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研究生(外文):Cheng-Nan Chou
論文名稱(外文):Research and Analysis of the Performance for An Adaptive Filter
指導教授(外文):Yu-Nan HuYi-Nung Chung
外文關鍵詞:Radar SystemAdaptive FilterPerformance Analysis
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Target tracking is an essential requirement for surveillance systems employing one or more sensors together with computer subsystems, to interpret the environment. The objective of the tracking algorithm is to partition the sensor data into sets of observations produced by the same target. During this process, sensor observations obtained from the same target source are used to form target tracks. Once tracks are confirmed, the number of targets can be estimated and the targets, kinematic parameters can be computed.
For a radar system, in order to have more accurate tracking results, a tracking filter is necessary. However, the tracking environment is very complicated, such as the maneuvering situation, multiple targets, etc. In order to decrease the tracking error because of such situations, an adaptive tracking filter is investigated in this thesis. Moreover, a simulation allgorithm for some multiple target tracking examples is conducted by using MATLAB software. Therefore, the performance of this adaptive filter can be analyzed under many conditions.

目 錄
第一章 緒論..................................................1
1.1 前言......................................................1
1.2 研究背景..................................................2
1.3 研究方法..................................................6
1.4 論文大綱..................................................7
第二章 雷達追蹤程序..........................................8
2.1 簡介......................................................8
2.2 雷達系統介紹..............................................8
2.3 雷達多目標追蹤程序.......................................13
第三章 最佳濾波器理論.......................................17
3.1 卡門濾波器...............................................17
3.2 擴展型卡門濾波器.........................................23
第四章 資料聯合技術.........................................27
4.1 Probabiltistic Data Association Theory...................27
4.2 Joint Probabilistic Data Association Theory..............30
4.3 1-step Maximum A Posteriori Estimate.....................32
第五章 目標變速度追蹤理論...................................35
5.1 目標變速狀態及偵測標準...................................35
5.2 適應性程序(Adaptive Procedare).........................36
第六章 電腦模擬.............................................39
6.1 模式定義.................................................39
6.2 模擬結果.................................................41
6.2.1 目標的初始條件和目標的變速度區間設定...................41
6.2.2 方式一的模擬結果.......................................44
6.2.3 方式二的模擬結果.......................................46
6.2.4 方式三的模擬結果.......................................48
6.2.5 方式四的模擬結果.......................................50
第七章 結論.................................................52
圖 目 錄
圖2.1 雷達系統基本架構方塊圖................................10
圖2.2 多目標追蹤示意圖......................................14
圖2.3 追蹤初始相互關係判別圖................................15
圖2.4 目標追蹤程序方塊圖....................................15
圖5.1 目標變速度示意圖......................................36
圖6.1(a) 方式一的模擬結果--目標追蹤軌跡圖...................44
圖6.1(b) 方式一的模擬結果--定速度追蹤T=1sec的誤差圖.........44
圖6.1(c) 方式一的模擬結果--定速度追蹤T=2sec的誤差圖.........45
圖6.1(d) 方式一的模擬結果--定速度追蹤T=3sec的誤差圖.........45
圖6.2(a) 方式二的模擬結果--目標追蹤軌跡圖...................46
圖6.2(b) 方式二的模擬結果--定速度追蹤T=1sec的誤差圖.........46
圖6.2(c) 方式二的模擬結果--定速度追蹤T=2sec的誤差圖.........47
圖6.2(d) 方式二的模擬結果--定速度追蹤T=3sec的誤差圖.........47
圖6.3(a) 方式三的模擬結果--目標追蹤軌跡圖...................48
圖6.3(b) 方式三的模擬結果--定速度追蹤T=1sec的誤差圖.........48
圖6.3(c) 方式三的模擬結果--定速度追蹤T=2sec的誤差圖.........49
圖6.3(d) 方式三的模擬結果--定速度追蹤T=3sec的誤差圖.........49
圖6.4(a) 方式四的模擬結果--目標追蹤軌跡圖...................50
圖6.4(b) 方式四的模擬結果--定速度追蹤T=1sec的誤差圖.........50
圖6.4(c) 方式四的模擬結果--定速度追蹤T=2sec的誤差圖.........51
圖6.4(d) 方式四的模擬結果--定速度追蹤T=3sec的誤差圖.........51
表 目 錄
表6.1 目標的初始條件........................................41
表6.2 目標的變速度區間設定..................................41
表6.3 一般的擴展型卡門濾波器估測系統追蹤結果................42
表6.4 適應性的擴展型卡門濾波器估測系統追蹤結果..............43

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