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研究生(外文):Jui-Heng Lien
論文名稱(外文):Lift System Design and Track Layout
指導教授(外文):Ming-Shiun Lu
外文關鍵詞:Lift SystemAGVSTrack LayoutHealth Care Institution
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A Lift System is developed for medical purpose to move handicapped people. Its working patten is almost analogous to an Automated Guided Vehicle System that is usually used in a Material Handling System, however their purposes and control types are different. There wasn’t any literature to study a Lift System’s design and track layout before. Nowadays the disability’s right become emphasized, the Lift System would be utilized in hospitals, Health Care Institution and family to help disabilities soon. This research studies the Lift System design and the track layout in a Health Care Institution. The method first defines the number of bed rooms in the institution and speed of Lift Vehicle. A simulation tool is then utilized to simulate the system, and the system’s performance and character are observed.
The results of simulation show that the performance of Single-Track layout is basically better than those of other two type layouts, especially under the situation of high vehicle speed . When only the number of bed rooms is considered, if bed room is increased to a few of number, the efficiency of Double-Track Layout is almost equal to that of Single-Track layout, or even better. In addition, Double-Track Layout would be better from the cost of view as the number of bed rooms and the disability need increase.

中文摘要………………………………………………………………………… I
英文摘要………………………………………………………………………… II
目錄……………………………………………………………………………… III
表目錄…………………………………………………………………………… V
圖目錄…………………………………………………………………………… VII
第一章緒論………………………………………………………………… 1
1.1 懸吊搬運系統…………………………………………………… 1
1.2 研究背景與動機………………………………………………... 3
1.3 問題敘述………………………………………………………... 5
1.4 研究方法與架構………………………………………………... 6
第二章文獻探討…………………………………………………………… 8
2.1 懸吊搬運系統…………………………………………………... 8
2.2 AGV系統設計…………………………………………………. 11
2.2.1 路徑方向規劃……………………………………………... 11
2.2.2 佈置設計…………………………………………………... 13
2.2.3 車輛數目決定……………………………………………... 15
2.3 療養中心空間要求…………………………………………….. 16
2.4 系統模擬……………………………………………………….. 18
2.4.1 模擬的意義………………………………………………... 18
2.4.2 模擬的分類………………………………………………... 19
2.4.3 回顧模擬軟體……………………………………………... 20
第三章 系統軌道佈置設計………………………………………………... 22 3.1 懸吊搬運系統空間要求……………………………………….. 22
3.2 單軌雙向式懸吊搬運系統基本設計………………………….. 24
3.3 單軌單迴圈式懸吊搬運系統基本設計……………………….. 27
3.4 雙軌單向式懸吊搬運系統基本設計………………………….. 29
第四章 系統軌道模式佈置構建…………………………………………... 31
4.1 eM-Plant………………………………………………………... 31
4.2 系統模型模式構建……………………………………………. 34
4.3 系統行為分析…………………………………………………. 41
第五章 模擬驗證與結果分析…………………………………………….. 47
5.1 模擬模型環境…………………………………………………. 47
5.2 績效評估模式…………………………………………………. 48
5.3 寢室數目變化…………………………………………………. 50
5.4 搬運機速度變化………………………………………………. 59
5.5 病患需求次數變化……………………………………………. 63
5.6 成本分析………………………………………………………. 67
5.7 結論……………………………………………………………. 71
第六章 結論與展望……………………………………………………….. 73
6.1 結論……………………………………………………………. 73
6.2 展望……………………………………………………………. 74
參考文獻……………………………………………………………………….. 75
附錄一………………………………………………………………………….. 78
附錄二………………………………………………………………………….. 79
附錄三………………………………………………………………………….. 82
附錄四………………………………………………………………………….. 86
附錄伍………………………………………………………………………….. 90
附錄六………………………………………………………………………….. 94

