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論文名稱(外文):Design of Mobile GPS guidance and Automatic Security Integrated System
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This thesis is to design and analyze a navigation and security integrated system for automotives.
The research in this thesis is divided into four parts: We analyzed the relative information and principle of satellite position system and mobile phone position system in the beginning and also discuss the technique to implement the GPS EngineBoard. The second part analyzes the design configuration of the navigation system and also compares the difference between the construction under the research and traditional navigation system. The third part introduces the security system, which combine GPS and mobile phone technology and its integration to the car. The last part utilized the system integration and made experimental analysis. We conclude the road test of this research and discuss those inconvenient points of the integrated system.
第一章 序論.........................................1
1.1 研究動機.................................1
1.2 論文架構.................................4
第二章 GPS衛星定位系統與手機定位分析................6
2.1 GPS衛星定位系統(GPS)分析.................6
2.1.1 GPS的歷史.........................7
2.1.2 GPS 的定位原理....................8
2.1.3 偽隨機碼..........................9
2.1.4 GPS的精度.........................10
2.1.5 GPS 的誤差........................11
2.1.6 GPS 的校正........................13
2.1.7 GPS 接收模組的輸出資訊 ...........14
2.2 GIS地理資訊系統 .........................24
2.2.1 電子地圖概述 .....................25
2.2.2電子地圖的分類 ....................26
2.2.3電子地圖顯示方式 ..................28電子地圖顯示功能 ............28 2D及3D電子地圖範例 .........29
2.2.4 座標轉換..........................29 橢球座標轉換成卡氏座標......30 基準面轉換..................31 卡氏座標轉換成橢球座標......33 橢球座標投影至平面座標......34
2.3 手機定位系統分析.........................36
2.3.1 CGI+TA ..........................37
2.3.2 E-OTD............................38
第三章 導航系統之分析與設計.........................39
3.1 導航系統方塊圖示說明.....................39
3.2 行控中心.................................40
3.3 行動接收模組.............................41
3.4 導航主機.................................42
3.4.1 導航主機的內容.....................42
3.4.2 本研究距離之運算...................43
3.4.3 轉彎路口示意圖.....................44
第四章 GPS與行動通訊結合之防盜保全系統 .............47
4.1 車輛追蹤.................................47
4.2 車輛防盜保全.............................48
第五章 系統整合與實驗分析...........................49
5.1 本研究路測實驗說明.......................49
5.1.1實驗項目 ...............................49
5.1.2本研究的缺點 .......................50
5.1.3實驗結論 ...........................51
5.2 實驗設計線路與顯示結果 ..................53
第六章 結論 ........................................60
第七章 參考文獻 ....................................62
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