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研究生(外文):Sheng-Hsiung Kung
論文名稱(外文):A study on critical factors of service failure for the International Tourist Hotels in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Chao-Cheng WangCheng-Yao Chang
外文關鍵詞:Service encounterPhysical facilitiesService failureAnalytic Hierarchy Process
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過去對服務失誤之研究,大多從顧客角度研究且集中在統稱之「企業」上探討,對於不同產業屬性之服務失誤,則少有觸及。基於國際觀光旅館的特殊屬性,服務失誤通常是顧客主觀的判定,若服務失誤單以定量方式研究,所得之結果較缺乏深層意義;且服務失誤可能發生在顧客與員工的任何一個服務接觸時點,僅以顧客角度探討,忽略員工的觀點,結論將無法完整呈現出影響服務失誤之因素,且客觀性不足。故本研究擬以定性研究之關鍵事件法(Critical Incidents Technique, C.I.T),以國際觀光旅館為例,蒐集第一線服務人員對服務失誤之觀點及案例。佐以專家訪談分析確定關鍵因素的構面及各因素構面間的獨立性,進而建立整體因素層級架構,設計國際觀光旅館服務失誤關鍵影響因素之專家問卷,運用分析層級程序法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP),計算出每個因素的權重,以確認其關鍵因素。研究結果發現:


At the time when the difference between products is reduced increasingly for the significant change on economic structure and fiercer competition, the key for the success of enterprises lies in the level of technology, and furthermore, is directed by service. However, no matter how good the service could be, with high-quality service passing procedures, there is no guarantee that people who take charge of the operation will never make any mistake. When there is any failure in the service, what follow are complaints FROM customers, then, how to master the cause for service lapse and handle the service remedy properly, to turn unsatisfied customers to life-long customers, becomes the specially important issue.

Studies on service failure in the past mostly were done FROM the angle of customers and concentrated on the general “enterprises”, but seldom any on service failure with different industry nature. Based on the special nature of international tourist hotel, where service failure is usually a subjective judgment by customers, if only studying by quantitative method, results achieved are lack of deep meanings. Furthermore, service failure may happen at any service encounter point between customers and staff, if only discussing FROM the angle of customers but neglecting staff, the conclusions reached cannot SHOW completely factors that have influence on service failure, with insufficient objectivity. This study plans to use critical incidents technique (C.I.T.) of qualitative research, take international tourist hotels for example, to collect viewpoints and cases about service failure by the frontline service staff, aided with in-depth interview of experts to ANALYZE and find out structure of key factors and independency among each factor structure, further establish complete factors hierarchy structure. Experts questionnaire about key factors that affect service lapse in international tourist hotels is designed, and the weight of each factor is calculated by analytic hierarchy process (AHP), to find out these key factors, and the research results are as follows:

I.C.I.T. of qualitative research is used for discussion, to SHOW the special characteristics of international tourist hotel, and its service failure category is different FROM ordinary service industry, with 6 major categories, 16 service fault key influence factors being concluded, other than “service passing system failure”, “staff reaction towards customer requirement”, “staff’s personal behavior”, “problem customer behavior”, “physical facilities” and “product quality or product value” should also be included. Among them, there are as high as 102 cases being service lapse caused by the hotel or hotel staff, at 91.07% in interview cases. The top 6 major reasons for occurrence frequency of service failure key influence, in order, they are bad quality or product defect, service slowness or forgetting to provide service, equipments or facilities malfunction, not value for money, staff’s insufficient knowledge or skills, negative response FROM staff are all FROM hotel staff, at the frequency of 29 cases, at 25.90% in interview cases.

