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研究生(外文):Chi-Chen Chiang
論文名稱(外文):An Empirical Study of Consumer''s Purchasing Intentions toward the House Market in Taichung Metropolis-On the Perspectives of Realty Developer''s Sale Promotion
指導教授(外文):Yih-Chaune Chen
外文關鍵詞:EKB ModelSale PromotionPurchasing IntentionsInvolvementReal Estate
  • 被引用被引用:33
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  基於近年來面臨國內不動產市場的重大變化,對整體經濟發展與資本市場產生明顯衝擊,遂引發本研究以建商為有效刺激消費者購買意願所進行的各類促銷活動為研究命題。以Van Waterschoot and Voet(1988)所提出之4P促銷功能分類架構,將實務面常見促銷活動分類為產品面、價格面、通路面、純粹促銷面促銷活動等四個構面,探討何種促銷活動對刺激消費者的購屋意願最為有效。同時依據EKB消費者決策模式,納入消費者人口統計變數、購屋動機、涉入程度等消費者個人特徵因素,希冀藉由了解不同消費者特徵對促銷活動刺激購屋意願的影響進行差異研究,以提供建商做為其從事促銷活動策略的參考指標,以達到運用最少資源,創造消費者最佳促銷活動偏好度與提升購屋意願的目的,期能對改善國內餘屋過多問題上有所助益。
Due to the developments and changes of real estate market in Taiwan these years which have made great impacts on the entire economic development and capital market, this research intends to study various sale promotions conducted by realty developers to stimulate consumers’ purchasing will. According to Van Waterschoot and Voet’s (1988) theory of An Improved Classification of the Marketing Mix, the study divides common sale promotions into four aspects: Product Promotion Mix, Price Promotion Mix, Place Promotion Mix, and Pure Sale Promotion Mix, so as to discuss which promotion tool is most effective. Meanwhile, based upon EKB Consumer Behavior, along with individual features and factors of consumers, such as demographic variables, motive to purchase, and involvement, the study attempts to provide realty developers with effective projects and guides to improve their sale promotions and contribute to selling real estate by understanding the effects on stimulating the will of purchasing houses caused by different characteristics of consumers.
The object of this study is the consumers who have purchased their residences in Taichung Metropolis in these two years. The method applied is to use questionnaire to execute statistic analysis, and the content of it contains 448 effective questionnaires. With SPSS to do ANOVA and Corsstab Analysis, the study does Factor Analysis on consumers’ motives of purchasing and divides them into three clusters.
The following is the conclusion:
1. Each sale promotion executed by realty developers has significant differences on stimulating consumers’ will of purchasing. Among them, consumers emphasize more on the Price Promotion Mix, Product Promotion Mix, and Place Promotion Mix more. The Price Promotion Mix is highest emphasized, yet the Pure Sale Promotion Mix is the least.
2. Different demographic features of consumers have significant differences in realty developer''s various sale promotions.
3. The action of purchasing houses is high involvement. Consumers of high involvement have significant differences in realty developer''s various sale promotions in comparison to those of low involvement.
4. Different clusters of consumers have significant differences in realty developer’s various sale promotions.
目  錄
第壹章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究流程 4
第三節 研究範圍與資料來源 5
第四節 研究限制 6
第貳章 文獻探討及理論基礎 10
第一節 不動產市場概論 10
第二節 消費者購買行為 20
第三節 促銷活動概論 26
第四節 建商促銷活動文獻探討 33
第五節 理論架構與文獻探討總結 35
第參章 研究方法 39
第一節 研究架構 39
第二節 研究假說 40
第三節 問卷設計 41
第四節 抽樣設計 47
第五節 資料分析方法 50
第肆章 實證分析與結果 52
第一節 回收樣本描述與信度效度檢定 52
第二節 建商促銷活動對消費者購屋意願影響之實證結果 62
第三節 消費者人口統計變數與建商促銷活動影響購屋意願之實證 66
第四節 消費者購屋涉入對建商促銷活動影響購屋意願之實證 80
第五節 購屋動機對建商促銷活動影響購屋意願之實證 84
第伍章 結論與建議 101
第一節  結論 101
第二節 建議 110
參考文獻 119
附錄一 問卷內容124
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