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研究生(外文):Yun-Peng Chang
論文名稱(外文):To Explore A Third-Party Logistics Business Model of Aerospace Industry in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Chaang-Yung KungMeng-Jang Lin
外文關鍵詞:Third-Party Logistics(3PL)Logistics OutsourcingAerospace LogisticsKey Success Factor (K.S.F.)
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摘 要



經本研究發現,當前台灣的環境不論是政府的政策、經濟發展趨勢與物流技術水準以及社會需要,台灣航太物流委外發展己到達成熟階段。首先,不論是民航公司、軍方單位或是航太研發生產單位與維修公司勢將以發展核心事業(或事務)為主軸,必須將In-House 物流轉移給 3PL 業者執行。如此,才能提昇競爭力而達到永續經營的目的。其次,要發展第三者航太物流之關鍵成它]素有六,包括(1)顧客導向(2)信賴度(3)以CALS為策略基礎的資訊科技基礎建設(4)台灣環境(5)策略聯盟成它]素(6)航太特殊需求。再者,要建構台灣的第三者航太物流事業模式可善用『國有民營』的模式降低營運成本,以及『委託倉儲』的概念,誘使國外航太製造商和供應商在台灣建立『前進庫房』;並建置『3PL工作檯』發揮類似7-Eleven的便利弁遄C如此,不僅能使支援線縮短,降低顧客成本與縮短交運期程。同時,還可建立第三者航太物流發展亞太市場的灘頭堡,創造更高的附加價值。


Aerospace/defense industry revenue is going to increase of the world. So many companies of aerospace/defense were going to invest logistics integration business. Further more, there have a bright economic future of the Asia- Pacific region. The aerospace industry is one of the strategic industries in Taiwan. There for, the government of Republic of China (Taiwan)has published a “Global Logistics Development Plan”. On the other words, that will be established a nice platform infrastructure for develop the global logistics. Thereat, to develop Third- Party Logistics (3PL) of aerospace industry in Taiwan seems like to see the sun after push the cloud aside. Consequently, I was base on the environment of Taiwan to construct a framework of this research. Which include the first, to analyze the outsourcing logistics of the aerospace industry in Taiwan. Second, what key success factors to impact the 3PL of aerospace industry in Taiwan. Third, how to establish a 3PL business model for the aerospace industry in Taiwan?

I have adapt “preposition analysis” and “dialog with expertise” to do the explorative research. Mean while, try to cross check the related literatures to certify the prepositions were provided. However, It will be support the prepositions to determine.

I was base on the environment of Taiwan to construct a framework of this research, which is to explore a Third-Party Logistics business model of aerospace industry in Taiwan and to figure out K.S.Fs for the business model. However, try to analysis logistics outsourcing of the customers of aerospace industry in Taiwan. I adopted the methods of “Dialog with Expertise” and “Proposition Analysis” to do the explorative research.

I conclude that environment of the policy, economics, technology and society suit with develop the business of 3PL in aerospace industry in Taiwan. Thereafter, I have proposed three items as following.

1. Anyhow, not only airline, R&D manufacturing, MRO of aircraft should be considering in-house logistics outsourcing for 3PL Providers to decrease the total operation cast of the business and increase core competence of the business, but also military should considering in-house logistics outsourcing for 3PL Providers to focus the raining and combat operation.

2. There have six K.S.Fs be developed by expertise for the 3PL of aerospace industry in Taiwan, which include(1)Customer orientation(2)Dependability(3)CALS based infrastructure of IT(4)The environment of Taiwan(5)Strategic alliance success factors(6)Particular requirements of aerospace industry.

3. To establish a business of 3PL provider of aerospace industry in Taiwan could adopt a concept of the “Consignment storage” and than to set up “Forward Warehouse” for leasing to manufacturing & suppliers from foreign country. However, the consignment warehouse will contract with government by GOCO (Government Owned Contract Operated) system through a local integrated 3PL Provides. As well as, we establish “3PL Front Desk” that function similar 7-Eleven convenience store to located near the customers of aerospace industry in Taiwan. Therefore, we could increase benefit for the customers by short-circuit support line. Meanwhile, we will base on the beachhead of the operating system of the 3PL in aerospace industry to develop global logistics to server the customers of Asia-Pacific. That will be increased more benefit economic of Taiwan.