II.Based on analysis of AHP, among the 6 major categories of service failure, the weight of “staff response for customer requirement” is the largest, secondly, “personal behavior of staff” and “service passing system fault” , and “problem customer behavior” is the lowest . Among these 16 key factors that affect service failure, the top 6 are “not arranging according to customers’ special requirement”, the highest, secondly, “negative response FROM staff”, “no respect to work or holding arrogant attitude”, “bad quality or product defect”, “awkward situation brought by staff”, “service slowness or forgetting to provide service”, and “seizing on an incident to exaggerate matters” is at the bottom of 16 factors, as the lowest. Professional managers generally think that the market structure of international tourist hotels has a relatively bias towards service value market, that is, service value has already exceeded commodity quality, and customers pay more attention to service satisfaction than commodity satisfaction. That is, the key for a successfully managed enterprise is not commodities or sales ability, but whether customers’ requirement can be satisfied, and service provided can exceed customers’ expectation.
目 錄
第一章 緒論………………………………………………………………1
第一節 研究背景與動機…………………………………………………1
第二節 研究目的…………………………………………………………4
第三節 研究範圍與研究限制……………………………………………5
第二章 文獻回顧…………………………………………………………6
第一節 歸因理論…………………………………………………………6
第二節 服務接觸與實體環境設施………………………………………11
第三節 服務失誤相關文獻………………………………………………21
第三章 研究方法…………………………………………………………28
第一節 關鍵事件法之應用………………………………………………28
第二節 分析層級程序法之應用…………………………………………30
第四章 研究設計…………………………………………………………36
第一節 研究流程…………………………………………………………36
第二節 服務失誤之關鍵影響因素層級架構……………………………37
第三節 研究對象與資料蒐集方法………………………………………41
第四節 問卷設計…………………………………………………………44
第五章 資料分析與結果…………………………………………………46
第一節 關鍵事件樣本回收分析…………………………………………46
第二節 關鍵影響因素專家問卷回收分析………………………………56
第三節 分析層級程序法分析……………………………………………58
第四節 分析層級程序法之相關分析……………………………………65
第一節 研究結論…………………………………………………………71
第二節 研究貢獻…………………………………………………………75
第三節 研究建議…………………………………………………………77
第四節 後續研究建議……………………………………………………79

表 目 錄
表2-1-1 歸因理論相關文獻整理……………………………………………10
表2-2-1 服務行銷系統中有形因素及溝通成分……………………………16
表2-2-2 國外學者服務失誤相關文獻整理…………………………………19
表2-2-3 國內學者服務接觸相關文獻整理…………………………………20
表2-3-1 Bitner, Booms & Tetreault(1990)服務失誤之類群…………22
表2-3-2 Kelly,Hoffman & Davis(1993)服務失誤類群…………………23
表2-3-3 Bitner, Booms & Mohr(1994)服務失誤之類群………………24
表2-3-4 Hoffman, Kelly & Rotalsky(1995)服務失誤之類群…………24
表2-3-5 國外學者服務失誤相關文獻整理…………………………………26
表2-3-6 國內學者服務失誤相關文獻整理…………………………………27
表5-1-1 關鍵事件之蒐集樣本概況…………………………………………47
表5-1-2 國際觀光旅館服務失誤類群綜合整理……………………………54
表5-2-1 關鍵影響因素專家問卷之樣本概況………………………………56
表5-2-2 關鍵影響因素問卷資料彙整………………………………………57
表5-3-1 國際觀光旅館服務失誤關鍵影響因素之評估結果………………58
表5-3-2 服務傳送系統失誤要素之評估結果………………………………59
表5-3-3 商品品質或產品價值要素之評估結果……………………………60
表5-3-4 實體環境設備設施要素之評估結果………………………………60
表5-3-5 員工個人行為要素之評估結果……………………………………61
表5-3-6 顧客需求之員工反應要素之評估結果……………………………62
表5-3-7 問題顧客行為要素之評估結果……………………………………62
表5-3-8 國際觀光旅館服務失誤關鍵影響因素之整體權重………………63
表5-4-1 男、女專業經理人對服務失誤第一層評估因素權重分析………65
表5-4-2 男、女專業經理人對服務失誤第二層評估因素權重分析………66
表5-4-3 專業經理人服務地區別對服務失誤第一層評估因素權重分析…67
表5-4-4 專業經理人服務地區別對服務失誤第二層評估因素權重分析…68
表5-4-5 專業經理人服務部門別對服務失誤第一層評估因素權重分析…69
表5-4-5 專業經理人服務部門別對服務失誤第二層評估因素權重分析…70
表6-1-1 國際觀光旅館服務失誤類群之權重及事件頻率比較……………74
表6-1-2 國際觀光旅館服務失誤關鍵影響因素之權重及關鍵事件頻率比較
圖 目 錄
圖2-2-1 服務接觸模型………………………………………………………12
圖2-2-2 服務接觸評量模式…………………………………………………13
圖2-2-3 服務接觸三階段滿意模式…………………………………………14
圖2-2-4 服務作業暨傳送系統示意圖………………………………………15
圖2-2-5 服務環境關係模型…………………………………………………18
圖3-2-1 分析層級程序法應用流程圖………………………………………31
圖3-2-2 三點標示法…………………………………………………………34
圖3-2-3 三點標示法…………………………………………………………35
圖4-1-1 本研究流程圖………………………………………………………36
圖4-2-1 本研究之因素層級架構……………………………………………37
圖5-1-1 服務失誤影響因素樹狀圖…………………………………………48




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