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研究生(外文):Chen Yi Chun
論文名稱(外文):The Internet Store Attributes Influences Towards Consumer Store Choice on the Internet or in the Domestic Stores
指導教授(外文):Liu Jia Ju
外文關鍵詞:store choicestore attributesconsumer behavior
  • 被引用被引用:6
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與網路商店屬性關係之研究◦主要的研究目的包括﹕1.消費者重視哪些商店屬性◦ 2.消費者如何評估商店屬性的重要性及知覺程度◦ 3.探討消費者對商店屬性的知覺程度影響消費者的商店選擇傾向◦
經過實證之研究分析與探討,結果發現提供商品比價、一次購足,提供流行性商品、在購物時提供適當的建議、印象深刻的網址、折扣、吸引人的廣告及音樂影響消費者選擇網路商店◦ 而消費者對提供商品的比價、互動的溝通及快速購物程序的知覺程度,也影響消費者傾向選擇網路商店◦ 此外,減少消費者對互動式的溝通、展示商品功能及印象深刻網址方面的重視程度及知覺程度,亦影響消費者的商店選擇傾向◦
根據本研究結果提供網路商店管理者一些實務上的建議﹕就商品特性方面可提供有吸引力的價格、高品質產品及盡可能提供多樣性的產品◦ 就網路本身的特性可提供讓消費者可比價商品的功能及搜尋最新消費產品的功能佳◦ 就服務本身而言可提供多樣化的付款方式、售後服務及多管道的溝通互動機會◦
The research is to study the impact of internet store attributes on consumers of store choices. The purposes of this research are: First, to realize which store attributes are important to consumers. Second, how consumers evaluate the importance and perception of store attributes. Third, to investigate the distance between customer perception and evaluation of store attributes influences store choice.
Here are main findings from this study: The importance of providing comparing goods, one shop goods, fashionable goods, giving proper suggestions when shop, impressed web site address, discounts, attractive advertisement with reference, and the design of front page and music will influence consumers choose stores on the internet.
The perception of consumers about providing comparing goods, interactive communication, and faster shopping procedure will influences customers choose stores on the internet.
To decrease the distance between the attributes of importance and perception from customers on the aspect of interactive communication, illustrating the function of goods and impressed web site address will influence consumers choose stores on the internet.
Finally, according to this research, we would like to propose some suggestions for the managers of stores on the Internet:
The characteristics of goods: they should provide inductive price, high quality products, and all kinds of goods as possible.
The characteristics of Internet: they should provide the functions of comparing goods and searching latest information.
The characteristics of services: they should provide all possible ways of payment, service after trade, and channels of interactive communication.
The characteristics of convenience: they should provide impressed web site address and faster shopping procedures.
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍 3
1.4 研究流程 3
第二章 文獻探討
2.1網路商店 4
2.2消費者行為理論 7
2.3商店印象 11
2.4商店選擇 18
2.5顧客滿意度 28
第三章 研究方法
3.1研究架構 32
3.2研究假設 33
3.3名詞之操作性定義 44
3.4問卷設計 46
3.5研究對象 50
3.6分析方法 50
第四章 統計分析與討論
4.1樣本特性分析 52
關係之研究 59
關係之研究 64
商店選擇關係之研究 77
選擇商店之關係 78
態度對消費者商店選擇傾向關係之研究 85
第五章 結論與建議
5.1研究結論 96
5.2管理實務建議 106
5.3後續研究之建議 108
5.4研究限制 108
參考文獻 109
附錄 118
參 考 文 獻
一 中文部份:
二 英文部份:
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