 虛通道VP方案………………………………52
7.1.4 性能比較 ……………………………………55
7.2位置管理(Location Management)………………56
7.2.1 IETF位置管理方案…………………………57
7.2.2 PNNI定位方案………………………………59
第八章WATM的研究和發展現況 ………………………61
第九章WATM的未來趨勢 ………………………………65
9.1 標準化進展………………………………………65
9.2 未來發展趨勢……………………………………66
9.2.1市場功能面 …………………………………66
9.2.2 技術發展面 …………………………………67
第十章結語 ………………………………………………72
參考文獻 ……………………………………………………73

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