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研究生(外文):Wei-Feng Yen
論文名稱(外文):Influence of Metallurgical Parameters and Process Parameters on the Fluidity of Al/SiCp Composites by Horizontal Squeeze Casting
指導教授(外文):Jui-Feng Hu
外文關鍵詞:Squeeze castingAl-matrix SiCp compositesFluidityCooling rate
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三種鋁基碳化矽顆粒複合材料所採用的壓力製程參數則包括壓力變化、碳化矽含量、金屬模模溫和鑄件尺寸厚度(代表凝固冷卻速率)等。首先以具有不同厚度之矩形斷面金屬模進行長條型流動性測試(strip casting fluidity test),以量測不同SiCp含量之複合材料在固定澆注溫度下的流動性,並比較實驗結果以瞭解此材在壓力製程下之薄窄模穴內的流動充模能力。其次,量測各種組成的鋁基複合材料在不同截面尺寸厚度之模穴的流動性,藉以瞭解鑄件模數(代表冷卻速率)對複合材料流動性之影響。另外,也量測材料在不同的鑄造壓力下,壓力對複合材料流動性的影響。最後,經由長條型流動性測試鑄件不同位置之金相顯微組織的觀察,以瞭解SiCp在鑄件中的分布情形,進一步探討上述製程參數對複合材料流動性的影響。

The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of pressure process parameters, e.g., SiCp content (0~20wt%),metal mold temperature, squeeze pressure (8~13MPa/79~132kg/cm2) and casting thicknesses(representing cooling rate) on the fluidity of three types of Al-matrix SiCp composites (A356/SiCp,A413/SiCp
and A390/SiCp).
The experimental results indicate that the fluidity of three
types of Al-matrix SiCp composites tend to decrease with the increase of SiCp content and tend to increase with the increase of squeeze pressure. When the SiCp content added is more than 5wt% for the A356/SiCp composite, the fluidity will decrease. While, the SiCp content added is more than 10wt% for the A413/SiCp and A390/SiCp composite, the fluidity will decrease. In addition, compared A356/SiCp with A390/SiCp composites at different pressures, the fluidity is increased with pressure. However, the pressure affecting on fluidity for A356/SiCp or A390/SiCp composites have a threshold limit value, about 10.4MPa/106kg/cm2. Above threshold limit value, the fluidity is not clearly increased. In addition, the fluidity of composites is also increased with the increase of casting thickness for any composion of A356/SiCp、A413/SiCp and A390/SiCp composites.
Furthermore, the microstructure observation at different positions of strip casting were performed to correlate the solidification modes with the fluidity of three types of Al-matrix SiCp composites. Compared with the original aluminum matrix alloys, the solidification modes of A356/SiCp alloys does not change for any content of SiCp added. But A413/SiCp and A390/SiCp alloy is change for any content SiCp added. The structure at the strip casting of Al-matrix SiCp composites poured at high mold temperature or under high squeeze pressure reveals fine microstructure.
Keywords:Squeeze casting, Al-matrix SiCp composites, Fluidity,
Cooling rate

符號說明 …………………………………………………………………xxiii
第一章 前言………………………………………………………………1
第二章 文獻探討…………………………………………………………3
2.1 金屬基複合材料的製造方法………………………………4
2.2 擠壓鑄造……………………………………………………6
2.2.1 製造過程與分類……………………………………7
2.2.2 擠壓鑄造的優點……………………………………7
2.3 潤濕性………………………………………………………8
2.3.1 強化材顆粒與熔液間之潤濕性……………………9
2.3.2 溫度對界面潤濕性的影響…………………………9
2.3.3 合金元素對潤濕性的影響…………………………10
2.4 壓力效應……………………………………………………12
2.4.1 壓力對熱傳導性的影響……………………………12
2.4.2 壓力對健全度的影響………………………………12
2.4.3 壓力對相平衡圖的影響……………………………12
2.4.4 壓力對偏析的影響…………………………………16
2.5 流動性………………………………………………………16
第三章 實驗方法及步驟…………………………………………………33
3.1 實驗設計……………………………………………………33
3.1.1 流動性測試…………………………………………33
3.1.2 複合材料之基材……………………………………34
3.1.3 複合材料之強化材…………………………………34
3.1.4 金屬模模溫…………………………………………34
3.1.5 油壓驅動壓力和鑄造壓力…………………………34
3.2 實驗設備及裝置……………………………………………35
3.2.1 攪拌設備……………………………………………35
3.2.2 壓力鑄造設備………………………………………35
3.2.3 長條型流動性測試金屬模…………………………35
3.3 複合材料熔煉與處理………………………………………36
3.3.1 備料…………………………………………………36
3.3.2 預熱碳化矽顆粒……………………………………36
3.3.3 熔煉…………………………………………………36
3.3.4 攪拌器烘烤…………………………………………37
3.3.5 SiCp顆粒之添加與攪拌……………………………37
3.3.6 模具加熱和離型劑之噴覆…………………………37
3.4 流動性測試…………………………………………………38
3.5 金相組織觀察與分析………………………………………38
3.5.1 光學顯微鏡(OM)觀察………………………………38
第四章 結果與討論………………………………………………………44
4.1 長條型金屬模流動性測試…………………………………44
4.1.1 碳化矽添加量對複合材料流動性之影響…………44
4.1.2 鑄造壓力對複合材料流動性之影響………………46
4.1.3 流道厚度對複合材料流動性之影響………………47
4.1.4 模溫對複合材料流動性之影響……………………48
4.2 製程參數對流動凝固模式和流動性之影響………………49
4.2.1 添加SiCp對流動凝固模式和流動性之影響………49 A356/SiCp流動凝固模式和流動
性之關係 ………………………………49 A413/SiCp流動凝固模式和流動
性之關係 ………………………………52 A390/SiCp流動凝固模式和流動
性之關係 ………………………………54
4.2.2 鑄造壓力對凝固模式和流動性之影響……………57
4.2.3 模具溫度對凝固模式和流動性之影響……………59
4.2.4 流道厚度(冷卻速率)對凝固模式和流動性
第五章 結論………………………………………………………………138
參考文獻 …………………………………………………………………140

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