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研究生(外文):Cheng-Wei Chung
論文名稱(外文):Studies on The Relationship Between The Preference for Landscape Perception and The Landscape Structure Index
外文關鍵詞:The preference for landscape perceptionlandscape structure indexlandscape ecology.
  • 被引用被引用:69
  • 點閱點閱:1939
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Recreation resource has the character that hard to restore from the exploitation. Thus it needs the considerable estimation to proceed the developing scheme while the beginning of development, it's more import whether the development of the recreation landscape is suit for tourists required. This research combines the psychophysical and cognitive models to know the personal preference for landscape perception and the factor influence the landscape preference; using the concept of the landscape ecology and calculating the landscape instruction index to discuss the scheme & management for the recreation region from the supply demand of the recreation resource and from the require demand personal preference for landscape perception. This can be the consult reference for develop the new recreation region and manage the recreation resources.
This research took four paths of Hui-Sun Experimental Forest Station as the sample landscape point. The paths pass by 18 patches including 10 categories land usage (pinus forest, hardwood pure forest, hardwood-coniferous mixed forest, collapse recovery area, grassland, cunninghamia plantation forest, hardwood-coniferous plantation mixed forest, Taiwania plantation forest, nursery, and building area). By the Geographic Information System (GIS), we calculated the landscape structure index of above 10 kinds of land usage type. That includes of the dimensions, the perimeter, interior-to-edge ration, patch shape index, fractal dimension, and relative density. There are 24 testing variables for the landscape perceptual preference; they are landscape preference, aesthetic value, familiar degree, perceptual factors, etc. Base on the restriction on the personnel and the material resources, the research have the students in the Department of Leisure, Recreation and Tourism Management Chaoyang University of Technology as the test sampling. Totally 231 questionnaires were sent and 226 effectively return. The return rate is 98% and following are the result and suggestions:
1. The different land usage type performances with different landscape preference, aesthetic value, and familiar degree differed.
In part of landscape preference, collapse recovery area, grassland, and nursery are highly valued. In part of aesthetic value, collapse recovery area, grassland, and nursery are highly valued. In part of landscape familiar degree, collapse recovery area, nursery, and cunninghamia plantation forest are highly valued.
2. Landscape perception differed with land usage type.
3. Interpolation model differed with land usage type.
4. Landscape structure index differed with land usage type.
The result indicated that the pinus forest, hardwood-coniferous mixed forest, and hardwood pure forest are with the highest measure of area and perimeter; it turn out a extending trend. In part of patch shape index and the interior-to-edge ration, pine forest was the highest, hardwood pure forest the second, Taiwania plantation forest and collapse recovery area the third grade, this tell the mentioned landscapes have highly developing potential energy. In part of interior-to-edge ratio, the highest was collapse recovery area, grassland the second, building area the third grade, this presents mentioned types are highly diversified in species. The relative density presents the complex of the landscape space and the research indicated both the collapse recovery area and hardwood pure forest are the highest value with the highest complex degree. In part of fractal dimension, the collapse recovery area and grassland are the highest grade that indicate the region are with higher fractal degree.
5. The relative analysis on Landscape Perceptual Preference and Landscape Structure Index.
The measure of area was negatively relative to following factors in landscape perceptual preference: tortuous—straight, close—open, narrow—vast, and indistinct—clear but was positively relative to obvious— mystical. The perimeter was negatively relative to close—open. Interior-to-edge ratio was positively relative to dislike—like, uneasy—amiable, close—open, narrow—vast, dangerous—safe, indistinct—clear but indistinct—clear obvious—mysterious. Fractal dimension was positively relative to dimensions of close—open, narrow—vast, and indistinct—clear. Yet there was no relation among the shape index and relative density and the landscape perceptual preference.
6. This research feedback the analysis result to the 4 paths of Hui-Sun Experimental Forest Station and try to provide proposal for management and scheme on different path landscape.
Song-Fong Shan Path: Suggest the management to settle the character as Adventure, Exciting, Mystery and Challenge to attract the youth and those love challenge and the mystery. Du-Jan Lin Path: Suggest to settle the character as view point of sightseeing in Hui-Sun Experimental Forest Station, commenting cunninghamia plantation forest and enjoying the forest bath. Shan-Lan Zian Jing Path: The character is similar to Du-Jan Lin Path and the difference is there are more hardwood-coniferous mixed forest can proceeding the more explain for pure hardwood. Qing-ua-sh Path: Suggest to settle the character as various view, multi recreation experience and rich perception to attract every type tourist. To emphasis this character one of the major attractive and make it the best recreation experience for the tourist there.
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅲ
謝誌 Ⅵ
論文目錄 Ⅷ
表目錄 Ⅹ
圖目錄 XI
第一章  緒論 1
第一節 研究背景及動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第三節 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻回顧 6
第一節 景觀知覺偏好相關理論 6
第二節 地景生態學之應用 19
第三節 地景生態美質理論 24
第三章 研究方法與研究操作 29
第一節 研究區域概述與景觀點取樣說明 29
第二節 研究架構 37
第三節 研究設計 38
第四節 資料分析方法 42
第四章 研究結果與討論 43
第一節  基本資料分析 43
第二節  不同土地使用類型之景觀知覺偏好 49
第三節  景觀偏好推估模式之建立 74
第四節  土地使用類型的地景結構指數分析 81
第五節  景觀知覺偏好與地景結構指數之相關分析 84
第五章 結論與建議 89
第一節  結論 89
第二節  建議 92
參考文獻 93
附錄一 景觀知覺因子之因素分析表 98
附錄二 各土地使用類型之景觀偏好推估模式整理表 108
附錄三 景觀知覺變項定義整理表 111
附錄四 景觀知覺問卷調查表 117
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