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研究生(外文):Shen-Hsiang Huang
論文名稱(外文):Structural Comparisons between Flexible Manufacturing Systems and Agile Manufacturing Systems-Using Object-Oriented Modeling Tool and Petri Net Simulations
指導教授(外文):Tzong-Ming Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Petri NetUnified Modeling Language (UML)Agile manufacturing system (AMS)Flexible manufacturing system (FMS)
  • 被引用被引用:18
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1. 探討彈性製造系統與靈巧性製造系統所需之製造單元、子系統,及其之間之關係。
2. 建構彈性製造系統與靈巧性製造系統,並比較兩系統間之差異。
3. 尋求彈性製造系統與靈巧性製造系統之間的轉換原則。
The way of production has evolved from mass production, to batch production, to flexible production system, and then to the newly developed agile manufacturing system. For those who are planning a system change, it is important to evaluate the performance of the prospective manufacturing system prior to its implementation, so that the influence of the alternation is cleared and the decision for system change can be properly made. A reasonable beginning for system change is to list the differences between current system and the desired system, and so the simulation can be carried out accordingly. Since the system adjustment process is not as explicit as its appearance, a though investigation will be essential. This research will focus on deriving the procedure to convert a flexible manufacturing system (FMS) into a nearest agile manufacturing system (AMS).
Despite the hardware equipment, the major difference between an FMS and an AMS is on information or communication routine and it’s interrelationships among the computer-controlled hardware. Therefore, the following steps are explored to facilitate the conversion:
1. Determine the hardware elements of manufacturing cells and corresponding subsystems, and the interrelationships among them
2. Construct FMS and AMS virually on a simulation domain, then compare the differences.
3. Seek and determine the conversion rules for the two systems.
As an example implementation, a sample FMS is converted to AMS via UML modeling, and are evaluated through a Petri Net simulation.
第一章 緒論1
1.1 研究背景1
1.2 研究動機2
1.3 研究目的3
1.4 研究架構4
1.5 章節介紹5
第二章 文獻探討6
2.1 靈巧性製造單元6
2.1.1 靈巧性製造單元之目標7
2.1.2 靈巧性製造單元之架構8
2.2 彈性製造單元12
2.2.1 彈性製造單元之目標13
2.2.2 彈性製造單元之架構14
2.3 靈巧性製造單元與彈性製造單元相關文獻之比較22
2.4 文獻總結26
第三章 研究方法27
3.1 研究重點27
3.2 物件導向27
3.2.1 物件導向之意義及特性27
3.2.2 物件導向之技法28
3.2.3 物件導向之用法30
3.3 統一塑模語言31
3.4.1 彈性製造系統35
3.4.2 靈巧性製造系統40
3.5 彈性製造單元與靈巧性製造單元之資訊流程及物件類別44
3.6 實驗限制51
第四章 彈性與靈巧性製造系統之物件塑模架構52
4.1 彈性製造系統中之特有物件類別54
4.2 靈巧性製造系統中之特有物件類別58
4.3 彈性及靈巧性製造系統中之相同物件類別64
4.4 斐氏網動態模擬68
4.4.1 彈性製造系統之斐氏網動態模擬71
4.4.2 靈巧性製造系統之斐氏網動態模擬74
4.5 模擬數據80
4.6 模擬結果討論85
第五章 結論與建議87
5.1 結論87
5.2 建議及未來研究方向90
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