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研究生(外文):Yang Yu Li
論文名稱(外文):The Account of Biological Difference and Cultural Factors on International Consumer Preference
指導教授(外文):Chang Jung Fu
外文關鍵詞:biological/physiological factordyecolor visionculturesexes
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In a study we found indirect proof supporting color vision difference occurred on genders throughout reviewing a series of earlier studies. Hair-color stereotype of Caucasians, in which men favored blonde women and women preferred red-headed men, was evaluated to be highly biological/physiological-oriented. A comparative research is developed in this study involving 123 male college students and 163 females. All the subjects were Chinese in Taiwan. The only difference is that this study takes hair-dyed fashion as the observed example.
The results imply that the trend of dying in Taiwan is cultural-oriented. Men remain the preference for women dyed blonde, but women change their preference to blond men.
The implication of marketing in this case conveys that to check on the level a nation changes and its openness, and to investigate the new national status quo at any minute and its national character are valuable business activities.
Besides, biological/physiological effect is also found and await to be further explored.

Table of Contents
Inner Cover
Certificate of Authority……………………………………………iii
Table of Contents……...……………………………………………vii
List of Figures………………………………………………………….x
List of Tables…….…………………………………………………..xi
1.1 Research Background ……………………...………………..1
1.2 Research Motives……………………………………………...2
1.3 Research Objectives…..………………………………...….7
1.4 Research Prerequisite…………………………………...….8
1.5 Scope and Limitation of Research………..……………….9
1.6 Process and Structure of Our Research………..…..….10
2.1 Cultural Effect on International Marketing...……….14
2.1.1 Marsella (1985)─Culture and Self……………….14
2.1.2Grant McCracken(1986)─Culture and Consumption.16
2.1.3 Kotler (1999)─Major Factors Influencing Buying Behavior……….............................................20
2.2 Color Preference Theory……………..…………………….22
2.2.1 Cultural Perspective — I. Views on Different Racial Color Preference……………..………………………......22
2.2.2 Cultural Perspective ─ II. Views on Sex Difference in Color Preference………………………...…………24
2.2.3 Cultural perspective — III. The Affective Meaning of Color/ Haircolor…………………..………….……….26
2.3 Biological Perspective ……………………………….….29
2.4 Basic Color Vision Theory………………………………...35
2.4.1 Sex Difference in Physical Attractiveness Preferences.Feinman, S.,& Gill, G. W. (1978)………………….35
2.4.2 Light Wavelength………………...………………..36
2.4.3 Clayson & Klassen (1989)─ Perception of Attractiveness by Hair Color…………………………...........40
2.4.4 Darwin’s Theory…………………………………...42
3.1 The Connection Between the Literatures and the Research Design...…………………………………………………............44
3.1.1 A Complete Review of Closely-related Review…44
3.1.2 The Initial Concept of Research Design……….47
3.2 Research Material……………………………………...…..49
3.2.1 Research Tool………………………………………..49
3.2.2 Research Subject…………………………………….51
3.2.3 Research Geographical Area……………..……….51
3.2.4 Scoring Method of Data…………………………….52
3.3 Surveying Condition………………………………………...52
3.4 Results of Useable sample..……………………………….53
4.1 Statistics of Our Sample Population…………………….55
4.1.1 Samples with Dyed Hair...……..…………………55
4.2 General Preference Results between Male and Female…56
4.2.1 Male to Male……………………………………..….57
4.2.2 Male to Female……………………………………...58
4.2.3 Female to Male……………………………………...59
4.2.4 Female to Female…………………………………...59
4.3 Discussion to the Results………………………………….60
4.3.1 Inspecting the Compatibility with Research Prerequisites A and B………………………………………………..60
4.3.2 Open Discussion……..……………………………….63
5.1 Final Conclusion of the Research…………………………68
5.2 Further Study and Suggestions…………………...………71
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