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研究生(外文):Li Cheng-Hsiung
論文名稱(外文):The Study of International MarketEntry Modes and Control Types in Taiwanese Rubber Hose Industry after the Entrance of WTO
指導教授(外文):Liu Chia-Chu
外文關鍵詞:WTORubber Hose IndustryRubber HoseMarket EntryStrategyManagement Controls
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The establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) has accelerated the integration of the global economy, replacing the regional economical entity structure of the past. International Partnerships have also become mainstream, changing business enterprises from the traditional domestic production and export, to overseas investment on production sites where the actual markets and economic activities take place. International enterprises have thus become the main driver behind world’s economic development. However, just as WTO brings new business opportunities, international businesses that have access to lower cost resources have also threatened the very existence of the traditional domestic enterprises.
Rubber hoses play a vital role in heavy and light industries due to their wide applications such as household appliances, transportation, medical equipments, heavy machinery, electrical cables, sporting equipments, fuel carrying, aerospace, and military. They are an integral component of many parts and accessories in almost all industries. Due to natural resources constraints Taiwan imports raw materials for rubber hoses production, mainly from Southeast Asia, US, and Europe. With manufacturers’ continued effort to expand the market, rubber hoses have long evolved from solely for domestic industry usage to become a main export indicator. Therefore, joining WTO will have a profound impact on Taiwan’s rubber hose industry. This is a race between threat and opportunity, and will ultimately shape the manufacturing industry development in Taiwan.
This study is developed through research and analysis on industrial and economic forces behind the rubber hoses industry. The issues are thus identified and the concepts formed. Three select companies within the rubber hose industry are researched in depth as case studies. Based on cross-referencing the findings with theoretical hypothesis, the following topics are developed:
Topic 1: Taiwan’s induction into WTO will bring new expansion opportunities to the domestic rubber hose industry. However, it also forces the enterprises to have to change the traditional market entry strategy and operational management controls.
Topic 2: Taiwan’s induction into WTO will bring about international competition, which in turn enhances the communication and alliance between domestic rubber hose producers.
Topic 3: The opportunities and challenges brought on by WTO will catalyze the globalization of the business strategies of the domestic industry.
Topic 4: Impacted by entry into WTO, the networking and marketing overseas for Taiwan’s rubber hose producers will become a more competitive environment.
Topic 5: The rubber hose producers will face the increasingly more dynamic markets with more flexible production flows and late-stage product variations.
Topic 6: Those producers who can better utilize and process the vastly increasing influx of information will be in a stronger position to elevate their business results.

博碩士論文電子檔案上網授權書 iii
大葉大學碩士論文全文授權書 iv
中文摘要 v
英文摘要 vii
誌謝 ix
目錄 x
圖目錄 xiii
表目錄 xiv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究限制 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 我國加入WTO的歷史 5
2.2 國際化企業 9
2.2.1 國際化的定義 9
2.2.2 產業全球化趨勢 13
2.2.3 產品可國際化的程度 13
2.2.4 擬定國際競爭策略 14
2.3 國際進入模式之相關文獻 18
2.3.1 進入模式的定義與類型 18
2.3.2 進入障礙 26
2.4 企業網絡之相關文獻 32
2.4.1 企業網絡的定義 32
2.4.2 企業網絡關係的特性 35
2.4.3 企業網絡形成的動機 37
2.4.4 企業網絡關係的控制型式 41
第三章 研究設計 48
3.1 研究方法 48
3.2 研究架構 51
3.3 研究步驟 54
3.4 研究對象 57
第四章 個案分析與研究命題 58
4.1 橡膠管產業概況 58
4.1.1 摘要 58
4.1.2 整體市場環境 59
4.1.3 橡膠管的用途 60
4.1.4 橡膠管的原料 61
4.2 個案分析 73
4.2.1 個案A橡膠股份有限公司 73
4.2.2 個案B橡膠股份有限公司 79
4.2.3 個案C橡膠股份有限公司 83
4.3 研究命題 88
第五章 結論與建議 94
5.1 研究結論 94
5.2 研究建議 97
5.2.1 對實務界的建議 97
5.2.2 對後續研究者的建議 99
參考文獻 100
圖2.1 五力分析架構圖 24
圖3.1 研究架構 51
圖3.2 研究步驟 56
圖4.1 2001年至2002年3月國內橡膠管出口趨勢圖 70
圖4.2 2001年至2002年3月國內橡膠管進口趨勢圖 71
圖4.3 A橡膠管公司組織結構圖 74
圖4.4 B橡膠管公司組織結構圖 80
圖4.5 C橡膠管公司組織結構圖 84
表2.1 市場進入模式類型及其移動之相關研究 22
表2.2 進入障礙之來源與涵意 28
表3.1 會員級別分級標準 57
表4.1 1999年至2000年橡膠管產銷統計 62
表4.2 2000年橡膠管出口主要國家概況 63
表4.3 2000年橡膠管進口主要國家概況 64
表4.4 內銷瓦斯用橡膠管之檢驗 65
表4.5 2001年1月至9月橡膠管原料總統計表 67
表4.6 2001年3月份橡膠管外銷統計表 68
表4.7 2002年3月份橡膠管外銷統計表 68
表4.8 2001年3月份橡膠管進口統計表 69
表4.9 2002年3月份橡膠管進口統計表 69
表4.10 主要構面分析彙總表 87
表5.1 個案分析彙總表 96

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