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研究生(外文):Lan-Chi Lin
論文名稱(外文):An Algorithm for Scheduling Flexible Manufacturing Cell Based on Hierarchical Petri Net And Construction of Simulation System for Dynamic Model
指導教授(外文):Ming-Shiun Lu
外文關鍵詞:Dynamic Scheduling.OPNetsFMCmakespantardiness
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本研究所探討之領域為彈性製造單元排程,採用裴氏圖模式來架構一個階層式之彈性製造單元環境。其實體佈置包括一機器手臂、三種不同類型之機器與一個有限制容量之暫存區;首先考慮彈性製造單元之靜態排程,其演算法結合工件之寬緩、剩餘作業時間與剩餘操作數之比值(Ratio)來建構一指標I值,當裴氏圖之激發路徑有取用資源之衝突,則選擇較小I值作為激發路徑。所求得之排程結果可得最小化之最大延遲,且最大完工時間亦為不錯之解。接著將此演算法的排程結果和其他指派方法比較,本研究之演算法可尋獲近似最佳解且其搜尋步驟也明顯縮短。 。
This research studies scheduling of flexible manufacturing cell (FMC), Petri Net is employed to build a hierarchical environment for a flexible manufacturing cell. The physical layout of FMC includes:one robot、three machines of different kinds、one buffer with restricted capacity. First, we consider static scheduling of FMC, an algorithm is developed to establish-I which considers both slacks、ratio of remain operation time and operation number. When transitional routing of Petri Net commits resource conflict, transitional routine with less I will be chosen. As aresult, minimal tardiness and a small makespan are achieved. Consequently, thesimulation results are compared to the results of those using other dispatching rules. It is show that the algorithm can obtain a near-optimal solution and the searching steps willbe reduced obviously. .
For the Petri Net model of FMC to be expandable, object-oriented Petri Net (OPNets) is applied to model FMC. In addition, a simulation tool-eM-Plant is utilized to simulate our system. This system can deal with different conditions with different numbers of jobs and machines. In some manufacturing environment, jobs arrive FMC in dynamic basis (in random). The algorithm developed in this research is also capable of scheduling this condition and has been applied into our simulation system. Machine breakdown and robot breakdown are also considered in the system. Finally, a static scheduling problem is implemented in our simulation system, the result shows a near-optimal solution can be reached. Additionally, dynamic scheduling problem is also implemented in this system, the results are also impressing.
目 錄
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
第一章 緒論1
1.1 研究背景1
1.2 研究動機2
1.3 研究目的3
1.4 研究方法與架構3
第二章 文獻探討5
2.1.1 彈性製造系統定義5
2.1.2 彈性製造系統組成5
2.2 裴氏圖(Petri Net)6
2.2.1 裴氏圖(Petri Net)之理論與應用7
2.2.2 時間裴氏圖(TPN)11
2.2.3 機率裴氏圖(SPN)12
2.2.4 彩色裴氏圖(CPN)12
2.3 物件導向觀念13
2.3.1 物件導向裴氏圖(OPNets)14
2.4 彈性製造單元排程14

第三章 彈性製造單元演算法17
3.1 彈性製造單元硬體環境之建構17
3.2 彈性製造單元之裴氏圖模型20
3.3 彈性製造單元之演算法24
3.3.1 指標衡量之建構24
3.3.2 彈性製造單元之啟發式演算法構建29
第四章 彈性製造單元之演算法驗證33
4.1 Visual Object Net ++ 軟體模擬33
4.2 模擬系統架構與驗證36
4.2.1 eM-Plant軟體之基本概念36
4.2.2 演算法驗證與模擬結果38
第五章 彈性製造單元之物件導向裴氏圖47
5.1 彈性製造單元之電腦物件圖51
5.1.1 機器群組之主電腦物件51
5.1.2 機器手臂之電腦物件55
5.1.3 機器設備之電腦物件57
5.1.4 無人搬運車之電腦物件59
第六章 彈性製造單元之動態模式下之排程與模擬系統製作63
6.1 彈性製造單元之動態模式63
6.2 彈性製造單元之生產活動控制64
6.3 模擬系統之分析設計66
6.3.1 模擬系統之環境66
6.3.2 排程演算法模組與現場控制模組之分析設計68
6.4 模擬系統製作73
6.4.1 三階段分析73
6.4.2 系統製作74
6.4.3 預作遠端控制介面79
6.5 模擬結果81
第七章 結論與未來研究發展86
7.1 結論86
7.2 未來方向87
附錄三、Visual Object Net++軟體介紹102
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