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論文名稱(外文):Finite Element Modeling and Experimental Validation of Newly Improved Synthetic Jet Actuator
指導教授(外文):Jeng-Jong Ro
外文關鍵詞:Synthetic Jet Actuatorpiezoelectric wafercavityTHUNDERflow control
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壓電陶瓷(PZT)為鋯鈦酸鉛(Lead Zirconate Titanate)固溶液(solid-solution),於1954年由Jaffe等人發現,其具有的優良壓電特性(piezoelectric properties),壓電性質是一種機械能與電能交互作用的現象。
主動式氣流控制的應用上,一直存在著一個最大的問題,就是它現有的制動系統需要相當大的能量去作動。因此一個高效率的主動式制動器在主動式氣流控制的應用上是不可或缺的要素。近幾年來,智慧型材料和結構是一個具有相當潛力的新研究課題,其中智慧型材料製成的主動式制動器也是一項重要的研發領域。制動器的元件包括有記憶合金(SMA)、壓電片(PZT)、電流變液(ER fluid)和磁流變液(MR fluid)等。其中以壓電材料作動的合成氣流噴射器(Synthetic Jet Actuator)經許多研究學者驗證在主動式氣流控制方面展現出良好的控制效率和大量的潛在應用。
The primary objective of active flow control research is to develop a cost-effective technology that has the potential for revolutionary advances in aerodynamic performance and maneuvering compared to conventional approaches. The development of such systems have many implications for aerospace vehicles including: reduced mechanical complexity and hydraulic failure, reduced noise and weight, lower energy and fuel consumption, lower downtime and maintenance, enhanced maneuvering and agility with enhanced aerodynamic performance and safety. Interest in active flow control for aerospace applications has stimulated the recent development of innovative actuator designs that create localized disturbances in a flowfield.
A novel class of devices, known as synthetic jet actuator, has been demonstrated to exhibit promising flow control capabilities including separation control and thrust vectoring. The basic components of a synthetic jet actuator are a cavity and oscillating materials.
The synthetic jet actuator developed at NASA LaRC has a small housing in which a cylindrical cavity was enclosed by two metal diaphragms, 50 mm in diameter, placed opposite each other. A piezoelectric wafer (THUNDER) was attached to the center of the outside face of each metal diaphragm. The pair of piezoelectric metal diaphragms was operated with a 180° phase differential at the same sinusoidal voltage and frequency. With actuation, a synthetic jet issued from a 35.5mm long by 0.5mm wide slot on the top of device.
In this proposed project, a finite element model of synthetic jet actuator developed at NASA LaRC is investigated. The developed finite element model can be utilized to design and determine the performance of synthetic jet actuator. The analysis includes The FE model of piezoelectric actuator, FE model of PZT/circular plate coupled system, FE model of PZT/circular plate/cavity coupled system and experimental validation. The phase-average jet center velocity and amplitude of input voltage of PZT are predicted by this finite element model. The theoretical prediction is compared to experimental results obtained at Da-Yeh university.
封面內頁 ……………………………………………………… i
簽名頁 ………………………………………………………… ii
授權書 ………………………………………………………… iii
中文摘要 ……………………………………………………. v
英文摘要 ……………………………………………………. vii
誌謝 …………………………………………………………… ix
目錄 …………………………………………………………… x
圖目錄 ………………………………………………………… xii
表目錄 ………………………………………………………… xv
符號說明 ……………………………………………………… xvi
第一章 緒論
1.1 壓電性質 ……………………………………… 1
1.2 壓電致動器 …………………………………… 2
1.3 THUNDER ……………………………………. 3
1.4 氣流控制的研究背景 ………………………… 6
1.5 合成氣流簡介 ………………………………… 9
1.6 研究目的及研究重點 ………………………… 12
1.7 研究方法 ……………………………………… 13
1.8 論文章節介紹 ………………………………… 15
第二章 數學理論模型
2.1圓形平板的理論值與有限元素模型 …………. 17
2.1.1 圓形平板的理論值 ……………………… 17
2.1.1 圓形平板的理論值 ……………………… 19
2.2壓電片/平板理論模型 ………………………… 25
2.3流場/平板+壓電片(無致動電壓)理論模型. … 31
2.4平板/壓電陶瓷/流場偶合理論模型…. ……… 33
第三章 實驗量測與數據分析
3.1實驗方法及擊槌測試原理 ……………………. 34
3.1.1 實驗方法 ………………………………… 34
3.1.2實驗裝置…………. ……………………... 37
3.2圓形平板實驗量測……………………. ……… 38
3.3壓電致動圓板的實驗量測……………………. 44
3.3.1無電場偶合作用的自然頻率量測……… 44
3.3.2有電場偶合作用的自然頻率量測………. 46
3.4 以THUNDER取代PZT之效率實驗 ……….. 55
3.5 合成氣流噴射器噴出流速實驗 ……………… 61
第四章 結論與未來工作
4.1 結論 ……………………………………………. 65
4.2 未來工作 ………………………………………. 66
參考文獻 ……………………………………………………… 67
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