[1] Newman, S.,Zais, J., and Struyk, R.,1984,”Housing older American. In I. Altman,M. Lawton, and J.Wohlwill(eds.)”, Elderly people and the environment. New York: Plenum. [2] U.S Public Health Service, 1981, “Current estimates from the national health interview survey”, United States, Vital and Health Statistic,ser.10, no.139 Washington, DC:National Center for Health Statistics. [3] Caillet, R. 1981.” Low back pain syndrome”. Philadelphia: FA Davis.[4] 2000, “國人對老人福利機構居住意願及長期照護方式之探討摘要分析”,內政部統計處公佈之內政統計通報。[5] 2000, “老人福利機構及津貼概況分析”,內政部統計處公佈之內政統計通報。[6] 陳怡如, 2000,“護理人員肌肉骨骼不適之評估”,高雄醫學大學職業安全衛生研究所論文。[7] http://www.arjotw.com.tw/newpage48.htm。[8] Urmphre, D.A., 2000,“特殊肢障生活輔具開發”,經濟部89年度產業技術計劃書 。 [9] Kaspi. M and Tanchoco,J. M. A., 1990,”Optimal flow path design of unidirectional AGV systems ”.[10] Kim, C. W. and Tanchoco, J. M. A., 1993,”Operational control of a bidirectional automated guided vehicle system”, International Journal of Production Research, 31(9),2123-2138.[11] 劉嘉文, 2000,“考慮加工設備阻塞及飢渴現象並具途程串接優化的AGV配車法”,台大工工所論文。[12] Tanchco,J. M. A., and Sinriech , D., 1992, “OSL-optimal single-loop guide paths for AGVS ”. International Journal of Production Research,30(5),665-681.[13] Bozer,Y. A., and Sirinivasan, M. M., 1991,“Tandem configurations for AGV systems offer simplicity and flexibility”, Material Handling System, 21(2), 23-27.[14] 蕭漢祈,1997, “多載量AGV系統在單迴圈和區段式雙向單迴圈軌道佈置系統佈置下之績效表現”, 中央大學工管所論文。[15] Tanchco,J. M. A., and Sinriech, D., 1992, “An economic model for determining AGV fleet size”. International Journal of Production Research,30(6),1255-1268. [16] 1980, “老人福利法”, 內政部(69)台內社字第 21083號令。[17] 李克儀, 王榮俊, 周勵志等, 1990, “北投、士林、內湖20家老人安養中心評估”。公共衛生16卷,416-423,台北。[18] 陳月枝,戴玉慈, 熊秉荃等, “ 老人長期療養機構之現況及其護理人員之角色與功能”, 行政院衛生數委託之研究, 台北。[19] 1993, “護理機構設置標準 ”, 衛署醫字第八二四七三八三號令訂定發布。[20] 1998, “老人長期照護機構設立標準及許可辦法 ”, 內政部 (87) 台內社字第 8793884號令、行政院衛生署 (87) 衛署醫字第 87072365 號令會銜訂定發布全文 12 條。[21] 曾思瑜, 1997, “高齡者療養設施的生活空間設計與規劃研究 ”,國科會計劃案。[22] 林則孟, 2001, “系統模擬理論與應用”,滄海書局。[23] “ARJO system use”,晶華儀器系統規範書。[24] 姜林杰祐、張逸輝、陳家明、黃家祚, 2001, “系統模擬eM-Plant(SiMPLE++)操作與實務”,華泰書局。[25] 劉得彥, 2001, “以eM-Plant軟體建構晶圓廠排程系統與模擬平台 ”,交通大學工管所論文。

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1. [1] Newman, S.,Zais, J., and Struyk, R.,1984,”Housing older American. In I. Altman,M. Lawton, and J.Wohlwill(eds.)”, Elderly people and the environment. New York: Plenum. [2] U.S Public Health Service, 1981, “Current estimates from the national health interview survey”, United States, Vital and Health Statistic,ser.10, no.139 Washington, DC:National Center for Health Statistics. [3] Caillet, R. 1981.” Low back pain syndrome”. Philadelphia: FA Davis.[4] 2000, “國人對老人福利機構居住意願及長期照護方式之探討摘要分析”,內政部統計處公佈之內政統計通報。[5] 2000, “老人福利機構及津貼概況分析”,內政部統計處公佈之內政統計通報。[6] 陳怡如, 2000,“護理人員肌肉骨骼不適之評估”,高雄醫學大學職業安全衛生研究所論文。[7] http://www.arjotw.com.tw/newpage48.htm。[8] Urmphre, D.A., 2000,“特殊肢障生活輔具開發”,經濟部89年度產業技術計劃書 。 [9] Kaspi. M and Tanchoco,J. M. A., 1990,”Optimal flow path design of unidirectional AGV systems ”.[10] Kim, C. W. and Tanchoco, J. M. A., 1993,”Operational control of a bidirectional automated guided vehicle system”, International Journal of Production Research, 31(9),2123-2138.[11] 劉嘉文, 2000,“考慮加工設備阻塞及飢渴現象並具途程串接優化的AGV配車法”,台大工工所論文。[12] Tanchco,J. M. A., and Sinriech , D., 1992, “OSL-optimal single-loop guide paths for AGVS ”. International Journal of Production Research,30(5),665-681.[13] Bozer,Y. A., and Sirinivasan, M. M., 1991,“Tandem configurations for AGV systems offer simplicity and flexibility”, Material Handling System, 21(2), 23-27.[14] 蕭漢祈,1997, “多載量AGV系統在單迴圈和區段式雙向單迴圈軌道佈置系統佈置下之績效表現”, 中央大學工管所論文。[15] Tanchco,J. M. A., and Sinriech, D., 1992, “An economic model for determining AGV fleet size”. International Journal of Production Research,30(6),1255-1268. [16] 1980, “老人福利法”, 內政部(69)台內社字第 21083號令。[17] 李克儀, 王榮俊, 周勵志等, 1990, “北投、士林、內湖20家老人安養中心評估”。公共衛生16卷,416-423,台北。[18] 陳月枝,戴玉慈, 熊秉荃等, “ 老人長期療養機構之現況及其護理人員之角色與功能”, 行政院衛生數委託之研究, 台北。[19] 1993, “護理機構設置標準 ”, 衛署醫字第八二四七三八三號令訂定發布。[20] 1998, “老人長期照護機構設立標準及許可辦法 ”, 內政部 (87) 台內社字第 8793884號令、行政院衛生署 (87) 衛署醫字第 87072365 號令會銜訂定發布全文 12 條。[21] 曾思瑜, 1997, “高齡者療養設施的生活空間設計與規劃研究 ”,國科會計劃案。[22] 林則孟, 2001, “系統模擬理論與應用”,滄海書局。[23] “ARJO system use”,晶華儀器系統規範書。[24] 姜林杰祐、張逸輝、陳家明、黃家祚, 2001, “系統模擬eM-Plant(SiMPLE++)操作與實務”,華泰書局。[25] 劉得彥, 2001, “以eM-Plant軟體建構晶圓廠排程系統與模擬平台 ”,交通大學工管所論文。