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研究生(外文):Tai-Chuan Ou
論文名稱(外文):Anchorage Behavior of Horizontal Underreamed Anchors and Vertical Underreamed Anchors in Sand
指導教授(外文):Shih-Tsung Hsu
外文關鍵詞:SandVertical Underreamed AnchorsHorizontal Underreamed Anchors
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A sand model “SHSE” and a 3D numerical software “FLAC3D” have been performed to study the anchorage behavior of horizontal and vertical underreamed anchors in sand. It was found, the anchorage capacity of horizontal anchor increases with overburden depth ratio H/D, but the influence comes from free length ratio Z/D was not evident. Although the total load, shaft friction and end bearing do not reach peak values at same anchor displacement, the total load of deep anchor reaches it peak value at same displacement almost. The peak value of end bearing of deep anchor was not found, 50%D of anchor displacement can be seen when end bearing reaches yielding value. The end resistance dominates the pullout force of anchors except a shallow anchor with Z/D=2.5 and H/D=2.5. There exists a critical depth Hcr equal to 8 which differentiates the end resistance of a shallow anchor from that a anchor with deep overburden. It can been seen from results of numerical analysis, the anchorage capacity of a horizontal anchor greater than a vertical anchor due to the effect of boundary constriction and normal stress acting on fixed length. Two translated parameters F* for shaft friction and Q* for end resistance were found between the horizontal anchor from the vertical anchor.
The load transfer curve increases with pullout load proportional which is concave upward transfer from bottom to top of a shallow anchor and concave downward of a deep anchor. A uniform frictional stress distribution alone fixed end was found from the shallow anchor, but frictional stress distribution along fixed end is trapezoidal for deep anchor due to stress concentrates on the top of fixed anchor end.
摘要 I
目錄 III
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
符號說明 XII
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2.1 地錨之構造 5
2.2 地錨錨碇行為 9
2.2.1 淺層地錨與深層地錨之劃分 9
2.2.2 面承力破壞模式 11
2.2.3 摩擦力破壞模式 11
2.2.4 地錨之受力行為 12
2.2.5 地錨之錨碇力 13
2.3 地錨錨碇行為之研究方法 13
第三章 砂土的基本性質與力學性質 24
3.1砂土之物理基本試驗 24
3.2數值分析模式 24
3.2.1砂土之摩擦角 25
3.2.2砂土的彈性模數與體積模數 26
3.2.3砂土的應變硬化參數 29
3.2.4砂土的應變軟化參數 31
3.2.5砂土的膨脹參數 32
3.3 數值分析方法 34
3.3.1 FLAC3D程式概述 34
3.3.2 FLAC3D 的基本理論架構 35
A. 運動方程式之探討 35
B. 應變-位移關係之探討 36
C. 組合律方程式之探討 36
3.4 FLAC3D之運算程序 38
3.4.1FLAC3D內建的組合律模式 39
3.5 FLAC3D基本術語 41
3.5.1 FLAC3D之符號規定 42
3.6 FLAC3D基本分析步驟 43
3.7 SHSE模式之驗證 44
第四章 數值分析方法與步驟 47
4.1 數值分析的基本假設 47
4.1.1 水平地錨於數值分析採用之網格說明 47
4.1.2 材料參數之選擇 48
4.1.3模式應用於三軸分析 48
4.2 水平與垂直地錨在數值模式上之修正說明 49
4.3 邊界範圍之界定說明與邊界束制之選擇 50
4.4 水平與垂直地錨錨碇力之數值分析步驟 52
第五章 數值分析結果 55
5.1 水平與垂直地錨臨界深度之探討 56
5.2 水平地錨尖峰拉拔力與覆土深度H/D之關係 59
5.3 水平與垂直地錨摩擦力轉換係數F*與面承力係數Q*之探討 60
5.4 水平地錨荷重與摩擦應力傳遞之探討 61
第六章 結論與未來研究方向 63
6.1 結論 63
6.2 未來研究方向 64
參考文獻 65
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