Keywords: Third-Party Logistics(3PL), Logistics Outsourcing, Aerospace Logistics, Key Success Factor (K.S.F.)
目 錄


第壹章 緒論………………………………………………………….1

第一節 研究背景……………………………………………………1
第二節 研究動機與目的……………………………………………3
第三節 研究範圍與對象…………………………………………….4
第四節 論文架構與研究程序………………………………………6

第貳章 文獻探討……………………………………………………8

第一節 物流委外之效益……………………………………………...8
第二節 全球運籌系統……………………………………………….17
第三節 虛擬價值鏈與供應鏈管理…………………………………23
第四節 第三者物流之發展與我國航太產業之物流環……………30

第參章 我國航太物流運作與委外情況…………………………64

第一節 航空器使用單位之物流活動與委外情況………………64
第二節 航空器研發生產單位之物流活動與委外情況…………67
第三節 航太維修公司之物流活動與委外情況…………………69

第肆章 研究設計與命題式分析…………………………………72

第一節 研究設計……………………………………………………72
第二節 命題發展…………………………………………………….75
第三節 台灣航太顧客物流委外分析………………………………76
第四節 關鍵成它]素………………………………………………81
第五節 建構台灣第三者航太物流事業之營運模式……………102

第伍章 結論與建議………………………………………………112

第一節 研究結論…………………………………………………112
第二節 研究建議…………………………………………………113
第三節 研究限制…………………………………………………116



附錄 I 專家訪談實錄……………………………………………124
附錄 II 第三者航太物流市場能量光譜表……………………136

表 目 錄

表2-1 『物流委外』的物流服務項目………………………………………….13
表2-2 策略聯盟前五大成它]素……………………………………………34
表2-3 第三者物流的25項關鍵成它]素……………………………………41
表2-4 3PL業者的13項特質及排序………………………………………43
表2-5 3PL業者與顧客委外合約的12項必要項目排序…………………...44
表2-6 KDC之3PL執行成效………………………………………………...47
表2-7 軍機商維產值分析……………………………………………………52
表2-8 台灣產業結構狀況…………………………………………………….56
表2-9 我國十產業物流成本佔各產業營業額比例………………………….62
表3-1 國空軍品申請撥運單〈人工〉…………………………………………66
表3-2 國空軍品申請撥運單〈機器〉…………………………………………66
表4-1 命題1推論……………………………………………………………..78
表4-2 命題2推論……………………………………………………………..81
表4-3 命題2-1推論…………………………………………………………...85
表4-4 命題2-2推論…………………………………………………………...88
表4-5 命題2-3推論…………………………………………………………...91
表4-6 命題2-4推論…………………………………………………………...95
表4-7 命題2-5推論…………………………………………………………...97
表4-8 命題2-6推論………………………………………………………….101
表4-9 命題3推論……………………………………………………………106

圖 目 錄

圖1-1 研究程序……………………………………………………………….7
圖2-1 物流之演進…………………………………………………………...11
圖2-2 合作金字塔(Partnership Pyramid)…………………………………..12
圖2-3 企業委外之重要因素………………………………………………...15
圖2-4 物流委外選擇………………………………………………………...16
圖2-5 國際物流系統模式…………………………………………………...20
圖2-6 公元1999年各國物流成本比較……………………………………..21
圖2-7 逆向物流與送修系統週期…………………………………………...27
圖2-8 績效基礎後勤 (PLB)策略…………………………………………...29
圖2-9 Bear Stearns & Co.預測第三者物流業的成長………………………31
圖2-10 電子物流概念圖……………………………………………………...35
圖2-11 實體物流整合………………………………………………………...37
圖2-12 第三者物流Exceed系列軟體示意圖………………………………45
圖2-13 KDC 物流中心服務地區…………………………………………..48
圖2-14 我國商業自動化架構圖……………………………………………...57
圖2-15 我國流通物流整合情況……………………………………………...59
圖2-16 我國物流技術之發展………………………………………………...60
圖2-17 經濟部商業司物流現代化推動成果………………………………61
圖3-1 空軍申請撥發程序…………………………………………………..65
圖3-2 漢翔公司ERP系統…………………………………………………68
圖3-3 停機待件(AOG)之零附件獲補程序………………………………70
圖4-1 觀念架構……………………………………………………………..72
圖4-2 研究設計概念……………………………………………………..73
圖4-3 初步模式架構………………………………………………………...75
圖4-4 命題架構……………………………………………………………...76
圖4-5 台灣第三者航太物流事業營運模式……………………………….104
圖4-6 台灣第三者航太物流事業運作流程……………………………….105
圖4-7 台灣第三者航太物流中心配置圖………………………………….105
圖5-1 未來走向…………………………………………………………….112
圖5-2 我國第三者航太物流業定位示意圖………………………………114










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